The Road To Play From Douluo

Chapter 586: Two people with the same attributes will attract each other!

Twenty days have passed since Luota tested Yu Tianheng and others, and the other five people also successfully broke through to level 40. During this period, Lota also taught them a lot of private information. Although the technique of domineering was not taught to them, Luo Ta had no reservations in the use of soul power and combat skills.

The reason why they are not taught Haki is because there is absolutely no effective training that can be completed in twenty days. In addition, the mainstream combat mode in this world is soul power, and it should still be based on soul power.

Although Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan were suppressed by Luo Ta, there is no need to worry about what will happen next. As long as they find a slightly better soul beast, and with the knowledge they have accumulated over the past few days, they can at least break through to level 4 or 5.

Because the other five people have just broken through, even with the help of soul beasts, they can only advance by one or two levels at most.

Now Luota has taken Yu Tianheng and others to the Sunset Forest. As for why he didn't go to the Star Dou Forest, it's entirely because the Sunset Forest is closer.

No matter how you describe the two forests, Lotta was as familiar with them as if they were in his own backyard. Putting aside his own prestige in the Star Forest, the Sunset Forest actually belongs to Dugu Bo from a certain perspective, and Dugu Bo is under his control, which is equivalent to still being his own territory.

There are not as many soul beasts in the Sunset Forest as there are in the Star Dou Forest, but generally the level of the soul beasts is higher. Although there are not such top-notch hundred thousand year soul beasts, the powerful ten thousand year soul beasts are not bad either.

It is perfect to help Yu Tianheng and the others obtain soul rings. The area of ​​Sunset Forest is small, the distribution of soul beasts is relatively dense, and finding soul beasts is relatively simple.

After soliciting everyone's opinions, we first looked for a suitable soul beast for Yu Tianheng.

Yu Tianheng's current soul skills can be said to be quite comprehensive. Except for the lack of orthodox defensive soul skills, Yu Tianheng can be said to be a hexagonal warrior.

In terms of melee combat, Yu Tianheng is not afraid at all. In terms of long-range combat, Yu Tianheng can also release thunder, which can be said to be both long and near.

The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus' martial spirit is very aggressive and is most suitable for taking the attack route. In this way, the corresponding soul beasts can be screened out. Soul beasts with thunder and lightning attributes, high attack speed, and fast attack speed are the most suitable choices for Yu Tianheng.

Lota displayed his domineering power, covering the main film of the sunset forest, and no corner could escape Lota's eyes.

After searching for a while, Luo Ta's lips curled up. He had found a suitable target. It was a thunder dragon lizard with a length of fifteen meters. This kind of soul beast Luo Ta knew that there was a part of the dragon bloodline that was a perfect match for Yu Tianheng.


The cultivation level of this Thunder Dragon Lizard seems to be a bit too high, it has actually reached the ten thousand year level. According to the perception of Se Baqi, the cultivation level of this Thunder Dragon Lizard should be around 20,000 years. This level has far exceeded the limit that Yu Tianheng can absorb.

Luo Ta couldn't help but glance at Yu Tianheng. In terms of physical fitness in a single round, Yu Tianheng was definitely stronger than Tang San. The skipping absorption shouldn't be a big problem, besides, he was still next to him.

Luo Ta had almost made a decision in his mind, so he chose this thunder dragon lizard as Yu Tianheng's fifth soul ring. This could be regarded as the opportunity Luo Ta gave Yu Tianheng!

When Yu Tianheng reaches the soul emperor level, Luo Ta will no longer need to lead the team. After all, the soul emperor level can already protect himself.

Yu Tianheng and the others cannot deal with soul beasts that are twenty thousand years old for the time being. This soul beast can be regarded as a gift from Luo Ta to Yu Tianheng.

The road after that will have to be walked by themselves. Before that, Lotta was not willing to see a genius buried.

"Tianheng, I have already found your soul beast, but I still want to ask you what you think first. According to the Soul King's limit, you can absorb up to twelve thousand soul beasts, but the strength of the soul beast I have selected for you Do you have confidence that it will reach 20,000 years?"

Yu Tianheng knows how difficult it is to absorb beyond the level, but if you don't try everything, how can you know the result? In addition, Teacher Luota can say this to herself, which obviously has expectations for herself. How can I live up to the teacher?

"Teacher, I am willing to give it a try!"

Yu Tianheng's eyes were filled with perseverance, and Luo Ta also smiled and said: "Okay, then follow my footsteps. In addition, this twenty thousand year soul beast will be defeated by your joint efforts first. I won't do it unless it is absolutely necessary." Take action."

This soul beast has been chosen by Luo Ta, so naturally he will not let it go, but that doesn't mean that he will let Yu Tianheng obtain the soul ring so easily. It must undergo training.

The Thunder Dragon Lizard didn't know that he had been targeted. After defeating another invading soul beast, he was lying on the ground to rest triumphantly.

Not long after lying down, the Thunder Dragon Lizard noticed a sound, and the slight tremor from the ground made him alert. These sounds are different from the footsteps of soul beasts, and are very similar to humans.

The IQ of a 20,000-year-old soul beast is no longer low. As a soul beast, he knows what he will face next.

The Thunder Dragon Lizard stood up and shook his head. His pride did not allow him to retreat. He wanted to face the challenger here. He wants to use practical actions to tell the visitor that he is not someone who can be manipulated casually.

When Luo Ta and his team arrived, they looked at each other with the Thunder Dragon Lizard.

"Are you aware of our arrival? Instead of hiding, we fight. This spirit beast has a bit of a personality, but it will be more interesting this way!"

Luo Ta jumped directly onto a tree and gave up the battlefield to Yu Tianheng and the others. As he said before, he will not take action unless absolutely necessary.

It was also time for them to face the ten thousand year level soul beast in person, this was something they would have to experience sooner or later.

The Thunder Dragon Lizard looked at Lota sitting on the tree trunk. His sense of crisis told him that the strength of the man on the tree was unfathomable. But the Thunder Dragon Lizard doesn't intend to retreat like this, he wants to fight for his own self-esteem.

Besides, looking at this posture, even if I want to leave, it probably won't be that easy!

The back armor of the Thunder Dragon Lizard was very smooth, with no trace of wear and tear, which made Yu Tianheng and others very nervous. There are battles between soul beasts, but how strong must such a soul beast without a single scratch be?

But when the Thunder Dragon Lizard straightened up, not only Yu Tianheng, but even Luo Ta was a little surprised. The abdomen that should have been smooth was covered with hideous scars.

"So that's it. This soul beast is a bit similar to that old man. They are both so strong..."

Yu Tianheng calmed down and realized that he must treat the soul beast in front of him with all his strength no matter what. This was a sign of respect for him.

Blue thunder and lightning bathed Yu Tianheng's body, gradually converging into a giant blue dragon, and let out a thundering roar towards the Thunder Dragon Lizard.

Dugu Yan led the others to evacuate to the rear. They understood what Yu Tianheng meant. He planned to challenge the soul beast in front of them alone.

The Thunder Dragon Lizard looked at Yu Tianheng in surprise. The human in front of him was actually different from those despicable guys? He actually gave up the favorable conditions and dueled him in the most dangerous way!

The Thunder Dragon Lizard could probably measure Yu Tianheng's ability. The human in front of him definitely had no chance of winning against him. He also admired Yu Tianheng's courage.

Yu Tianheng's arm has completed the transformation into a dragon. The pressure from the Thunder Dragon Lizard is too great for him, and he must use all his strength to fight.

"The first soul skill, Thunder Dragon Claw. Tear!"

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