As the saying goes, if you come here, you should make the best of it.

Qin Feng felt that he had worked so hard to get here.

If he didn't earn some hard work money, it would be a big loss.

So he sneaked into the small town without hesitation.

He found that the primitive people in this small town were also sleeping. There was a small building with a light source in the middle of the whole town.

Qin Feng estimated that the person living in it should be the mayor of this small town.

Qin Feng explored it and found that the mayor was just a high-level warrior.

At that moment, he had a slightly crazy idea.

"It seems that God has guided me here."

Qin Feng chuckled, and then used the earth melting technique again to sneak into the ground.

Then he came to the outskirts of the city.

The city was not very big. Qin Feng counted and found that there were only more than 30 houses.

The reason for building the city was probably because it was on the edge of the front line of confrontation with humans.

Qin Feng also came here by accident, otherwise it would be difficult to be discovered here.

Qin Feng sneaked into a house on the edge and looked at the sleeping family of three.

Qin Feng did not hesitate, raised his knife and chopped off the heads of the three primitive people.

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: HP 5】

【Gain: HP 8】

【Obtain: Qi and blood value 12]

After Qin Feng finished all this, he sneaked into the next family.

When he killed these ancient people, there was no ripple in his heart.

In his opinion, if he didn't kill these people.

Then in the future, these people are likely to appear on the battlefield and fight with his companions.

So Qin Feng did not hesitate to carry out his massacre.

The ancient people here are not strong. They are generally only in the warrior realm, and there are very few warriors.

And they are all old people. It seems that those young ancient people have gone to the front line.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng waved the butcher's hand faster and faster.

Because it was a sneak attack, and the opponent's strength was very weak, it didn't take long for Qin Feng to slaughter more than 30 households.

Now there is only this last household left, which is the house where the high-level general is.

Qin Feng followed the same method and sneaked into the room where the city lord was again. As the saying goes, capture the king first to capture the thief. As long as the city lord is solved, the other people in this small building are nothing.

Qin Feng chopped down with his knife. Just when Qin Feng's knife was about to fall on the city lord's head, he suddenly opened his eyes and shrank his head.

Qin Feng's knife cut along his scalp and did not hurt him.

In an instant, the city lord jumped up from the bed.

"Who are you? How dare you come to assassinate this city lord!"


Qin Feng couldn't help laughing when he saw the city lord's look.

Because his knife just now, although it didn't hurt the city lord, it directly shaved him into a Mediterranean style.

【Host, I advise you not to be too presumptuous. He is the Sea King after all, but you are a single dog! 】

Qin Feng rolled his eyes. The Sea King of the Mediterranean?

If that's the case, then it doesn't matter if he is not the Sea King!

"How dare you laugh at this city lord!"

The city lord's face was full of gloom. He was shocked at first.

Someone sneaked into his room silently and wanted to assassinate him.

Fortunately, he woke up suddenly, otherwise, his head would have been moved at this moment.

He originally thought it was some master, but judging from the aura, it was only a primary war general.

This made him very angry. When did a primary war general dare to be so bold?

""What's wrong with laughing at you? I'll beat you up!"

Qin Feng sneered, then slashed out with a knife.

Powerful blood and energy flowed into the knife, turning into a sharp knife aura, and then shot out.

He got this knife from a general Jingyuan Ancient, and it was a second-grade weapon.

It happened that his black steel bone shovel was thrown away, so he used this knife temporarily.

The mayor of the small town had been paying attention to Qin Feng. Seeing Qin Feng slashing at him, he hurriedly dodged.

【Host, don't panic, you have the advantage! 】

When Qin Feng heard this, he almost stumbled and fell.

Good fellow, you are just waiting for me to die sooner, so that you can find a new host with long legs.

I haven't even started yet, and you are already flagging me!

Impossible! This is impossible!

(The same expression package as Boss Cao!)

I am not the transport captain, how can I be defeated by your little flag!

Although Qin Feng was madly complaining in his heart, his hands did not stop moving.

He just stepped on his toes and approached again.

"Blood Thunder Ninth Layer!"

Qin Feng's sword danced wildly, and three blood-colored lightning bolts appeared instantly, and then rushed towards the city lord.

""Damn human! You're going too far!"

A knife appeared in the city lord's hand, and he chopped it out without hesitation.

Suddenly, the knife flashed, causing a roar.

""Lord City Lord!"

At this time, a team of guards suddenly appeared.

They were obviously attracted by the huge roar.

Lin Fan had already discovered this pair of guards, but he didn't want to alert them, so he didn't care about them first.

"Kill them!"

The mayor of the small town pointed the tip of his knife at Lin Fan and roared angrily.

The team of guards immediately rushed towards Lin Fan. Lin Fan smiled lightly and then faced the challenge.

He had just killed more than 30 Yuangu people, and his blood value had reached 5989 points.

As long as he had 11 more blood points, he could break through to the middle-level general level.

So in Qin Feng's view, this team of guards was an experience pack.

Qin Feng chopped out with a knife and directly knocked the leading guard to the ground.

Then he took the opportunity to reach out and touch his hand.

【Extraction successful】

【Obtain: Qi and Blood Value 36]

In an instant, Qin Feng felt his Qi and Blood surge, and his face flushed.

Breakthrough, Intermediate General Realm!

Qin Feng was very satisfied, he felt full of strength.

After all, he had just killed dozens of people, so his physical strength and Qi and Blood were all depleted.

And now, after the breakthrough, his condition has recovered a lot.

【Can you do it, little dog!】

【It takes you so long to deal with a few noobs】

【What I mean is, if it works, it works. If not, let me change the host as soon as possible!】

"Good fellow, you don't even bother to hide your idea of changing the host now?"

Qin Feng was speechless. He had heard this many times today.

Damn guy, die!

Qin Feng showed a look of stabbing someone. After all, if you want to stab someone, you can't hide it.

Qin Feng had no way to stab the system, so he could only burn his anger on the people in front of him.

"Blood Thunder Ninth Level! Fourth Level!"

Perhaps because of anger, the Blood Thunder Ninth Level, which had always been on the verge of a breakthrough, finally broke through to the fourth level as Qin Feng broke through to the War General Realm.

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