The Road To Play From Douluo

Chapter 588: I really did it on a whim, so I don’t need to think too much.

After the smoke and dust dispersed, Luo Ta patted the dust on his body without any damage and praised: "It's very powerful. This move combines speed, power and control. It is a very powerful soul skill."

Seeing this scene, Yu Feng was filled with envy. His eyes were filled with stars and he said, "This is a ten thousand year soul skill. It would be great if I could also acquire it."

Oslo, who was on the side, mocked mercilessly: "Forget it, do you have the talent of Boss Tianheng? Regardless of this point, you are only a soul sect, and you only have the fourth soul ring and you want to get it for ten thousand years. Soul Ring, do you want to take off?"

"Hey, I'm just saying casually, Oslo, why are you so angry, right?" Yufeng hugged Oslo with a smile. Yufeng felt comfortable, but Oslo felt uncomfortable.

"These are the new clothes I just bought a few days ago. Don't tear them to pieces for me. Open them up." Oslo pushed Yu Feng away impatiently. Although he didn't hate Yu Feng, Yu Feng looked like this. It made him feel very uncomfortable.

Everyone is also not surprised by the interaction between Oslo and Yufeng. Oslo and Yufeng are the living treasures of the team. With them in the team, they are always full of joyful laughter.

The Shi brothers and Ye Lingling themselves don't like to talk, so there's no need to expect them to start any conversation. Therefore, with Oslo and Yufeng as two chatterboxes, it's good to liven up the atmosphere of the team.

After that, Luota led everyone to obtain soul rings for them one after another. Yu Tianheng, who was promoted to Soul Queen, has reached level 55. In order to train Yu Tianheng, most of the other members' soul rings were solved by Yu Tianheng.

Level 55 Yu Tianheng's real strength is not as weak as the Soul Emperor, and he can even defeat many low-level Soul Emperors. This was due to Yu Tianheng's powerful ancestral martial spirit and Luo Ta's loving teachings.

If this momentum continues, Contra-level Yu Tianheng will definitely have the strength to fight a titled Douluo. When Yu Tianheng breaks through to the level of a titled Douluo in the future, there will only be a handful of people who can suppress him.

This is not Luo Ta's exaggeration. Now that Yu Tianheng has exploded in strength, ordinary soul saints can't do anything against him in a short time. Of course, as time goes by, Yu Tianheng will be defeated if he deserves it, but this is enough to be proud of.

The entire soul hunting operation lasted for half a month, and the reason why it took so long was entirely for the purpose of training them. In the subsequent soul hunting operation, Yu Tianheng will be responsible for leading the team, and Luo Ta will naturally take this opportunity to train them.

A few days later, in Luo Ta's mansion, Yu Tianheng and others were practicing silently in the courtyard, while Luo Ta was leisurely sitting on a chair nearby, drinking tea and reading a book.

The next day after returning to the mansion, Lotta taught them step by step how to use the strange power.

However, the result left Luo Ta a little helpless. Except for Yu Tianheng, no one else could understand it at all, let alone use it.

Sure enough, are there differences among geniuses? Some geniuses are so evil that they can learn how to use moves from different worlds, but most ordinary geniuses just have some talent.

Originally, Rota was still considering whether to teach them the method of domineering, but after this incident, Rota simply gave up the idea.

The main fighting method in this world is still based on soul power, so don't rush to instill other methods into them. Thinking about Xiao Wu and Qian Renxue, their talents are indeed terrifying. They can even master domineering smoothly. They can only be said to be geniuses among geniuses.

"pyrrole! pyrrole! pyrrole!"

The phone bug's voice rang, and Lotta answered it slowly: "How is it? How is the news?"

"The main body is as you guessed, and her thoughts are the same as you thought. She still plans to gradually implement the plan after the continent-wide elite soul master competition."

Lotta crossed her legs and said calmly: "That's it, that's fine. Has the time been set for the continent-wide elite soul master competition?"

"Well, it's settled, just one year from now, what else needs to be done during this time?"

After Luo Ta thought for a while, "Since we are going to brew a continent-wide battle, we must first provoke conflicts between other forces against the Spirit Hall. You don't need to do anything else for the time being. I will handle it myself later."

After hanging up the phone, Lotta leaned back on the chair and closed her eyes in deep thought. The Continental Elite Soul Master Competition is an important turning point in Douluo's story. There is still one year left, and Yu Tianheng and the others should have some improvement in strength. Not to mention that all members should be able to break through to level 50, at least they should be able to Upgrade to level 45.

The further you go, the slower your cultivation will be. Even geniuses are no exception. This rule cannot be broken.

Luo Ta looked at Yu Tianheng who was practicing in the courtyard. His strength had reached level 55, and one year should be enough to break through to close to level 60.

Maybe these little guys can win the final championship, as long as nothing unexpected happens. But to be honest, it really doesn't matter whether Yu Tianheng and the others can win the championship. They are just ten-thousand-year-old soul bones, so there is no need to be greedy.

Luo Ta clapped his hands and called Yu Tianheng and others to him, and told them about the continent-wide elite soul master competition one year later.

"I have already told you everything I can teach you. There is still one year left. It depends on you how far you can reach it."

"As for the championship rewards, you don't need to go for the championship. If you need that kind of thing, I can get it for you at any time. There is only one thing you have to do, just do your best!"

Lotta said this to reduce their mental pressure. This is just like taking an exam. Sometimes the top students do not perform well. It is not that they have suddenly changed their skills, but that there is a problem with their mentality, which is typically caused by excessive pressure.

Yu Tianheng looked at Luo Ta seriously and asked doubtfully: "Teacher, do you really not care about your reputation? This is related to your face!"

"Do you think this is what I bought the college for? It seems that your idea is not quite right yet!" Lotta laughed heartily.

Yu Tianheng and others did not laugh. They really did not understand what Luo Ta was doing. He obviously put all his efforts into cultivating them and even purchased the academy. Isn't this just for the sake of face? They really wanted to bring glory to Lotta's face.

"Looking at the confused looks on your faces, let me tell you! I bought the college just to be happy. After all, I also want to do something interesting. It happens that cultivating younger generations is also one of my pleasures. Secondly, I don't want to watch Just keep your talents buried, that's all."

Lotta smiled and spread his hands: "Fighting for yourself is what I want to teach you. The meaning of your existence is not for me, not for others, but for yourself."


Yu Tianheng and others fell into silence. They had never considered such a problem. Only today did they truly understand its meaning.

"We know, we will definitely show our strength. Teacher, just watch our performance!"

Lotta also nodded with satisfaction. He always said what needed to be said in advance and never left it to the end. This is also a good thing for them. Give them an early warning so that they can be more or less prepared.

In this way, when the actual game comes, their mentality will be very stable, and their performance will be more stable.

"Okay, let's continue practicing. I've also told you what should be informed, so you just need to know in your heart."

"Okay teacher, let's go practice first."

Yu Tianheng and others turned around to leave, and their steps became a little more hurried unknowingly.

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