The Road To Play From Douluo

Chapter 589 Silver Dragon

"I can't tell they are quite eager. There is obviously still a year left, so there is no need, haha!" Luo Ta mentally laughed secretly.

But this is also a good thing for Yu Tianheng and the others. The stricter they treat themselves, the higher their future achievements will be. Their talents are actually no worse than Tang San's, and they may become Shrek's group's most powerful competitors in the future.

What happens after that is their own business, and Lotta doesn't intend to get involved. He has done everything he can, and the future will depend on them step by step.

Luo Ta was only slightly concerned about the future development of Tang San and others. Dugu Bo was already standing in his own team, and the poison in his body was cured by Lota. Naturally, there was no need to look for Tang San to detoxify him, and Tang San also lost this opportunity.

Without an opportunity, can Shrek and his team reach their future heights? Lotta became very interested in this.

One thing Lotta is also very clear about is that every world has a powerful power of correction, and the future direction of the Shrek Seven should not change much.

Thinking about facing seven god-level opponents at the same time, Luota couldn't help but feel itchy, hoping that Shrek's group of guys could bring him some surprises.

Of course, Lotta wouldn't deliberately waste a lot of time just because they brought a surprise to him. It was related to the mission reward, and it still needed to be solved as soon as possible.

Lotta held the book in one hand and put the other hand on the back of her head, savoring the stories in it with ease.

This leisurely time lasted for a while, and Luota was still lying on a chair in the courtyard of the mansion reading a book as always, until a loud roar of a dragon came from the sky.

This loud noise attracted the attention of many people. Yu Tianheng and others who were in a state of cultivation were also attracted by this sound and raised their heads to look at the sky.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard they looked, they could not find any sign of his presence.

Luo Ta slowly closed the book and said calmly to Yu Tianheng and others: "Continue to practice, and don't let your mind wander."

Hearing this, Yu Tianheng and others put away their curious gazes and returned to their cultivation state again. Indeed, they were in cultivation mode, so they shouldn't be distracted by other things. The worst thing they shouldn't be was being distracted in front of Lotta's eyes.

Fortunately, Luo Ta didn't care too much about them and let them breathe slowly. Usually, Lota doesn't treat them in a scary way.

It’s just that I am strict when teaching.

Rota looked up at the sky, and there was a faint shadow flashing above the clouds. It was obvious that something existed. People who didn't understand the violent sound just now would think it was the sound of thunder, but as long as they had a little understanding of spirit beasts, they could clearly tell that the loud sound was nothing else, but a dragon's roar.

But the question also arises, why does an unknown spirit beast appear in the sky above Tiandou Imperial City? Ordinary soul beasts would not fly to human territory so blatantly.

"This is really a rare thing. Could it be that the soul beast has made some big move?"

By observing the movement trajectory of the black shadow, Rota could determine its general direction, which was heading towards the Star Forest.

"It's interesting, follow me and take a look!"

In just one breath, Lota's figure disappeared into the courtyard, leaving only the slightly swaying chair.

Above the clouds, the true face of the black shadow suddenly became clear. It was a huge dragon, about 25 meters long, and its body was covered with silver-gray dragon scales.

Lota's hidden aura quietly landed on the back of this silver-gray dragon. As a human being, Lota's weight was very light. In addition, the dragon was still flying and rushing on its way, so it didn't notice Lota's existence at all.

Lotta just sat leisurely on the back of the silver-gray dragon, as if riding on an airplane. The difference is that the surrounding wind is still relatively strong, but this level of wind will not have any impact on Rota.

Lota glanced at the scene below, and sure enough, the giant dragon was heading towards the Star Forest.

Thinking of the giant dragon and the Star Dou Forest, Luo Ta couldn't help but recall what Di Tian told him not long ago. The king of the dragon clan and even the entire soul beast is about to awaken.

Looking at the flying giant dragon below him, a novel idea came to Luota's mind. Could all of this be related to what Di Tian said.

Lotta felt that this inference was very likely, but if he wanted to know the specific situation, he could just take a look at the Star Dou Forest.

The giant dragon flew very fast and soon arrived within the scope of the Star Dou Forest. Although the scenery of the Star Forest was surprisingly consistent, Luo Ta could still distinguish the destination of the giant dragon's advance - Ditian's habitat.

Seeing this, Luo Ta's speculation has almost been confirmed, and there should be no difference in general.

At the same time, many soul beasts with dragon characteristics gathered around Ditian's habitat. Whether they were pure dragon soul beasts or soul beasts with dragon blood, they were all resting quietly in place.

At this time, a silver-gray giant dragon descended from the sky, stirring up a lot of smoke and dust. Rota also took advantage of this trace of smoke to dodge to a tall tree trunk nearby.

As a voyeur, Lotta must be very good at choosing locations. Lota, who was hiding his aura, was hiding in the shade of a tall tree trunk, so no soul beast would notice him at all.

Luo Ta was not in a hurry to show up. He knew that once he showed up, he would inevitably cause panic among the surrounding soul beasts. It was better to watch silently from the sidelines, at least to save trouble.

In front of the soul beasts was a bottomless lake. Di Tian and Hell Flame Dragon stood on the left and right respectively. Two huge dragon bodies, one black and one red, put extremely strong pressure on the soul beasts.

"Di Tian, ​​when will His Highness the Silver Dragon King wake up?" Prison Flame Dragon looked at Di Tian beside him excitedly. He was also extremely excited at this moment.

As long as the Silver Dragon King wakes up, their soul beast clan can return to the top of the continent again, and then there will be no need to compromise because of humans.

Di Tian did not argue with the Hell Flame Dragon, but closed his eyes slightly: "Don't be impatient, just wait patiently, His Highness the Silver Dragon King will wake up today."

All the soul beasts were lying on the ground, expressing their loyalty to the Silver Dragon King. Even though the Silver Dragon King had not yet fully awakened, they were already ready.

Lotta leaned against the tree trunk, closing his eyes and concentrating. He estimated that it would still be a long time, so he should wait patiently!

Time passed bit by bit, and ripples began to appear on the originally calm lake surface. The lake surface began to roll and lost its original calmness.

The Prison Flame Dragon was secretly happy, thinking that this should be a sign that His Highness the Silver Dragon King had awakened, and the Dragon Clan would soon be able to return to its peak.

Compared to the excited Hell Flame Dragon beside him, Di Tian seemed much quieter, with his huge head lowered, waiting for the arrival of the Silver Dragon King.

"I'm finally waking up, Silver Dragon King..." Luota turned sideways and looked directly at the rolling lake, "The wait is finally here, the destined one!"

It was already late at night, and the jade disk-like moon hung high in the sky. The moonlight shone on the lake, glowing with brilliant silvery white light.

Bathed in the moonlight, an elegant giant dragon with a silver-white aura slowly poked its body out of the lake.

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