The Ruined Ninja World

Chapter 179 The Wheel Of Fate Rolls Forward (Please Subscribe)

Konoha Village, the 89th Drill Ground………………

Looking at Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sarana with bright smiles in front of them.

Thinking back to just now...

Uchiha Sarana, who was sarcastic and extremely distrustful of him, even said that if he disobeyed, she would directly use the Mangekyō Sharingan to control him.

But for Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sarana was full of motivational words, as well as incomparable expectations and trust.

So, who is her father?

For a moment, Uchiha Sasuke felt as if a jar of jealousy had been overturned in his heart, and he was sour.

And standing aside, from the corner of his eye, Uchiha Sasuke's mother, Uchiha Mikoto, was always on her body.

After seeing this scene, I couldn't help but bring a smile to my lips.

He reached out and pulled Uchiha Sasuke close to him, and forcefully brought the hands of Uchiha Sarana and Uchiha Sasuke together.



"Haha, it's okay."

Looking at Uchiha Mikoto's smiling face, Uchiha Sasuke couldn't help but glance at Uchiha Sarana.

Feeling the warmth on his hands, a blush could not help but appear on his face.

On the opposite side, Uchiha Sarana frowned somewhat uncomfortably.

The hand that originally wanted to pull away, but saw Uchiha Mikoto's smiling face, did not pull away in the end.

Even though the previous misunderstanding was barely solved, she still tried her best to think that Uchiha Sasuke had not come home since she was a child because she had an extremely important mission.

But facing her little dad, who was almost a few years older than him, Uchiha still felt a little awkward.

The nine magic dragons are sealed, and the dim space...

Uzumaki Naruto is the son of prophecy and the future Seventh Hokage!?

With the brutality of this information, Tiandao Payne's eyes couldn't help but froze for a moment, the new son of prophecy.

Others couldn't help but look at Uzumaki Naruto opposite.

At only twelve years old, he possesses the power of Black Mask and Nine Tails, and can control them perfectly.

Don't talk about the future, just talk about the present. He already has extremely frightening strength.

Is the son of prophecy someone who can influence the pattern of the entire world?

The prophecy of the Great Toad Sage was almost quite accurate.

As for Tendou Payne, who was at the top of the list, after staying on Uzumaki Naruto for a moment, he couldn't help but look at the projection of Mr. Jiraiya as the protagonist again.

Among them, Teacher Jiraiya started traveling outside after receiving the prophecy.

It was at this time, after more than ten years of recovery after World War I, that countries were beginning to make moves.

Looking at the scene of Teacher Jiraiya traveling around with faint eyes, Tiandao Payne knew clearly...

It was this time period, but it was also the time when the Kingdom of Whirlpool was destroyed.

Without the support of the powerful Konoha Village, relying solely on the power of the Whirlpool Kingdom would be impossible to resist the behemoth combined by other countries.

And after the fall of the Kingdom of Whirlpool, it was also the beginning of his tragedy.

From then on, he wrote about his mother and father, and the three of them fled all the way.

Finally, he finally fled to the Kingdom of Rain.


The wheel of fate is rolling forward...

【Nagato projection】

Following the death of his parents, Nagato slowly woke up and had been starving.

He is kind-hearted, and once protected by his father and mother, he only prays for a little charity from others.

Unfortunately, no one, no one was willing to lend a helping hand to him.

It's been a few days.

He had not eaten for several days and walked on the road in a daze.

For some reason, his body became weak and fell to the ground.

"Is that the end of it?"

Tears flowed from his eyes, Nagato wished that what he was seeing was just a dream.

When he woke up from the dream, his parents were still able to bring him a bowl of hot rice.

When he woke up from the dream, he could lie in the arms of his parents, listen to their words, and feel the warmth of home.

When the dream wakes up...

As Nagato's consciousness became increasingly blurred, the figures of his parents seemed to appear in front of him.

"Hey, eat this."

Listening to the warm words in his ears, Nagato tried to open his eyes and stared blankly at the purple-haired girl.

The nine magic dragon seals are gone, in the dim space......

With his own appearance, Konan has shifted his attention again to the projection of Nagato as the protagonist.

As the protagonist, Tiandao Payne also looked at his former self.

His encounter with war orphans Konan and Yahiko was one of the few moments full of warmth and happiness that he had since the death of his parents.

Looking at the projection, we were quietly getting food together, and we were accidentally caught and had to deal with it miserably.

This scene happens again and again.

Three little children trying to survive in this dangerous, miserable and hungry world.

Even looking at it now, he could feel a faint warmth wrapping around his heart.

Konoha Village, the 89th Drill Ground…………

Looking at Nagato in the projection, I can meet such a good companion again.

For a moment, Uzumaki Naruto couldn't help but feel happy for Nagato.

Turning to look at Namikaze Minato who was walking the same way and smiling, Uzumaki Naruto couldn't help but said softly: "Dad, you said... if there were no more wars, no more discrimination, and no more so many things in this world, How wonderful it would be for a world where everyone lives together in peace and harmony.”

"Naruto, you...seem to have the answer?"


Looking at the curious eyes of his parents, Uzumaki Naruto shook his head gently: "No, such a thing can't be figured out in a moment.

"It's okay. If you have any questions, we can talk about it together. After all, Naruto is a big boy too. I also want to hear your opinion, haha."

Next to them, listening to the conversation between Uzumaki Naruto and his family, Jiraiya and Tsunade couldn't help but pricked up their ears.

Similarly, Tendo Payne on the opposite side was also looking forward to Uzumaki Naruto's words.

After seeing part of his life, how will you feel?

Looking at the expectant looks of his father, mother, and others, Uzumaki Naruto shook his head: "Let me think about it again. Dad said that I have grown up. If I say something too childish, Doesn’t it make me lose face?”


Nodding, Namikaze Minato raised his hand and gently patted Uzumaki Naruto's shoulder twice: "Then we are looking forward to your answer, a mature answer that belongs to an adult."


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