The Road To Play From Douluo

Chapter 594: The drunkard doesn’t care about drinking, let alone not getting drunk yet

Gu Yuena listened carefully to everything Luo Ta said, and her expression changed slightly.

Yes, what Lotta said makes sense. When she was at her weakest, she was completely unaware of the abnormality in her body. But as her strength continued to recover, the discomfort inside her body became more and more intense, which was almost the same as what Lotta said.

Di Tian, ​​who was listening in, couldn't help but frown. If it was true as Luo Ta said, God Shura had not given up the idea of ​​​​ending the Dragon God completely, then as long as Her Highness Gu Yuena continued to regain her strength, she would definitely become more and more dangerous.

"Your Highness Gu Yuena, I think this matter must be carefully considered. If God Shura is aware of your existence, it will be dangerous."

Gu Yuena had a sad face, her delicate facial features were closely pressed together, expressing her helpless emotions at this time to the fullest.

She didn't know the whereabouts of the Golden Dragon King. If she was successfully eliminated by the Shura God, the soul beast clan would be completely unable to rise. Although soul beasts are blessed with a long lifespan, their cultivation speed is relatively slow.

If she loses, even Di Tian and Hell Yan cannot be the opponent of the gods. The gap between gods and mortals is as huge as the difference between a titled Douluo and a person below the title.

In front of the gods, no matter how strong you are, you will all be killed with one blow. God's casual strike can kill several Titled Douluo who have just passed level 90. Titled Douluo with higher levels can only survive one or two moves at most.

It is true that Di Tian is very powerful, but he was defeated by a human before. Looking at it this way, the prospects of the soul beast clan are getting more and more bleak.

Di Tian looked at the tangled Gu Yuena and suggested: "It is precisely because the Star Dou Forest is too easy to attract people's attention that most of the soul beasts have moved to the Forest of Tranquility. This is also to consider the future of the soul beast clan."

"The Forest of Tranquility? Maybe you are right, but have you ever thought that this power can't be solved by going anywhere! If I go to the Forest of Tranquility with you, it will probably affect more soul beasts. "Gu Yuena refuted Di Tian's suggestion. Such a loss would be too great.

Now there are two choices before Gu Yuena. One is to choose to continue to recover her strength and face the incoming Shura God. The second is to stop restoring strength so that God Shura cannot notice it.

Di Tian took a deep breath, looked directly at Gu Yuena with a steady gaze, and said firmly: "No matter what decision you make, I will always follow you."

Gu Yuena was very moved by Di Tian's oath of allegiance, but the problem she was facing now was not one that Di Tian could solve. It was a powerful god who directly split the Dragon God in his complete form in half. It was not easy to deal with. of.

Gu Yuena felt the power in her body. At most, it could barely surpass the level of Emperor Tian. This level of power would definitely not be able to withstand a few moments in front of God Shura.

But retreating like this is obviously not in line with her character, but the consequences of going her own way are too great, and she can't afford to gamble. But in today's soul beast world, apart from her, there is no one who can resist the gods.

When she thought of this, Gu Yuena's figure was a little shaky. She couldn't stabilize her figure and fell backwards. Fortunately, Lotta arrived behind her in time and supported her body.

"No matter what, you should regain your strength first. Unless God Shura comes to deal with you if this continues, you may not be able to hold on!"

Lota lifted Gu Yuena up and sat on the stone beside the Lake of Life. After relaxing for a while, Gu Yuena returned to normal.

Gu Yuena expressed her great gratitude for Luo Ta's help just now, and the look she looked at Luo Ta was different from before.

At this moment, she was grateful to Lotta from the bottom of her heart. Lotta's behavior was completely different from that of ordinary humans.

"Lota, thank you...if it hadn't been for you just now, I might have..."

Lotta chuckled and replied: "You don't have to be so polite. It's also an honor for me to meet Miss Gu Yuena. I suggest you continue to recover your strength and talk about the rest later.

I will definitely help if necessary. "

"This... is obviously an internal matter of our soul beast, and it would be too selfish to involve you. Besides, the enemy we have to face this time is not a simple character, it is God Shura, one of the supreme gods! "

Gu Yuena was very touched by Lota's kindness, but she was not willing to watch Lotta put herself in danger. The power of God Shura is such that even her and the Golden Dragon King can be easily cut apart. No matter how strong Luota is, there is no chance of winning against God Shura.

Luota did not answer what Gu Yuena just said, but simply said lightly, "Go to rest early, it's getting late."

Luo Ta was already quite satisfied with his results today. He originally thought that it would be difficult to get a good relationship with Gu Yuena, but he didn't expect it to be smoother than expected.

In fact, Lotta can use a simpler method. The intimacy enhancement card can directly help Lotta save a lot of things. However, the feelings gained in this way are very false, and Lotta does not want to use the promotion card here.

Luo Ta shouted to Di Tian on the side: "Di Tian, ​​let's go and have a drink, as you just said."

Di Tian also smiled happily, "Of course, I will keep my word and let you experience our soul beast's drink."

"Just saying that makes me look forward to it!" Luo Tadi's tone also revealed a strong sense of expectation.

"I will definitely not disappoint you. You must know that this wine is brewed by me myself, and it will never be worse than the wine you have drunk."

Luo Ta followed Ditian to the small stone table beside the lake in the distance. Ditian took out a wooden bowl for wine. After all, this was not a human society, and there certainly were no such high-end wine tasting supplies.

Drinking is one thing, Luo Ta and Di Tian also have some important things to talk about.

"This wine is indeed not bad. To be honest, if it were sold to human society, you would probably make a lot of money."

There is a saying that the wine Ditian brews is of the highest quality and tastes extremely refreshing.

After tasting it for a while, Di Tian looked as relaxed and cheerful as before he put it away, and said to Luo Ta: "Do you have any good solution to the matter of Her Highness Gu Yuena? What if Her Highness Gu Yuena and I confront Shura? Does God have a chance of winning?”

Luo Ta put down the wooden bowl and sighed helplessly: "In my opinion, your chances of winning are not good. Just now you heard from Miss Gu Yuena that God Shura can kill the Dragon God with one sword. For the time being, let's not care about anything else. Do you think your strength reaches the level of the Golden Dragon King?"

Di Tian also lowered his head. He knew exactly how powerful he was. Let alone a super-god-level powerhouse like the Golden Dragon King, Di Tian did not dare to expect even an ordinary god.

"Is it feasible to add the Hell Flame Dragon?" Di Tian seemed to be unwilling.

"Unless you call all the soul beasts, you won't be able to fight at all, and all the soul beasts may even die. I'm not kidding you." Luo Ta said calmly, and then poured a bowl of wine. Drink it all in one gulp.

"Are they all failures? Then can Mr. Ulquiorra compete with God Shura? It will definitely be fine if we add Mr. Ulquiorra!"

If Ulquiorra joins the battle, then God Shura will naturally have nothing to fear, but this will go against Lotta's plan.

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