"Hahaha! It's not unreasonable for the Pig, Deer, and Die clans to stand out from the Warring States Period!"

Qingshan Liuyun laughed,

The intelligence of this Nara clan is even higher than what I expected.

Knowing your position is also the way to survive.

Lu Jiu smiled and waved his hand, not bothering with anything.

"Then Liuyun, do you have any way to deal with the current Third Hokage?"

"Sarutobi Hiruzen values ​​power very seriously. He will never agree to give up his position, now or in the future!"

Don't look at Sarutobi Hiruzen's kind face.

Once it comes to your own power, you really won’t give in.

From the future, when the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato came to power, Sarutobi Hiruzen still did not choose to live in seclusion.

It can be seen from the fact that he manages Konoha with Namikaze Minato.

Two Hokage in one village is almost like a joke.

At that time, Sarutobi Hiruzen had not made too many mistakes during the Third Ninja War.

There is no way he will abdicate.

"There is no chance in a short period of time. Only when the Ninja World War comes, will we have the opportunity to make Sarutobi Hiruzen make mistakes and force him to abdicate!"

"The next ninja war?"

Although Qingshan Liuyun's non-rushed attitude impressed Shikaku very much,

After all, smart people know that the more anxious you are, the more likely you are to make mistakes.

But this Ninja War? Who knows when the next ninja war will be!

They are not time travelers like Qingshan Liuyun,

Qingshan Liuyun, who understands the situation, knows,

There were only a few years between the Second Ninja War and the Third Ninja War.

"Don't worry! I already have a specific plan, the Pig, Deer and Die clan can just wait and see!"

"This,, okay!"

A little hesitant, but still didn't say anything.

It's hard to explain Qingshan Liuyun. It's impossible to say. I know the next ninja world war won't be too long.

"Regardless of success or failure, the three tribes of Pig, Deer and Butterfly are safe!"

Qingshan Liuyun gave a guarantee,

After all, they can choose to support Tsunade;

I just want to strive for a better future for the three tribes of Pig, Deer and Die.

As for accompanying you to risk your life? That's really overthinking,


Qingshan Liuyun could say this, Lu Jiu smiled and nodded,

"Then I'll go back first!"


At this point, the negotiation is over, and Qingshan Liuyun did not stop anything.

After Nara Shikaku left,

On the desert in the dark night, only Qingshan Liuyun and Tsunade were left.

At this time, Tsunade finally couldn't help the doubts in her heart.

"Aren't the Ino, Deer, and Butterfly clan loyal to the Hokage faction? Why do you come back to support me?"

Everyone in Konoha knows that the Inar, Deer, and Butterflies clan belongs to the Hokage faction.

Regarding Tsunade's doubts, Aoyama Liuyun smiled,

"You also said that they are the loyal Hokage faction, but they are not the loyal Sarutobi Hiruzen faction!"


Chapter 31

They were loyal to Naruto, but not loyal to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

It's just because the current Sarutobi Hiruzen happens to be the Hokage.

"Is that so?"

Tsunade nodded in understanding,

Qingshan Liuyun didn’t explain too much,

Anyway, it's too early to say this now.

"In these years, practice hard and strive to increase your strength to the shadow level!"

Tsunade's current strength is infinitely close to that of a Kage-level powerhouse, but she can still only be considered an elite Jonin.

The reason why I can fight against Granny Chiyo,

Except because, at that time, it was just a containment and did not need to be defeated.

What's more, it's because Tsunade's own strange power fist is extremely restrained in the puppet technique.

"Don't worry! I'm a genius!"

He waved his hand confidently,

Not just Kage level, in Tsunade's opinion,

With your own talent, as long as you settle down and rest peacefully for a few years, you will definitely succeed.

Tsunade's confident look made Qingshan Liuyun smile.

Without saying anything, he took Tsunade back to the camp.

It was silent all night, as if we had reached a peaceful era,




When Tsunade led the ninjas back to Konoha the next day,

There was cheering in Konoha. Everyone knew that the Second Ninja War was over.

The ninja world finally has peace,

And it was the ninjas led by Tsunade Senju who ended this war.

Not only the civilians, but also Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, and Danzo Shimura came over.

How could Sarutobi Hiruzen miss this moment where he could gain reputation?

"Tsunade! On behalf of all Konoha, thank you!"

No matter what, Tsunade is her apprentice,

Now that Tsunade can take charge of her own business, Sarutobi Hiruzen is still very happy.

On the contrary, Shimura Danzo on the side noticed Senju Tsunade's reputation in the village.

With the aura bonus of the princess of the Senju clan,

Senju Tsunade's current reputation is not much worse than that of Hatake Sakumo before.

'No, this is another one that can threaten my position as Hokage! ’

Obviously, Danzo was already planning how to plot against Tsunade.

But Tsunade's identity is destined to prevent Danzo from using the method he used to deal with Hatake Sakumo to deal with Senju Tsunade.

And with Tsunade's bad temper,

Danzo didn't think this was someone who would commit suicide.

Only he himself knows what Danzo is planning.

At this time, Tsunade looked at the amiable look of Sarutobi Hiruzen in front of her with mixed emotions.

what to do! Disgusting! It's like punching him directly.

However, considering the difference in strength between herself, Tsunade still endured her nausea and nodded.

"This is all for Konoha!"

"That's right! This is all for Konoha!"

Tsunade's answer made Sarutobi Hiruzen very satisfied.

Taking Tsunade and others, he walked towards the village.

The villagers on the roadside also began to notice the green mountains and flowing clouds around Tsunade.

"That must be Master Qingshan Liuyun, who is also known as the Golden Lion!"

"So young!"

"I heard he was the one who defeated the One-Old Shukaku!"

"What is a One-Tailed Shukaku?"

"Idiot, it's a tailed beast. Don't we also have a Kyuubi in Konoha?"

"That's really awesome!"

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