With his eyes closed, Qingshan Liuyun said in a calm tone,

"Of course this wouldn't happen if I was alone, but it's different now,"

"What's the difference?"

"I'm with you now!"


To be honest, Tsunade was somewhat embarrassed to be told this by Aoyama Ryuun.

But Tsunade is more confused about Qingshan Liuyun's words.

"What's wrong with being with me?"

"The idiots at the top have turned the Thousand Hands clan into this. Now that I'm with you again, of course they will think that I'm on your side!"

As a time traveler, I am not too familiar with the darkness inside Konoha.

Qingshan Liuyun expected that he would be targeted by those high-level officials in Konoha.

Of course, Aoyama Ryuun thinks he is not Hatake Sakumo.

If anyone dares to talk about himself,

Ah! Anyone who dares to speak will be killed.

Killed until no one dared to say where they were,

Protect Konoha? The Muggles of Konoha, Qingshan Liuyun are very precious about their lives.

Thinking of an idiot like Hatake Sakumo who didn't know that he was being plotted until his death, Aoyama Ryuun was very disdainful.

I heard Qingshan Liuyun say this,

Tsunade paused for a moment before moving.

Then he looked at the green mountains and flowing clouds with a smile,

"So are you on my side?"


He turned his head slightly and glanced at Tsunade's smiling face.

Then he took his hand back directly,

"Stop talking nonsense like this in the future and move to another place!"

"whispering sound!"

He rolled his eyes, but was still obedient and didn't say much.


Chapter 29

"Tsunade-sama! I..."

Nara Shikaku was about to talk to Tsunade about something.

But when I came over, I saw Tsunade carefully massaging Aoyama Ryuun.


A face, instantly stunned,

Although I know that Qingshan Ryuun is probably with Tsunade,

But Nara Shikaku never thought that Tsunade would have such a sweet and sensible side.

How could such a powerful and powerful girl change?

I'm comparing it to my own tigress.

Shikaku almost cried,

"So, when are you going to see it?"

No one knows what Lu Jiu is thinking in his heart.

However, seeing Nara Shikaku standing there blankly, Tsunade couldn't help but remind her,

As for being sorry?

Sorry, Ao Gui Ao,

But since some things have already happened, Tsunade will not deliberately cover up anything.

I'm just with Qingshan Liuyun, what's going on!

"Feel sorry!"

Being reminded like this, Lu Jiu reacted instantly,

After apologizing, he turned around and left.

Obviously, I came here at the wrong time.

Not paying much attention to Shikaku's presence, but noticing Aoyama Ryuun's smile, Tsunade rolled her eyes again,

"So, who do you think is to blame for this!"

If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been seen.

"Forget it, let's go see what happened to Shikaku!"

He waved his hand carelessly, and Qingshan Liuyun stood up.

She moved her shins slightly, and I have to say that Tsunade's massage skills are really high.


Tsunade was a little confused. Is now definitely the time to go find Shikaku?

"Idiot, what are you thinking about? There are some things we should talk about after we return to the village!"

He raised his hand angrily and tapped Tsunade's forehead.

Qingshan Liuyun doesn’t have any soundproof barriers, so this is a campground, okay?

"I didn't think anything of it!"

Anyway, I just don’t admit it.

Qingshan Liuyun didn't care, and explained to Tsunade while walking outside,

"The Inar, Deer, and Butterfly clans have a high status in Konoha. If you want to become Hokage in the future, you need the support of these three clans!"

The Nara clan controls most of Konoha's medical drugs.

The secret skills of the Yamanaka clan have allowed them to be in charge of the Konoha intelligence department.

The Akimichi clan controls Konoha's catering industry.

God knows how many barbecue restaurants in Konoha belong to the Akimichi family.

In addition, the Akimichi clan is also very good at making military food pills.

Each of the three tribes has its own characteristics.

The terrible thing is that the three pig, deer and butterfly tribes have been part of the alliance since the Warring States Period.

The three clans merge into one, even if they are blood descendants like Hinata and Uchiha,

I don't dare to provoke him easily.

Among the three clans of Ino, Deer and Butterfly, the Nara clan is the leader.

Basically, it has the support of the Nara clan, which means it also has the support of the three Inar, Deer, and Butterfly clans.

"That's it!"

Tsunade nodded confusedly,

She was a little confused, but Tsunade knew that Qingshan Liuyun must be doing this for her own good.


As soon as I came out, I saw Nara Shikaku, who looked a little embarrassed.


Lu Jiu smiled and nodded to Qingshan Liuyun.

Then after noticing Tsunade next to Ryuun Aoyama,

Shikaku's face instantly turned bitter.

"Tsunade-sama, I didn't mean to do it. You don't know how to kill people and silence them!"

God knows that when I came to look for someone, I would see such a scene.

With Tsunade's temper, Shikaku was not surprised at all when she committed murder and silence.

But at this, Tsunade couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"I said, in your opinion, am I such a violent person?"

What is this word? Killing people and silencing them. When did I become so violent?

"of course not!"

Nara Shikaku responded decisively,

Just kidding, as long as you can survive,

"Okay, if you want to chat, we can talk about it later when you have time. Shikaku, you came to us, you must have something to do!"


Qingshan Liuyun's words made Lujiu's face become serious.

First he looked around, then looked at Aoyama Ryuun and Tsunade.

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