The Ruined Ninja World

Chapter 178 The Son Of Prophecy, Sasuke The Lemon (Please Subscribe)

【Jiraiya projection】

As we get older...

The screen keeps switching, and the predicted Jiraiya shuttles back and forth between Mount Myōboku and Konoha, as well as at home and abroad, training.

In the process, Jiraiya gradually learned the use of senjutsu at Mount Myōboku.

After Jiraiya completely learned senjutsu, the Great Toad Sage finally summoned him.

The nine magic dragon seals are gone, in the dim space......

Watching the Great Toad Sage who spoke the prophecy finally meet Jiraiya.

Tiandao Payne looked at the projection above his head with burning eyes: "Teacher Jiraiya, this is the source of motivation for you to persevere."

Not only Tiandao Payne, but other people's eyes were also full of expectation and curiosity.

Prophecy, a guy who can predict the future and be so accurate.

What exactly does it exist?

Konoha Village, the 89th Drill Ground...

Will the prophetic Great Toad Sage finally appear?

Everyone's eyes were already staring at the projection in front of them, their hearts filled with anticipation and curiosity.

Even the underground Senju Tobirama and Orochimaru were looking forward to hearing about the 17 existences that could predict the future.

In the special medical room at Konoha Village………………

Everyone in Konoha Village...

The whole forbearance…………

For this scene that is about to be seen by the world, everyone is looking forward to and curious in their hearts.

Mount Myōboku.....

Great Toad Sage, who was sleeping in the bright sunshine, slowly woke up.

He raised his head and looked at himself who was about to appear in front of everyone with his hazy eyes.

"My lord, do you have any orders?"

Fukasaku, who had been standing nearby, quickly asked after seeing Great Toad Sage wake up.

However, Great Toad Sage did not answer Fukasaku's words, but still looked at the projection above his head.

【Jiraiya projection】

In the huge courtyard, the red old toad with a necklace with the word "oil" occupies the top spot.

Next, Fukasaku said to Jiraiya who was kneeling on one knee in the audience with a serious face: "Jiraiya, the great master dreamed about you. As you know, this is a prophecy. Please prick up your ears and listen carefully. "


"Well...I'll say it then."

Looking at Jiraiya below, the Great Toad Sage said slowly: "In my dream, even if you are good at sex but don't know anything, you will one day become an outstanding ninja, and you can also collect... apprentice……"

Listening to these words, although Jiraiya is very happy about his future achievements, he still feels a little uncomfortable about such scandalous things as sex.

"Your apprentice will bring major changes to the ninja world in the future. This is my dream."


"He...will bring unprecedented stability or destruction to the world, and change will be one of them."

"One of them, what does it mean?"

Slowly opening his dim eyes, Great Toad Sage said: "You... will be the person who leads the change. One day you will be forced to make a major choice, and based on your choice, you will determine the changes the world faces.”

The nine magic dragon seals are gone, in the dim space......

Watching the conversation between the old giant toad and Teacher Jiraiya that appeared in front of him, Tendo Payne couldn't help but frown slightly.

If, if all this is true.


This prediction is extremely close to reality!

As a disciple of Mr. Jiraiya, he was once entrusted by Mr. Jiraiya.

Now, he is sitting on the powerful Akatsuki organization, and it can be said that he can influence the order of the ninja world with just a few clicks.

If later, he really collects all nine tailed beasts and becomes Ten Tails Jinchūriki through the Gedo Statue!

At that time, he will completely become a Sage of Six Paths existence.

It can be said...

One word can change the world!

However, in this process, Teacher Jiraiya will definitely not agree with his idea.

In the resurrected future in front of him, Mr. Jiraiya has already determined the outcome of the future.

So, his future...

Perhaps in the near future, we will meet Jiraiya-sensei and others again.

Konoha Village, the 89th Drill Ground…………

Looking at the prophecy in front of him, Namikaze Minato's eyes, as well as Jiraiya's eyes, couldn't help but focus on Uzumaki Naruto.

Nagato is the child of the past prophecy, and Uzumaki Naruto is the new child of the prophecy.

There will definitely be a fierce confrontation between the two.

Following the gazes of Namikaze Minato and Jiraiya, others could not help but look at Uzumaki Naruto.

At this moment, those who have watched the previous projection of the Nine Tails Rebellion can't help but recall what Namikaze Minato and Kushina said before they died.

Uzumaki Naruto will bring huge changes to the entire ninja world.

If this was just something that people felt was not very real before.


With the conversation between the Great Toad Sage and Jiraiya in front of him, and the previous Uzumaki Naruto wearing the dazzling Nine Tails coat, he casually created a large spiral wheel that could destroy Konoha Village.

All of this may actually become true.

Unprecedented stability, or unprecedented destruction?

"Haha, why are you all looking at me with such strange eyes." Uzumaki Naruto laughed.

"Naruto, don't worry too much, it's just a talk."

At this time, Kushina couldn't help but hold Uzumaki Naruto's hand tightly and said worriedly.

On the other side, Uchiha Sarana, who had just managed to get out of the tangle with the help of Great Toad Sage's prophecy.

After seeing this scene, I couldn't help but feel grateful.

Could it be that the future Seventh Generation is the person who can control the entire ninja world?

Lord Seventh Hokage, that figure full of sunshine and warmth is so powerful!

The more I think about it, the more I see what Nagato has been through.

In Uchiha Sarana's heart, her desire for peace became stronger and stronger.

Looking at Uzumaki Naruto who had everyone's eyes on him.

Unable to bear it, Uchiha Sarana clenched her fists and said loudly: "Seventh Generation in the future, I believe you will be able to lead everyone towards peace as you will in the future."

And with Uchiha Sarana's words, everyone's eyes couldn't help but turn to this girl from the future.

Smiling and nodding to Kushina, Uzumaki Naruto couldn't help but raise his head and smiled brightly at Uchiha Sarana: "I will definitely and will definitely move toward peace with everyone.


Looking at the heart-touching smile, Uchiha Sarana's face was already red without realizing it, and she couldn't help but nodded heavily with excitement.

And look at Uchiha Sarana's happy and bright smile.

Uchiha Sasuke on the side, I don’t know why...

This is quite unpleasant in my heart. .

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