The shadow earthquake lasted for a long time.

As soon as it ended, Deng Ling counted the number of people.

He found that five people were missing, and his face suddenly turned cold.

"I told you before that the grave is extremely dangerous."

"I can't protect your safety 100%."

"This time we were directly hit by the Shadow Earthquake. Five students are missing now. No one knows whether they are alive or dead."

Deng Ling said with a heavy heart.

""Master Deng, we must find them back, especially Qin Feng!" Xiao Ding spoke without hesitation.

Although Qin Feng had done many tricks, it was precisely because of Qin Feng's existence that the freshmen were not bullied by the old students and ruthlessly exploited by the student union.

So in order to support Qin Feng, they joined the new faction one by one to resist the student union and the old faction.

There is a deep friendship between them!

""Okay! Let's go together!"

Deng Ling would naturally not refuse such a request.

Among all the students who came in this batch, he valued Qin Feng the most.

But in the previous situation, he could only focus on the overall situation.

After a little reorganization, everyone officially set out and searched in the direction Qin Feng had just chased.

Along the way, they found the four missing classmates.

Fortunately, they were not injured.

This made everyone a little excited.

They felt that since these four people could survive, with Qin Feng's cleverness, it would be impossible for them to get into trouble.

Continue to search forward.

After a while.

A cry came

""Look, what is this?"

Deng Ling looked in the direction of the person's finger.

There lay a matte black shovel.

"This is Qin Feng's weapon!"

Immediately someone recognized that this was Qin Feng's black steel bone shovel.

Deng Ling picked up the black steel bone shovel and his face suddenly became ugly.

"The weapon was left here, nothing will happen to him, right?"


Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes.

He moved slightly and felt the pain coming from all his limbs.

"Where am I?"

Qin Feng couldn't help but mutter.

【Host, are you okay?】

【Are you OK?】

【Are you okay?

Qin Feng heard the system's words and came back to his senses.

However, this broken system kept repeating"Are you okay?"

Although Yang Mi is very beautiful, she can't stand your looping from all angles!

"Stop, stop, stop, I'm fine! Stop talking!"

Qin Feng made a pause gesture with both hands and said hurriedly

【I don't believe it! Are you okay? 】

Qin Feng:……

"Do you have to let me eat a plum before you believe I'm fine?"

(Qin Feng: Advertisers, pay me!)

As expected.

The system fell silent after hearing this.

Qin Feng stood up and looked around.

This was a completely unfamiliar environment. It was also his first time going down to the tomb, and he was indeed not familiar with the environment.

"System, what should I do now?"

Qin Feng had no choice but to ask the system

【You asked the right person!】

【I suggest you ask someone else! 】

The joy on Qin Feng's face suddenly stopped, and then he began to take a deep breath.

"Dear, dear, my own system"

"I don't get angry when others get angry, but if I get angry and become ill, no one can help me. Who would be happy if I die of anger? Besides, it's exhausting and tiring."

Qin Feng calmed down, then identified a direction and used the Earth Fusion.

【"Student, where are you going?"

The system asked again in a broadcasting tone.

"I want to die, my family!"

This dog system keeps playing jokes, and Qin Feng can't help but raise his middle finger.

【No, you should study and strive……】

Qin Feng heard a cheerful clapper sound in his ears.

However, he chose to ignore it.

Because the more he cared, the happier the dog system was.

Qin Feng used the earth to rush at full speed.

Soon, he found a wandering primitive team.

"I'm in a bad mood, just in time to vent my anger!"

Qin Feng laughed wickedly.

He subconsciously opened the space that broke through the air.

But in it, he didn't find his black steel bone shovel.

He suddenly remembered that he threw the black steel bone shovel away and never had a chance to pick it up.

Qin Feng's face was immediately distressed.

That's a third-grade weapon! It's super easy to use, okay?

But fortunately, the strength of the opposite team is very average.

The strongest team leader is only at the elementary warrior level.

As for those team members, they are even worse.

After all, this is the periphery, and there are very few strong people.

Qin Feng gradually approached, quietly under the team leader, stretched out his hand and directly grabbed his ankle


The captain suddenly felt a huge force coming.

Before he could react, he fell flat on his face.

Qin Feng broke out of the ground, grabbed the latter's neck, and twisted it hard.



【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: HP 30】

""Who is it?!"

Several other team members noticed something was wrong, roared, and then scattered.

Qin Feng didn't have time to deal with them, and went straight to another person's feet and did the same thing. When these primitive people saw this scene, they wanted to run away as if they had seen a ghost.

But their speed was really touching. It didn't take much effort.

Qin Feng successfully solved this team.

A team of 6 people.

A total of 100 HP points were obtained.

"It's a little less, but it's still a good start."

Qin Feng didn't feel disgusted.

He was just about to find his way back when a faint voice suddenly sounded beside his ear.

""You want to leave after killing someone?"

Qin Feng was shocked.

He looked back and found that a tree had appeared opposite him.

That's right, it was a tree!

If he had to say the species, Qin Feng thought it was a willow tree.

Of course, it couldn't be a willow tree.

This was a special race in the tomb pit - the spirit race.

That is, plants that have cultivated into spirits.

Qin Feng stared at the tree, feeling the breath coming from the latter, and frowned slightly.

"If my perception is correct……"

"This guy should be at the Battle Candidate Realm."

Qin Feng's expression was a little ugly.

The gap between the realms increased exponentially.

Not to mention, the opponent was a spirit race with strange means.

"How dare a junior warrior dare to parade through the tomb?"

"You really don't take us seriously!"

The willow tree spoke again.

Its branches swayed, emitting a cold breath, and locked onto Qin Feng.

"What you said makes sense"

"So, we'll meet again in this world if we're destined to!"The best strategy is to run away!

Qin Feng smiled and used the Earth Melting Technique directly, and immediately got into the soil.

"Do you think you can escape from me just because you can burrow into the ground?"

"How naive!"

"Today I will let you know that the earth is our Eldar's territory!"

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