The Road To Play From Douluo

Chapter 590: The daily life of Hell Flame and Di Tian

"Join the king of our clan, Your Highness Gu Yuena!" Di Tian and Hell Flame Dragon were the first to speak out, followed closely by the roars of thousands of soul beasts.

Most soul beasts are not yet able to speak human words, so they can only express their respect by roaring.

After waking up, Gu Yuena stretched out her silver-white wings, slowly opened her purple dragon pupils, and silently glanced at the bowing soul beasts.

"Raise your head, there is no need to be so polite." Gu Yuena said softly and calmly.

Luo Ta, who was in the dark, understood after just one listen. This was the sound of a royal sister, and it really fit Gu Yuena's character.

"Di Tian, ​​please order them to retreat for the time being. I understand their respect. Now I need a quieter environment..." Gu Yuena was a little tired and whispered to Di Tian.

Gu Yuena, who had just woken up, was not particularly mentally strong. After all, she woke up much earlier and many of her physical injuries had not fully recovered.

Ditian nodded knowingly and ordered to the group of spirit beasts behind him: "His Royal Highness the Silver Dragon King needs to rest, so please retreat for now."

The soul beasts obeyed the orders of Di Tian and even the Silver Dragon King 100% without any hesitation. Many soul beasts gradually disappeared into the night.

The spirit beasts moved very quickly, and soon only Ditian and Hell Flame Dragon were left at the scene.

"Your Highness Gu Yuena, how is your physical condition? You should quietly recuperate in the Lake of Life, and you should not wake up prematurely!" Di Tian withdrew his huge dragon body, and the concern in his tone was not concealed at all.

Gu Yuena also transformed into a human form. Although the human body required some effort, it still felt more comfortable than the burden of a dragon body that was too large.

Unfortunately, after Yuedian transformed into a human form, he was completely naked and had no clothes to cover his body. Fortunately, Gu Yuena stretched the dragon wings on her back to cover her body immediately, so it did not cause too much embarrassment.

The Hell Flame Dragon doesn't understand what's good about the human body. Unless absolutely necessary, the Hell Flame Dragon will never take the initiative to remove the dragon body.

Although Gu Yuena has covered most of her body with dragon wings, there is something wrong with this appearance. The clothes on Ditian were also transformed by observing other humans.

But Her Highness Gu Yuena is different from them. Di Tian cannot help Gu Yuena transform into clothes. Thinking of this, Di Tian also sighed: "It would be great if Brigitte was here."

But this is obviously impossible,

Brigitte has already followed Lotta and others to the Forest of Tranquility, and even if she is notified, she may not be able to come back.

Luo Ta's words... Di Tian's eyes lit up. If it was Luo Ta, he should be able to help solve this problem.

Gu Yuena also looked at Ditian with expectant eyes, seeming to hope that Ditian could help her solve her current embarrassing situation.

"Your Highness Gu Yuena, please wait a moment!"

Di Tian took out a phone bug from his body. Seeing Di Tian acting like this, Luo Ta also secretly thought that it was not good. If his phone bug made a sound at this time, it would be a bit unclear to explain.

Although he could hide his aura, Lotta couldn't completely hide something like his voice. Luo Ta directly turned into a bolt of lightning and fled towards the distance. Because he concealed his aura, Luo Ta's withdrawal did not attract everyone's attention.

Regarding the phone bug that Di Tian took out, Gu Yuena and Yu Yanlong had two different attitudes. Gu Yuena was more curious. She had never seen such a strange gadget.

On the other hand, the Prison Flame Dragon put on an expression of disgust and teased in a bad tone: "Ditian, I didn't expect that you have fallen. Where is your previous pride? Are you still the Black Dragon King Ditian who makes all beasts fear him? "

Gu Yuena tilted her head in surprise. She didn't understand why the Hell Flame Dragon suddenly went berserk. Did something happen during this period that she didn't know about?

"Jiu Yan, why are you such an attitude towards Di Tian? You must give me a reasonable explanation!" Although Gu Yuena's tone was softer, she could still hear a hint of seriousness in it.

The Prison Flame Dragon flicked its red dragon tail and replied displeasedly: "Your Highness Gu Yuena, you don't know what embarrassing things this guy Di Tian did while you were sleeping!"

Gu Yuena's pretty face showed a puzzled look. She really didn't know what happened during this period. Judging from the expression on the Prison Flame Dragon's face, it seemed to be quite serious.

"Ditian, can you tell me what you did?" Gu Yuena stared at Ditian seriously. She felt that as the king of the dragon clan, she needed to know what her confidants were doing.

Di Tian was silent for a moment, but before he could speak, Prison Flame Dragon intervened: "Forget it, he probably doesn't have the nerve to tell it. After all, it's quite a shameful thing."

"Prison Flame, don't go too far. Have you forgotten how miserable you were before? If it weren't for me, you would have died long ago."

Prison Flame Dragon was not intimidated by Di Tian. His strength itself was not much worse than that of Di Tian, ​​so he was naturally not afraid of Di Tian's threat.

"Let's talk about it, I think it's necessary for Your Highness Gu Yuena to know what you did. I know you definitely don't want to mention that matter, so I volunteered to help you."

Although the Prison Flame Dragon is annoying, his words are also very reasonable. After all, this matter will be told to Her Highness Gu Yuena sooner or later, so let the Prison Flame Dragon do it.

A trace of sadness appeared on Gu Yuena's beautiful face. While she was recuperating, was there any irreducible conflict within the Dragon Clan?

Out of this consideration, Gu Yuena became more and more interested in what happened to Ditian, and asked calmly: "Ditian, are you willing to tell me?"

Di Tian took a deep breath, adjusted his attitude and replied: "No problem, since Hell Yan wants to speak for me, let him do it. I can talk less and feel more relaxed."

With dissatisfaction with Di Tian, ​​the Prison Flame Dragon told the story in detail about how Di Tian led a team of soul beasts to attack the human side many years ago.

"Di Tian leads many powerful soul beasts, so there is no possibility of failure! In the end, Di Tian was completely defeated by a strong human being and almost lost his life... After that, Di Tian's character completely changed. , I’m timid in everything I do.”

After listening to Prison Flame Dragon's vivid narration, Gu Yuena looked at Ditian with comfort and comforted her softly: "Ditian, that is the greatest blessing that you did not lose your life. There is no need to blame yourself."

"Jiu Yan, you should also restrain your character. You will never be allowed to treat Di Tian with this attitude in the future." Although Gu Yuena's aura was very weak, the sharp look in her eyes made Yu Yan Long unable to ignore it.

Prison Flame Dragon responded reluctantly: "Okay, Your Highness, I won't do it next time!"

When the farce was almost over, Di Tian took out the phone bug again and prepared to send a message to Luo Ta.

"Ditian, what's the gadget in your hand?" Gu Yuena had been busy listening to stories before, and she never had the chance to ask Ditian about the phone bug.

"This is a prop for communication. I'll say hello to a friend and ask him to bring you some clothes."

Prison Flame Dragon teased disdainfully: "It's that guy named Lota again. I really don't know why you can be friends with that person. What a shame!"

Gu Yuena's beautiful eyes widened. She learned some surprising information from the words of the Prison Flame Dragon. The friend Ditian wants to contact is actually a human?

After Gu Yuena woke up, her first impression of Di Tian was a bit strange. She had just learned about the change in Di Tian's personality, so this feeling of strangeness was normal.

But making friends with humans is simply unbelievable for Ditian to happen...

Gu Yuena's eyes were a little dull, and she didn't react. Is this still the Di Tian she knew?

She thought that Di Tian's character became more cautious after being defeated by that strong human being, but she didn't expect that Di Tian's change was far more complicated than she expected.

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