The Road To Play From Douluo

Chapter 593: God Shura’s back-up plan

Gu Yuena smiled and told Lotta not to care about her behavior. She did have a battle with a certain god back then, not just one god, but the entire god world.

Luota knew very well what happened to Gu Yuena, but she couldn't show too much understanding, otherwise it would be too strange, right?

"I won't ask too much about the specific details for the time being. According to my observation, the remaining power in your body is the power of God that was not completely dissipated back then. What's even more special is that this energy does not seem to show any signs of weakening. On the contrary, it The energy you possess is incredibly active!”

Gu Yuena immediately wanted to refute, if it was true as Luota said, then how could she not feel it?

"If her energy is really active, it's impossible for me not to be able to sense it. Is this possible?" For the first time, Gu Yuena had deep doubts about her own strength. When did she even have such an obvious power? Can't even feel the power?

"Your Highness Gu Yuena, there should be truth to what Luo Ta said. He has powers of observation beyond ordinary people, and Brigitte can also prove this." Di Tian explained a little from the side.

Gu Yuena sighed softly, with a slightly distressed look on her face, and replied: "Lota, I don't mean to doubt your judgment. I know my physical condition best, but I just think everything is a bit unbelievable..."

Luo Ta didn't care at all about Gu Yuena's eager attitude towards him just now, and still said in a gentle tone: "It doesn't matter, this is a normal phenomenon, if I insist on saying it, I can only say that this god's methods are better! Those who can become gods have some surprising methods, which is easy to understand."

After listening to what Luo Ta said, Gu Yuena looked at him with interest and asked curiously: "Luo Ta, from your tone, it seems that you are very familiar with gods?"

Lotta shook his head in the negative, "No, my understanding of gods is simply the most superficial. I just came into contact with a god before!"

Gu Yuena looked at Luo Ta with great energy and said in a slightly surprised tone: "Luo Ta, do you know? It is a good thing for you to have contact with the gods."

The only god Luota has come into contact with so far is the God of Sin. If he were to evaluate the God of Sin, the most straightforward thing to say is that apart from the unexpectedly useful Thunder and Soul-Eating Gun he obtained from him, he couldn't find any other gods. What a benefit.

On the contrary, the Sinful God is very difficult to deal with, and there is currently no effective way to deal with him. It is impossible to eliminate all human beings, that is simply unrealistic.

Lota knew that Gu Yuena must have misunderstood her, thinking that she was favored by a certain god and was preparing to pass the divine status to herself.

In fact, things were not at all what Gu Yuena thought. Lota and Sinian Shen were completely real enemies.

In response, Lotta shrugged her shoulders, "Miss Gu Yuena, you have misunderstood this. With my talent, I guess no god would like me!"

Di Tian looked at Luo Ta speechlessly. He was speechless in response to Luo Ta's silent pretense just now. If Luo Ta's talent is not recognized, then it is estimated that there will be no candidates for the divine position on Douluo Continent in the future.

Gu Yuena blinked her vivid purple eyes and looked at Luo Ta carefully, as if she wanted to find any trace of Luo Ta's lies. But Luota still had a good poker face, and Gu Yuena's actions were in vain.

Gu Yuena naturally didn't believe Luo Ta's rhetoric just now. Although she couldn't sense Luo Ta's specific strength, she was at least at the level of a titled Douluo.

Being able to reach the level of a titled Douluo has already proved Luo Ta's outstanding talent, and mediocre people don't have to expect to step into the realm of a titled Douluo in this life.

In Gu Yuena's eyes, it was obvious that Lotta was joking when she said she didn't have enough talent. The actual situation should be that Lota has been recognized by the gods and has obtained the qualification to become a god.

"Lota, since a god has taken the initiative to contact you, you must seize the opportunity. The opportunity to become a god is rare." Gu Yuena said slowly in the tone of an elder educating a younger generation, as if she was not joking.

"Miss Gu Yuena, I think you seem to have misunderstood something! No god has taken the initiative to take a fancy to me? I just dealt with a certain god." Lotta spread his hands and replied with a smile.

Gu Yuena also looked confused. It seemed that she really misunderstood Luo Ta and thought that Luo Ta had obtained the inheritance of God.

"Well, that's me being rude. I think you are very good in terms of strength and talent. It would be a pity if you don't get the status of god... Gods have endless lives, and human bodies cannot escape after all. The hard work of time.”

After a short period of contact, Gu Yuena had a very good impression of Luo Ta, and the relationship between him and Di Tian was very good. If it passes away many years later, it may be a sad thing.

Lotta also understood the meaning of Gu Yuena's words, and he fully understood her kindness.

"I appreciate Miss Gu Yuena's kindness. The most important problem now is not my problem, but your problem."

Gu Yuena nodded and replied softly: "Yes, then I'll trouble you, Lotta."

After careful investigation again, Rota finally determined the purpose of the remaining power. If nothing else, it should be that during the Battle of Gods that year, God Shura originally planned to kill the Dragon God directly.

Unexpectedly, the Dragon God, who was spread out by his own sword, took the opportunity to split into two halves. Luo Ta didn't know much about the situation of the Golden Dragon King's half, but the Silver Dragon King's half escaped into the turbulence of time and space and temporarily avoided the follow-up pursuit of Shura God. kill.

The power of God Shura currently hidden in Gu Yuena's body should be the backhand left by God Shura at that time.

In layman's terms, a time bomb was left in Gu Yuena's body. The purpose was to completely eliminate Gu Yuena and completely end the existence of the Dragon God. The Golden Dragon King and the others did not stay, probably because they planned to pick on Gu Yuena, who was relatively weak.

The strength of the Golden Dragon King was far superior to that of the Silver Dragon King. In the future, Tang San and others could only barely control it by joining forces. The God Realm probably did not subdue the Golden Dragon King at that time, causing the Golden Dragon King to escape.

No matter how you look at it, the Dragon God's attack on the God Realm has a great impact. God Shura's approach of killing the Dragon God is also reasonable from their point of view.

But after the Dragon God has been split, it has been divided into two individuals: gold and silver. Luo Ta does not intend to get involved in the affairs of the Golden Dragon King, but he will definitely take care of the affairs of the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena.

Just like the saying goes, "What does your arrest of Mr. Lu have to do with me, Zhou Shuren?" What does Shura God want to kill is the Dragon God? What does it have to do with Gu Yuena.

Since we want to power such a beautiful woman, we naturally can't let God Shura, a young guy like him, mess around.

What needs to be considered now is how the power left by God Shura operates. First of all, Luo Ta's consideration was that the power left by God Shura should serve as a mark.

It may be that the previous turbulence in time and space caused the connection between this power and Shura God to be much weaker. This made it impossible for him to accurately locate Gu Yuena's position. As Gu Yuena's body strength continues to recover, this part of the power may become active, and then God Shura can directly locate Gu Yuena's position.

Of course, all this is just Luo Ta's speculation. He can't tell what the specific situation is now. We can only investigate slowly step by step.

After the inspection, Gu Yuena looked at Lotta expectantly. Luota thought for a while and told Gu Yuena the information she had discovered so far.

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