As soon as the willow tree finished speaking, its roots pierced Qin Feng from the soil like sharp spears.

Qin Feng was about to escape, but when he saw this scene, he was shocked.

The roots coming from all directions directly surrounded his way!

"I forgot that this guy is actually a tree.……"

Qin Feng regretted it a little.

This situation made him somewhat passive.

"When fighting underground, we spirits have never been afraid of anyone."

The willow tree saw Lin Fan stop and smiled contemptuously.

Then it continued to control its roots and rushed towards Qin Feng.

【Host, you are screwed! Who told you to open the champagne at halftime?】

The system saw Qin Feng in trouble, not only was it not anxious, but it also laughed at him.

"You are too presumptuous!"

Qin Feng complained hastily, and then dealt with the roots coming from all directions.

""It hurts when this thing hits me!"

Qin Feng complained.

This root is just like a spear.

Every time it pierces Qin Feng's body, it will bring him great pain.

But fortunately, he has silver armor on the outside and golden bones on the inside.

Most importantly, he is also wearing a second-grade protective gear, spiritual leaf armor.

So although this thing brought Qin Feng pain, it did not hurt him.

"I have to think of a way, otherwise I will die here sooner or later."

Qin Feng was trying to find a way out while trying to fend off the willow tree's roots.

The willow tree didn't seem to be in a hurry to kill Qin Feng, so it started playing a cat-and-mouse game with Qin Feng.


【I also have a homemade side dish~】

The same voice pack as Uncle Qian sounded in Qin Feng's ears.

Qin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Good job!"

""System, you are finally human again!"

After the system's reminder, Qin Feng finally remembered that he had a secret weapon.

That is the plus version of the big yellow water!

This big yellow water may be a little difficult to sneak attack other warriors.

But it is just right to deal with the willow tree in front of him.

Because the big trees rely on roots to absorb, and it just so happens that this guy is using his roots to deal with him.

Now Qin Feng has to consider whether this big yellow water can have an effect on this willow tree.

"There is no other way now, so let's try it out!"

Qin Feng took out the rhubarb water from the space and looked at the willow tree.


"What? Do you want to surrender?"

The willow tree heard Qin Feng's words and really stopped growing.

A face appeared on his trunk, and it smiled humanely.


"I admit that you are very powerful, but……"

"If I take out the plus version of Rhubarb Water, how will you deal with it?"


Before Yang Liushu could react, he saw Qin Feng throwing a bottle at him.

He subconsciously controlled a tree root and stabbed it.

"With a clang, the porcelain bottle containing the rhubarb water broke, and the rhubarb water also spilled on the roots of the willow tree.

""Oh, this is your secret weapon? It's useless!"

The willow tree laughed disdainfully.

Qin Feng was unsure when he saw this scene.

Because he didn't know whether his big yellow water would be useful to the spirit race.

The branches of the willow tree were still approaching Qin Feng, and when it was about to attack Qin Feng, the willow tree's face suddenly changed, and then all its roots curled up.

"You...what is that thing you have! ?"

Yang Liushu asked Qin Feng in shock.

He didn't expect that his roots were just touched by a little bit of that liquid, and now he has a stomachache.

And there is always a shameful feeling that he wants to release.

At the same time, Qin Feng smiled.

He knew that the rhubarb water worked, but he never expected that even the spirit race could not be immune to the effects of the rhubarb water.

This rhubarb water is really a treasure

"I will tell you next time we meet."


After Qin Feng finished speaking, he turned around and ran away without hesitation.

No matter what, this willow tree is also a primary warlord realm strongman, and it is not something he can touch for the time being.

""Damn it, don't even think about running away!"

The willow tree saw Qin Feng trying to run away, and hurriedly controlled its roots to chase him.

But the pain in his stomach forced him to retract his roots and not move. The willow tree saw that he couldn't catch up with Qin Feng, so he hurriedly passed on Qin Feng's message through the unique way of passing messages in the tomb pit.

On the other side, Qin Feng, who had shaken off the willow tree, hummed happily.

"Ah~ I'll give you a bottle of rhubarb water in exchange for your tears~"

"All the diarrhea and diarrhoea made him feel heartbroken.~"

"There's not enough toilet paper~"

【Host, we are one family, don't say a word! 】

Qin Feng saw an emoticon with both hands raised above the head in a surrender gesture, and couldn't help but twitching his lips.

This system is really too abominable, actually mocking him like this.

So Qin Feng not only didn't shut up, but sang even louder.

While looking for a way back, Qin Feng hunted down the teams of primitive ancients wandering in the wild.

He found that most of these teams were warriors with several warriors.

There were also some generals.

Qin Feng took advantage of this advantage underground and killed several teams.

Qin Feng stopped and took a look at his attribute panel

【Name: Qin Feng】

【HP: 4911】

【Realm: Primary General Realm】

【Talents: Infinite Extraction (SSS), Earth Fusion (D-level Superhuman), Power Accumulation (C-level Superhuman), Air Breaking (S-level Elemental, comparable to SSS-level)】

"Tsk tsk tsk, I can only say that murder and arson are worth the gold belt!"

Qin Feng smacked his lips immediately, and sighed at the culture of his ancestors, which was always so well summarized.

"However, I still need more than 1,000 HP to break through to the intermediate general level. I always feel that this efficiency is too slow."

"We have to think of a way, faster."

Qin Feng pinched his chin, frowned and fell into deep thought.

This was also because everyone didn't know what he said, otherwise, they would have to scold him to death.

You know, in just half a day, the blood value increased by nearly 600 points.

It's too Versailles to say that the upgrade speed is not fast enough.

Night slowly came.

In the tomb pit, the night is a little darker than the outside world.

Because there is no moon, no stars, and no brightly lit city in the sky.

There is only pitch black darkness.

Qin Feng was still wandering, but he saw a little light coming from the front, and he hurried over there.

When he felt the light, he found that he had come to a small city of the ancients.

At this time, Qin Feng realized that he had been running in the wrong direction. He had actually gone deep into the enemy's interior.

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