
Deng Ling sighed in his heart.

This time it was a trial, and he was there to escort them, so safety was guaranteed.

When the real danger came, he didn't know how many of these students could return alive.

Racial struggle is the most cruel.

He was so decisive and ruthless just now, just to let them experience this fact firsthand!

Being soft-hearted will only hurt yourself!

Continue on the road.

Deng Ling will not take the lead in the future.

Qin Feng knew this very well, and he was very alert throughout the whole process, always paying attention to every move around him.

Everyone also had some insights, no longer feeling depressed and afraid like before, and they also began to observe the surroundings.

Woo woo woo!

A whistling sound came.

Qin Feng hurriedly turned his head and looked over, and the black steel bone shovel appeared in his hand in an instant.

The blood was agitated.

He chopped forward without hesitation.

A figure just hit his shovel.


In an instant, the head of the figure exploded directly, and blood spilled all over Dou Meiyu next to him.

Dou Meiyu turned pale instantly, covered her mouth and vomited.

It's not that she had never seen a dead person before.

It's just that this scene was too bloody for her to accept for a while.

【Host, I really didn't expect that you would do such a beastly thing!】

"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything!"

【It turns out that you are worse than an animal! 】

Qin Feng did not continue to pay attention to the system.

The matter at hand has not been completely resolved!

"What are you standing there for?"

"Are you waiting for them to treat you to a meal?"

Qin Feng said to the stunned classmates, then rushed to the direction where the ancient man had just appeared with a black steel bone shovel.

He had just extracted the ancient man. He gained 15 points of Qi and blood.

His strength was equivalent to that of a high-level warrior.

He curled his lips slightly in disdain.

However, no matter how small a fly is, it is still meat.

His body chased after it honestly.

In fact, Deng Ling had already discovered this group of people.

It's just that he didn't say anything and observed everyone's reactions.

Obviously, Qin Feng's reaction made him very satisfied.

When Qin Feng chased after them, the group of ancient people had already fled in panic.

When they witnessed their teammate being killed instantly, they turned around and left without hesitation.

"Want to run? Can you run away?"

Qin Feng laughed and his speed increased suddenly, like a black flash across the sky.

If the black steel bone shovel in his hand was replaced with a chainsaw, he would be a real chainsaw killer from another world!

【Don't come over here! 】

The system shouted.

Then, Qin Feng's mind flashed with the same expression package as Bu Jingyun.

He couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

This guy is really good at making trouble.


Qin Feng threw the black steel bone shovel in his hand and directly hit the last ancient man running.

Then he did not slow down, and ignored the knocked down ancient man, and continued to chase forward.

The ancient men found that Qin Feng was chasing them closely, and their expressions became more and more ugly.

The team leader gritted his teeth and turned around with his men.

"Die for me!"

The captain rushed over with a spear.

He stabbed out with the spear, and then the spear stabbed Qin Feng's body without any hindrance.


The captain's eyes instantly lit up with hope.

But when he raised his head, he saw Qin Feng showing a mouthful of white teeth.

"Silly cup!"


Before the captain could react, Qin Feng punched him and sent him flying.

With Qin Feng's current defensive ability, a mere captain could not break through his defense.

【Extraction successful!】

【[Gained HP: 30 points]

This team leader is probably at the primary warrior level, so his HP should be slightly higher.

When Qin Feng was about to kill the other ancients, suddenly, there was a violent earthquake.

"Oh no! It's a Shadow Quake!"

"Come back quickly, everyone!"

Qin Feng heard Deng Ling's shout, and his face suddenly changed. He wanted to hurry back.

Shadow earthquake is a geological disaster unique to the tomb pit.

He is only at the primary level of the general, and it is impossible for him to resist it head-on.

""Master Deng, Qin Feng has gone out to chase him, but he hasn't come back yet?" Dou Meiyu said hurriedly.

She was so frightened just now that she didn't react, so she didn't chase him out.

The others chased him not far and now they are all back.

Only Qin Feng.

He was the first one to chase him out and the farthest away from here.

Deng Ling was also very anxious.

He didn't expect that it was just a simple trial, but he would encounter a shadow earthquake.


The earthquake became stronger and stronger.

Even Deng Ling felt a breath of death, which was constantly gushing from all directions.

"If we wait any longer, I'm afraid we'll be wiped out.……"

Deng Ling looked into the distance, but still couldn't see Qin Feng.

Finally, he gritted his teeth helplessly.

"If he can hide well, he should be able to make it through."

"I can only wait until the earthquake is over, then I will send someone to look for him.……"

Deng Lin could only pray in his heart.

On the other side.

Qin Feng was also anxious to escape back.

However, those primitive people held him tightly.

They were still mumbling in their mouths.

Fortunately, Qin Feng had learned their language and understood what they said.

The general idea was that they could not survive the shadow earthquake, and they did not want Qin Feng to go back alive.

Qin Feng had a dark face.

Tian Ji's horse race was on hold!

""Get out!"

Qin Feng roared.

His blood gushed out, forcibly repelling the ancients. The ancients fell to the ground. They wanted to continue to hold Qin Feng back, but they were swallowed by the cracks that suddenly appeared. They disappeared in the blink of an eye, and even their life force disappeared completely in that instant!


So fierce?

Qin Feng became more and more anxious.

However, the frequency of the shadow earthquakes became higher and higher, and countless cracks appeared one after another, making it very difficult for him to even stand, and he couldn't keep his balance at all.

"System, what should I do?"

【Ah! The little fat kid lives in Bengbu? 】

Qin Feng was speechless.

He didn't expect that at this time, the damn system was still playing tricks!

"What good would it do you if I died? You'd just have to watch the fun!"

Qin Feng was heartbroken.

【This way I can find a new host, and it must be a cute girl with long legs!】

"System! Wake up!"

"This is a male-oriented article!"

"Where can you find a girl to be your host?"

【It's not impossible to change to female frequency! I'll go to the dog author to discuss it tonight. 】

Qin Feng wanted to cry but had no tears.

It seemed that the system could not be relied on, and he could only rely on himself.

He lay on the ground tightly, trying to grab something, but there was nothing here except some weeds.

The shock became stronger and stronger.

Qin Feng felt dizzy and his body began to lose strength. The weeds he was holding were also pulled out by the roots!

Finally, he could no longer control himself and rolled towards the crack in the ground...

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