The Road To Play From Douluo

Chapter 587: Cherishing each other, can’t help it

Lotta sat on a branch and leisurely watched the fierce duel between the two sides below. That's right, the battle has begun now, and the two sides are fighting evenly for a while.

The Thunder Dragon Lizard did not capture Yu Tianheng immediately, but Yu Tianheng also had no choice but to take down the Thunder Dragon Lizard. For Yu Tianheng, such a record is already very good. He has not obtained the fifth soul ring, but he can remain undefeated against a 20,000-year-old soul beast. It is already worthy of praise.

There should be another reason for this. Both Yu Tianheng and Thunder Dragon Lizard have lightning attributes. The attacks of both parties are not very effective against each other. This is why Yu Tianheng can persist for such a long time.

Yu Tianheng's claws were filled with blood, which was shaken out by the Thunder Dragon Lizard's armor. However, Yu Tianheng did not cause some damage. The blood-oozing wound on the abdomen of the Thunder Dragon Lizard was caused by Yu Tianheng.

Both sides were injured to varying degrees, but to the Thunder Dragon Lizard, this injury was just a drizzle and was not a problem at all.

But for Yu Tianheng, the injury on his arm has seriously affected the rhythm and intensity of his attacks. It will definitely be Yu Tianheng who loses after a while.

The Thunder Dragon Lizard understood that as long as Yu Tianheng failed, the human with unfathomable strength above his head would take action against him. Even though he couldn't sense Lota's true strength, Thunder Dragon Lizard also had a hunch that he would most likely be in trouble today.

The Thunder Dragon Lizard stared at Yu Tianheng. After the duel with Yu Tianheng just now, he felt that this human being had a similar personality to his own, and they were both so strong.

Maybe becoming his soul ring is not something to be ashamed of. Since the ending is the same, why not...

The Thunder Dragon Lizard stood up and roared, glaring at Yu Tianheng, as if indicating that they should compete again.

Yu Tianheng looked at his dragon-shaped arm that was bleeding. Although the wound was very painful, he showed no intention of flinching at all.

"The fourth soul attack, Blue Lightning Divine Dragon Speed! The first soul skill, Thunder Dragon Claw. Tear!"

Yu Tianheng turned into a blue lightning bolt and rushed in front of the Thunder Dragon Lizard. His right claw covered with thunder light went straight towards the Thunder Dragon Lizard.

The Thunder Dragon Lizard only made a symbolic gesture of resistance, and then only heard a sound of piercing the penis. This scene that happened shocked everyone present except Luota.

The Thunder Dragon Lizard was actually punched through the chest by Yu Tianheng. Yu Tianheng was also in disbelief and seemed not to believe what was happening in front of him. During the fight with the Thunder Dragon Lizard, he could clearly feel the Thunder Dragon Lizard's powerful strength. How could he be defeated like this?

"It's almost over,

What a surprise! "Lota jumped down from the tree and landed next to Yu Tianheng.

"Teacher, what is going on?" He was still in a state of confusion and had no idea what was going on. He planned to get the answer from Lotta.

Lotta curled his lips at the Thunder Dragon Lizard's body lying on the ground, "As you can see, you defeated the Thunder Dragon Lizard, it's that simple!"

"But, I am obviously not as strong as him, how can I defeat him?"

Luo Ta didn't answer and just gave Yu Tianheng an expression that you can understand yourself.

At this moment, Yu Tianheng seemed to understand something and looked at the dying Thunder Dragon Lizard in surprise, "Did you do it on purpose?"

The Thunder Dragon Lizard did not respond, which further confirmed Yu Tianheng's conjecture.

Yu Tianheng slowly came to the Thunder Dragon Lizard, knelt down, touched his armor with his hands, and said categorically: "Although you are a soul beast and I am a human being, I will maximize the power you give me. .I will never bury him, rest in peace!"

The Thunder Dragon Lizard finally lost its breath, and a black soul ring floated on the surface of its body. Finally, he was about to obtain his first black soul ring.

With excitement and sadness, Yu Tianheng began to absorb the soul ring on the spot, and Dugu Yan and others gathered around Yu Tianheng to help him protect the law.

Luota leaned on the tree trunk and looked at Yu Tianheng. It seemed that the Thunder Dragon Lizard should be voluntary, so there was no need for his help. It is extremely difficult to absorb the soul ring of a ten thousand year soul beast. The remaining will of the soul beast will produce strong resistance to the soul master.

If you are not careful, you may encounter danger, but this Thunder Dragon Lizard is voluntary, so naturally it will not have such a strong sense of resistance, so it can be relatively relaxed.

But to be honest, Yu Tianheng was still in the process of leapfrog absorption. Even without the will of the soul beast to resist, this soul ring had exceeded the upper limit for a full eight thousand years!

At first, Yu Tianheng's breathing rhythm was very steady. As he continued to absorb, Yu Tianheng's forehead was covered with sweat and his breathing became faster. This scene made Dugu Yan and other members sweat in their hearts.

"The twenty-thousand-year-old soul beast is probably too difficult for Yu Tianheng, so let's help him!"

Yu Tianheng doesn't have the luck of the Destiny Child like Tang San, but with Luo Ta's intervention, he has far more power than before.

Luo Ta stretched out his palm and put it on Yu Tianheng's back. In an instant, Yu Tianheng's rapid breathing disappeared and his steady rhythm returned again.

Seeing that Yu Tianheng returned to normal, everyone was relieved. Dugu Yan even took a long breath to release the pressure that had just accumulated in his body.

With the help of Luota, Yu Tianheng's subsequent absorption work was extremely simple. It didn't take long for Yu Tianheng to complete the absorption of the soul ring.

Yu Tianheng slowly opened his eyes. He had completely digested the power brought to him by the Thunder Dragon Lizard.

"Boss, you finally woke up, which makes us so worried. If it weren't for Teacher Luota, you... wuwuwuwu!"

"Yu Feng? Go away quickly, how can a grown man look so coy and coy!"

Yufeng also stuck out his tongue and hurried away from Yu Tianheng. Even Sister Yan didn't bother Tian Heng, and her actions were indeed a bit rash.

"Tianheng, how do you feel? What kind of fifth soul skill have you obtained? Tell us about it." Luo Ta asked with great interest. He also wanted to know what this thunder dragon lizard brought to Yu Tianheng. What kind of soul skills.

"Okay, my fifth soul skill is also an attack type soul skill, with both speed and strength, similar to the blue lightning dragon disease. Its name is Thunder Dragon Flash!"

It sounds like it has both speed and power, so it should be a very powerful move. However, just from the introduction, you can’t tell how powerful the soul skills are, you still have to experience it yourself.

"Tianheng, demonstrate your fifth soul skill again! Just use me as your target."

Yu Tianheng did not hesitate, and without any worry about hurting Luo Ta, he directly released the fifth soul skill he had just obtained, "Thunder Dragon Flash!"

Yu Tianheng's whole body erupted with thunderous light, flashing back and forth quickly towards Luota several times. Each time the flash touched Luota, it caused an attack.

"The attack power is good, but it shouldn't be that simple!"

Just as Luota guessed, the Thunder Dragon Flash move was not as simple as imagined. The jade sky kept flickering, leaving little bits of lightning behind it, which scattered around Luota like fireflies.

I saw these thunder yings gradually brightening, and then a strong electric current explosion occurred, submerging Luo Ta's figure in it.

"Teacher, this is my fifth soul skill. It has a total of two stages of damage and will also have a paralysis effect. Normal soul masters will definitely be hit by the second stage of thunder explosion."

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