"Find a safe place?"


Without refusing, the three of them left the camp secretly and came to a quiet yellow sand area.

"It's freezing cold in this desert at night. Why do you come here?"

Tsunade was a little dissatisfied;

If it weren't for Qingshan Liuyun, Tsunade wouldn't want to come here so late.

"Tsunade-sama is still too young!"

Lu Jiu smiled slightly, after all, walls have ears.

Although I don't know who it is, there must be someone from Sarutobi Hiruzen's side in the camp.

It would be really bad if this was heard,

But Shikaku's words made Tsunade's eyes instantly become dangerous.

"What did you say!"

Qingshan Liuyun said that to himself, but you actually dare to say that to me,


Shikaku was a little sluggish;

Seeing how well-behaved Tsunade looked just now, Shikaku had forgotten about it.

The original Tsunade was a very violent person.


After clearing his throat, Shikaku changed the topic decisively.

Look solemnly at the green mountains and flowing clouds,

"Liuyun, there is news from Konoha that the higher-ups have decided on your reward,"


Qingshan Liuyun smiled slightly, it was interesting.

Tsunade no longer dwelled on the previous question, but looked at Shikaku curiously.

Lu Jiu didn't say anything and said directly,

"The senior management has decided to give you, Liu Yun, the title of elite jounin!"

Elite Jounin, simply speaking, is the elite among Jounin, and is also the title closest to Hokage.



After waiting for a long time, Lu Jiu didn't even wait to say anything.

Tsunade was a little surprised.

Shikaku nodded at Tsunade's disbelief.



What's the use? A title is just a title, no matter how nice it sounds, it is just a title.

Defeating Ichibi Shukaku summed up the war,

Just given a title?

Is this a curse?

Anyway, from Tsunade's point of view, this title is simply humiliating Aoyama Ryuun.


Chapter 30

Although the decision of Konoha's top brass has not yet been announced,

But among the ANBU, there are also people from the Pig, Deer, and Butterfly tribes.

So as soon as this decision came out, Lujiu received the news,

With Shikaku's wisdom,

After analyzing the pros and cons, he immediately came to find Ryuun Aoyama and Tsunade.

"Those bastards!"

Tsunade clenched her fists tightly.

If I hadn't considered that Qingshan Liuyun hadn't said anything yet,

Tsunade really wants to go back now and punch those high-level officials in Konoha.

We are fighting desperately outside,

You just stay in Konoha peacefully, but you still want to stir up trouble?



Qingshan Liuyun gave a soft drink. No matter how dissatisfied Tsunade was, she had to choose silence at this time.

Seeing such a scene, Lu Jiu couldn't help but admire in his heart,

'Sure enough, the only one who can cure Tsunade is Aoyama Ryuun! ’

Qingshan Liuyun said to Tsunade very casually,

"Didn't I already say that there would be such a possibility?"

Qingshan Liuyun knew before that those high-level officials in Konoha would target him.

Therefore, Qingshan Liuyun was not surprised at all by such a result.


So angry! But Tsunade didn't know what to say for a moment.

Aoyama Ryuun didn't think much, but looked at Nara Shikaku in front of him with a faint smile.

"I believe that when you came to me specifically, the most important thing you wanted to say was definitely not this matter!"


Just as I thought, Qingshan Liuyun is also a smart person.

"If I guess correctly, Liuyun, you want Tsunade to become the future Fourth Hokage!"

Although neither Aoyama Ryuun nor Tsunade said it,

But with superb eyesight and joyful observation,

You can still see something, to some extent.


Qingshan Liuyun also didn't hide anything and nodded directly.

Tsunade was completely speechless.

Conversation between smart people is really not suitable for me.

But Tsunade doesn't care, as long as Aoyama Ryuun can understand it,

When the time comes, just listen to Qingshan Liuyun.

"I, the Nara Clan, are willing to lead the Yamanaka Clan and the Akimichi Clan, and assist Senju Tsunade to become the Fourth Hokage!"

Qingshan Liuyun did not hide it from him, which made Lu Jiu very happy.

Without hesitation, he expressed his loyalty directly.

On the contrary, it shocked Tsunade beside her.

So, what exactly did you discuss just now to decide to help me so quickly?

"Sarutobi Hiruzen may not understand that just by becoming Hokage, you can get everything from everyone.

But you have to get everyone's approval to become Hokage! "

Qingshan Liuyun smiled,

The opinions of the common people may not matter.

But you must pay attention to the opinions of the ninja clan.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is somewhat unpopular.

The ninjas are not ignorant civilians. They believe whatever the Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen says.

Ninjas have their own judgments;

Lu Jiu understood what Qingshan Liuyun said.

"After all, we also understand the truth that the lips are dying and the teeth are cold!"

Today, those high-level officials can treat him like this just because they are afraid of Qingshan Liuyun.

But if they do something bad in the future, won’t they have to face the same treatment?

Originally there was no choice, so we just walked on thin ice and let it go.

But now, there are obviously other options, why not give it a try?

"Compared to the Third Hokage, Tsunade-sama has a more straightforward temper!"

If such a person becomes Hokage, among other things, the mood of the ninja clan will definitely be much better.

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