The 50 space cities were distributed to various locations around the earth the moment they appeared, and then, under the control of the gravity control system, they were fixed at certain positions relative to the earth's surface.

The next moment, dazzling beams of light that could be seen even on the ground were emitted from various space cities, connecting 50 artificial celestial bodies with each other, forming a complex pattern made of five Metatronic cubes nested inside each other. , encompassing the entire earth.

When the formation diagram was completed, it happened to be the moment when "Fang Yuan" on the ground was killed and his blood dripped on the ground, activating the formation diagram.

')261'\u003eChapter 260 God-killing Sacrifice (Part 1)

"The five elements of air, fire, water, earth, and ether are complete, the circle is ready-made, the wedge has been nailed, and the blood sacrifice has been offered... The God-killing Sacrifice, start!" The formation diagram surrounding the planet in the sky and The moment the formations in the ground fortress, stained red by "Fang Yuan's" blood, were completed at the same time, invisible fluctuations started from the landing fortress rooted in the earth and swept across the entire planet in an instant.

Everyone, regardless of his/her gender, age, health, wealth, awake or sleeping, as long as he/she still belongs to the species "human", they feel in their hearts that they are here For a moment, it seemed like I had lost something, and at the same time I seemed to have gained something.

However, this feeling is too slight, and most people just regard this moment of trance as an illusion.

Except for those who are gifted, mentally strong, or have experienced various practices and have extremely sharp minds, almost no one can truly realize what is happening at this moment.

In fact, for humans on the surface, what attracts their attention more is the sudden appearance of dazzling light beams in the sky that cannot be covered up even in daylight.

Not to mention the commotion this extraordinary phenomenon will cause among governments and people of various countries, let us turn our attention back to the starting point of all changes.

In the steel fortress that stands in the mountains of Romania, a huge formation composed of countless lines and ancient characters shines with red light, as red as blood, mysterious, ominous, and exudes an aura of extreme danger.

Yes, it is dangerous! Because, at this moment, what appears in the fortress is a great existence that absolutely cannot be looked at by mortals.

It was a spherical crystal with endless cut edges, crystal clear, and like a diamond.

If someone could see it/him with their own eyes, they would find that the number of cutting facets shining and refracting the seven-color brilliance is almost endless, but they are magically gathered on the surface of a crystal the size of a human head. Clearly, one can even distinguish the shape of each facet one by one.

If you look carefully at the reflective facets, you will find that what is reflected in each facet is a complete life of a human being.

Birth, growth, learning, success, frustration, joy, sadness, thinking, indulgence, troubles, aging, death... everything a person experiences in his life, everything he thinks about, and even the things he himself may not notice. Even the smallest thoughts can be seen clearly in the flash of this faceted brilliance.

And the number of facets on the surface of this crystal, as mentioned before, is almost infinite! This is the reflection of the fate of all human beings on the entire planet, no, it includes the past, present, and all human beings who may be born in the future! Therefore, when the brilliance of this diamond-like crystal shines into human eyes, the unparalleled and immeasurable information will instantly scorch the human brain and scatter the human soul. If the person is lucky enough to survive, it is inevitable that he will end up permanently crazy.

There is a saying in the Bible: Do not look directly at God! This is the "god" of humans on earth! God, Allah, God, the Supreme God... These are all His names.

According to the custom of the modern magic world, it should be called - Inhibition Alaya! Yes, Alaya, who is supposed to be formless, ubiquitous, but traceless, actually appears here in physical form! And when He truly condensed his entity from nothingness and was suppressed by the array that enveloped the world, unable to return to his invisible posture, an invisible door opened right in front of Him! Behind the door is indescribable darkness and terror! The next moment, the invisible darkness turned into countless tentacles, grabbed the crystal that had nowhere to escape, and swallowed it directly into the door.

... Question: What method can be used to eliminate the inhibitory power in a planet? The simplest way is to destroy the planet and all living things on it.

In this way, both Gaia, the will of the planet, and Alaya, formed by the collective unconsciousness of mankind, have lost the material foundation of their existence, and naturally they can only sink into destruction together.

However, it was obviously impossible for Fang Yuan to choose such a simple and crude solution.

After all, he is not a demolition office manager named Sa who likes to burn glass, nor is he a Sith dark lord who likes to destroy planets with the Death Star. He is just an alchemist who likes to explore the truth.

If it is not necessary, he doesn't even like to kill people!   ——Using the scum and garbage of humans to refine the Philosopher's Stone is not considered killing, it is cleaning up the garbage!   Well, although he seemed to have sacrificed an entire country just to be able to return to his own world when he first crossed over...   Ahem! Let's not talk about this, let's get back to the point-  Since Fang Yuan couldn't just blow up the earth to deal with the inhibitory force, for him, how to eliminate the invisible inhibitory force alone without harming humans and the planet has become the primary problem.

There is a solution, of course, that is to turn the invisible inhibitory force into a tangible one!   But the question is, how to do it?   After all, the inhibitory force itself is a very mysterious concept. It is neither a certain substance nor a spiritual body, but an illusory existence that is closer to the macroscopic concept. In essence, it is actually a trend of the planet or the entire human race as a whole. It can also be regarded as a special "force" that does not directly act on the material or energy level.

From this point of view, the name "inhibition force" can be said to be appropriate.

This concept actually already existed in the main world. Gaia consciousness, race consciousness, and national will can all be regarded as "restraint" to a certain extent.

However, this restraint is very chaotic and difficult to understand. It is impossible for personality wisdom to exist. It is essentially just an inertial trend in the general direction.

However, in the Type-Moon world, this originally conceptual existence has given birth to wisdom and has the instinct to maintain its own survival. Although there is no definite personality, it can actively extend its tentacles to interfere with the operation of the world.

In this Holy Grail War, the one who repeatedly created "coincidences", interfered with the direction of the Holy Grail War, and prevented Fang Yuan from obtaining the true third law, according to Fang Yuan's observation, can be confirmed to be one of the two major restraining forces in the Moon World, the collective unconsciousness of mankind - Alaya consciousness.

And as the tentacles of Alaya consciousness interfering with the world, it is none other than the most common element in the Holy Grail War that is very popular in the current world - Heroic Spirit! ')262'\u003eChapter 261 God-killing Ceremony (Part 2)

The Heroic Throne was created by Alaya-vijnana to interfere with the world and humans, eliminate factors that may lead to human destruction, and guide human history to the "right track" of the world interference mechanism.

And the Heroic Spirits, even if they are just servants of clones, their connection with the restraining force is much deeper than that of a single human being.

Especially the Ruler class as a judge, which is equivalent to the agent of Alaya-vijnana in the human world, and its connection with Alaya-vijnana in essence is higher than that of ordinary Heroic Spirits.

And Fang Yuan, based on the above facts, plus the taboo knowledge he obtained from the Gate of Truth, designed a plan to "hunt" Alaya-vijnana.

And since it is hunting, bait is naturally needed.

This bait is none other than Fang Yuan himself!   In fact, what landed on the earth with the space city at that time was just a clone of Fang Yuan.

——For Fang Yuan, who has the magical skill of quantum clone, how could he really give up his great advantage, enter the enemy's home field, and actively put himself in an unfavorable situation?   Of course, in order to make the show complete, Fang Yuan still invested a lot of money.

In addition to himself and the little vampire Yuzuka Satsuki, including the Holy Grail, including those servants and sub-servant captives, he put them all in the orbital landing module, and descended to the surface with his clone, fully attracting the attention of the two Rulers on the ground.

After all, with the Holy Grail, the abducted heroic spirits, and such a large space city, no one would have thought that the "big devil" sitting in the city was actually just a clone who was sent to die!   Of course, the most critical point of this plan is that Fang Yuan, who is protected by the Gate of Truth, cannot predict all the existence of this world, including the inhibitory force.

This point Fang Yuan has repeatedly confirmed in long-term observation.

Even though they can predict the future by looking down on the timeline and observing the development of parallel worlds, the existence of Fang Yuan is a complete mystery to them. At most, they can only make vague side observations through people or things related to him.

In addition, Fang Yuan's main body (relative to the clone on the ground) is always in outer space, far away from the influence of the inhibitory force, so this prediction is even more vague and difficult to distinguish.

Because of this, Fang Yuan's clone plan was not discovered at the first time, and the entire plan of hunting inhibitory force had the possibility of success.

... "So you lied to me too? At that time, I thought we returned to Earth!" This is Yuzuka Mayu, who learned the cause and effect from Fang Yuan. At the beginning, she really thought that Fang Yuan had a problem with his brain, or was covered by the brain-dead light, and he descended directly to the earth regardless of anything.

It's not her fault. After all, the control room where Fang Yuan was at the time broadcast the entire process of the landing city passing through the atmosphere and falling from the sky. The realistic visual effects of the panoramic display, coupled with the vibrations and acceleration changes deliberately created by the gravity control system, made it impossible for Yumatsuka Satsuki, who was inside the space city, to tell the truth.

Even before Jeanne and the others broke into the fortress, no, it should be said that before Jeanne got in front of "Fang Yuan", Yuzuka Satsuki thought that she had returned to the surface.

——After the war started, Fang Yuan prohibited her from leaving the central control room.

Well, Fang Yuan did this partly out of bad taste, and partly to prevent his inhibitions from learning the truth from this little vampire's mind.

Although vampires, or Dead Apostles, are no longer human beings, they probably have nothing to do with the Alaya Consciousness.

However, Yuzuka Satsuki, the vampire, is not an authentic Death Apostle from Xingyue! She is a dependent created by the strongest vampire from other worlds. God knows what the relationship between her and inhibition is! Therefore, in order to prevent accidents, it is better to keep it secret from her! "Then, why Joan of Arc?" After watching the last scene before Fang Yuan's clone died, Yuzuka Satsuki asked strangely.

"I have said that she is the orthodox Ruler in this Holy Grail War and a devout believer in 'God'. She is the agent of Alaya Consciousness. Her body is extremely closely connected with the restraint force. The life-saving blow she gave up on her own existence was a tangible manifestation of the power of restraint. It can be said to be the most likely moment to successfully capture the Alaya Consciousness. "

Fang Yuan briefly mentioned the relationship between Joan of Arc and inhibition, as well as his prediction of the operating mechanism of inhibition, and also mixed in some occult knowledge, which the little vampire could not understand.

"...So, what is the current situation?" Yuzuka Satsuki saw that the huge formation surrounding the earth had not dispersed, and no images were transmitted back from the fortress on the earth. She was quite curious about the current situation.

"Success! Alaya Consciousness has been sacrificed to the Gate of Truth by me."

Fang Yuan said the words in an understatement that made the magicians go crazy.

The restraining power of the dignified planet, the incarnation of human collective unconsciousness, the true form of the supreme god in the world's major religions, an existence called "God" and "Lord" by the church, and called "God" by the Easterners, that's all Were they sacrificed like pigs, cattle and sheep? ! Yuzuka Satsuki: "..." The uncle is so cruel... No, it should be said that the Gate of Truth is very cruel... No, both the uncle and the Gate of Truth are equally cruel... The girl vampire took a small step back slightly uncomfortably. , wanting to stay as far away as possible from this ruthless man in front of him who sacrificed his inhibitions at the slightest disagreement.

"Then... then why hasn't the ceremony stopped?" Yuzuka Satsuki changed the subject and asked about the formation that was still formed outside the earth's atmosphere.

"Because, my hunting is not complete yet."

Fang Yuan said in a faint tone, the expression on his face was a bit indescribable.

"The hunting...isn't all completed?" A bad feeling arose in Yuzuka Satsuki's heart.

"Well, don't forget, there are only two restraining powers on earth!" Fang Yuan's lips curved slightly.

Yuzuka Satsuki: "o((⊙﹏⊙))o" As Fang Yuan's words fell, on the ground, a huge fortress was firmly nailed into the ground like a wedge. From its fixed point rooted in the ground, The blood-red lines began to spread at the speed of light, covering the entire surface of the earth in an instant.

The 50 space cities in outer space changed their positions at the same moment, and the five Metatron cubes were reorganized in another way to form a brand new array.

——The ritual that starts with blood stains is also the beginning of another ritual at the moment when the sacrifice is finally sacrificed.

At the cost of the sacrifice of Alaya Consciousness, a more grand sacrificial ceremony began again.

The next moment, a scene that seemed familiar but completely different appeared again.

However, this time, it is no longer a single human being who is affected, but all life forms except humans.

——At this moment, after the death of human "god", the consciousness of the earth also died together! But don't panic or despair.

The death of human “gods” does not mean that humankind is about to perish.

The disappearance of the earth's consciousness does not mean that the earth will become a death star.

On the contrary, without the restraints of the two major inhibitory forces, this planet and the future of this world have lost their restraints.

How far this world can go will no longer be determined by the will of restraint, but by human beings and all life on this planet itself! Both human beings and this planet will have an unrestricted and infinite future.

Perhaps, in the future, human beings will embark on the road of digging their own graves, eventually destroying themselves and the planet beneath their feet through trial and error.

Or maybe, in the continuous development, human beings will eventually break through the limitations of the planet, truly move towards the era of interstellar civilization, and spread the glory of human civilization into the endless vast starry sky, and the earth will also become a great interstellar civilization forever. home.

But all this will have nothing to do with the superior restraint, and will always be attributed to human beings' own choices.

The fate of the moon-shaped world, at least this parallel world, has finally turned to a new, unknown and unpredictable chapter.

PS: Although Gaia seems innocent, without the Alaya Consciousness, humans who have seriously damaged the natural environment will probably be killed by various natural disasters in a short time.

Therefore, in order to ensure the continuation of human civilization, Gaia-chan, you should go and accompany Alaya-chan~')263'\u003eChapter 262 Subsequent Impact

The "God-killing Ritual" lasted only a few minutes, but these few minutes caused an uproar around the world.

Not to mention the sacrifice of the two major inhibitory forces, which ordinary people cannot feel or understand at all, the planet-level formation diagram that covers the sky all over the world and can be seen as long as you look up has already appeared in various countries around the world. It caused a stir among ordinary people.

Some people think it was an invasion by aliens, some say it was a manifestation of gods and a miracle, and some people insist on unshakable scientific beliefs and think this is just a superpower testing some kind of super weapon in outer space.

All kinds of discussions and quarrels filled the entire society of ordinary people.

But in the mysterious realm unknown to ordinary people, the attitude towards this matter is completely different.

"It has been investigated. What happened during this planet level ceremony?" In the lords meeting of the Magic Association, this generation of Bartholomew, a powerful magician standing at the top of the clock tower, was using the entire family's He asked in a proud tone passed down from generation to generation.

"It has been confirmed. The restraint that has been protecting us and hindering us...has disappeared!" Lord of the Celestial Science Department, Marisbili Animsfia (the one who founded Chaldea in FGO) That person), said such shocking facts in an indescribable tone.

"..." "..." "..." The lords and nobles present at the meeting did not expect such an answer at all. They were all shocked and speechless for a moment.

No one had any objection to Animusfia's judgment.

After all, the person who made this judgment is the one who has studied the concept of "planet" most deeply in the entire Magic Association. Since he said that the inhibition has disappeared, he is definitely not wrong.

"Are you kidding... Can something like inhibition... still be killed?" Someone said in disbelief.

Yes, no one would think that the restraint disappeared by itself. When thinking about the huge formation that enveloped the entire planet, everyone understood one thing - it was a terrifying ritual that could kill a "god" in the true sense. ! "Can you find out who did it? Is this thing related to the Holy Grail War in Romania? Did the Yggdomirenia family do something with the help of the Great Holy Grail?" Because this thing happened in During the Holy Grail War, the lords of the Magic Association immediately thought of this.

Although the Great Holy Grail itself is only the crystallization of the third method, in theory it should not have such an exaggerated influence, but when it comes to magic and its roots, all conventional theories are not enough. No matter what happens, it is possible. .

"It's unclear whether this is a ritual based on the Great Holy Grail, but it can be confirmed that the center of the mutation is indeed the battlefield of the Holy Grail War, but it has nothing to do with the Yggdomirenia clan."

The one who spoke was the current lord of the Spiritual Branch, Yulipis, who had obtained the latest news about the Holy Grail War from his subordinates: "This group of losers has ushered in the most complete defeat, that 'eight tongues' Darnic has been confirmed dead, and the Great Holy Grail kept by the Yggdomirenia clan has been taken away. There are only two or three big cats and kittens left in the entire clan.

However, almost all the magicians we sent to participate in the Holy Grail War were wiped out, leaving only one ineffective magician alive to the end.

From his confession, we learned that a mysterious unknown force broke into the battlefield of the Holy Grail War, disrupted the process of the war, and even took away the Great Holy Grail, using terrible weapons to cause a disaster like a natural disaster... As for this time The global changes in the world are also inseparable from this mysterious force. "

The "survivor" that Lord Ulphis spoke of was naturally the necromancer Lion Jie Jieli who once again escaped death from the battlefield.

When Mordred followed Joan to the final battlefield, because he was too fragile as a human being, he was abandoned by his servants in disgust (or was he arrogantly protecting him?), So I was lucky enough to survive to the end.

It was also him who immediately sent what he saw and heard during the Holy Grail War to the Magic Association's Spiritual Sect, thus more or less completing this mission.

"Mysterious forces... For our Magic Association, there are actually mysterious forces whose true identity cannot be found?!" "Although I don't want to admit it, this is the fact - the other party is immune to all direct divination predictions and cannot be traced. And there are powerful forces with fortress bases in outer space, and we know almost nothing about them.”

Lord Ulphis said so.

"The space fortress... is the celestial body that was observed falling before!" "That's right, according to the intelligence collected later, the opponent dropped an entire fortress directly from outer space, and when it landed, it directly destroyed the diameter of dozens of kilometers. Everything inside, the earthquake caused even the whole of Romania was seriously affected, and it was actually able to hide the landed fortress again afterwards, and there was a high probability that it had even flown back to outer space..." "It's really unscrupulous..." Some people sighed like this.

Yes, the first rule as a magician is to protect the mystery of magic from ordinary people.

Therefore, although these magicians no longer regard themselves as human beings in their hearts and think that magicians are another kind of creature completely different from humans, when facing ordinary people, they often take human lives without thinking, but But no one has ever dared to cause too much commotion in ordinary society.

But this mysterious force is completely different - such a huge movement, if the local government had not covered up the truth on the grounds of the fall of a giant meteorite, the Holy Grail War, magicians, and even the secrets of the magic world would have been exposed to the eyes of ordinary people. .

"Okay, let's stop discussing the situation of the mysterious force here. Now let's talk about the situation that we magicians will face after the inhibition disappears! After all, the inhibition is gone, which is a good thing for us. , or is it a bad thing?" Bartholomew, who was sitting in the top position, brought the already skewed topic back on track and raised a question that all the lords didn't know how to answer.

After all, they are different from ordinary people. As magician lords who know a lot of mysterious knowledge, their attitude towards inhibition is not like that of ordinary magicians, who simply regard it as a roadblock that prevents them from reaching the source.

Although reaching the root is the lifelong pursuit of every qualified magician, those who stand at the top of magicians will not deny the huge role of suppression in protecting the planet and human beings.

As far as the ability of human beings, especially magicians, to commit suicide, if there was no restraint to wipe the butt, God knows how many times this world would have been destroyed! "I hope it won't get out of hand..." The lord of the Astrology Department, Animusfia, sighed quietly.

"Maybe, I can..." A certain idea in his mind became stronger.

')264'\u003eChapter 263 The rising vampire girl

"Mom, I'm back~" In a common "one-family" house in Japan, a little girl who looked like she was only eleven or twelve years old, carrying a schoolbag, was changing her shoes at the entrance while looking toward The direction inside the house said hello.

"Hurry up and wash your hands when you get back. Dinner is already ready!" A young and gentle female voice came from the direction of the kitchen, and the smell of food was also carried in the air, making the little girl who was already hungry cheer. With a sound, he ran towards the house in small steps.

"What's for dinner tonight? Wow! There's beef!" The girl's joyful exclamation came from the kitchen - given the girl's family background, such expensive ingredients as beef can only be eaten almost once a month.

"May! How many times have I told you! Girls should behave elegantly and reservedly, don't make noises like boys! If your father sees it, he won't teach you a lesson!" "Yes~" "Here I'll answer it carefully!" Mom's habitual lectures started again. The little girl could only listen with her lips pursed and her face unhappy. She couldn't escape... On the street outside the house, a man and a woman were talking. Through the bright windows, I saw the scenes happening inside the house.

This was none other than Fang Yuan and Yuzuka Satsuki who were traveling together.

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