[Haha, host, it seems that you want to feel the damage of a fight! ]

After Qin Feng heard this, he immediately saw the expression of his elder sister covering her face and crying.

This made Qin Feng a little scared.

""System Tyrant, I was wrong, I won't dare to do it again!"

Qin Feng was completely scared. Anyway, he thought that no one could see it, so what would happen if he was a little scared?

Han Xin had been humiliated by being kicked in the crotch before, so what would happen if I, Qin Feng, was a little scared in front of System Tyrant?

The direction Qin Feng chose this time was the opposite of yesterday.

After all, if he continued to move forward, he would definitely go deeper into the tomb.

Qin Feng didn't think that with his current strength, he could rush around in this tomb.

Just take the willow tree he met yesterday, Qin Feng felt that he would not be his opponent.

If he didn't have some trump cards, I'm afraid he would have been killed yesterday.

"There seems to be a sound of fighting."

Qin Feng stopped his earth escape and listened attentively.

If a fight broke out in this tomb, there must be a human on one side.

After all, it is impossible for people of the same race to fight near this battlefield.

After all, doing so would only benefit the fisherman while the snipe and the clam fight each other.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng decided to go over quietly to have a look.

Qin Feng earth escaped towards the sound of fighting.

But this time he was very careful, because he knew that the people of the spirit race could completely break his earth fusion power.

Qin Feng came to the battlefield, showed his head and looked outside.

At this glance, he found that the person fighting in the sky was none other than Deng Ling!

And the other people fighting were also mentors of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy.

Qin Feng was immediately confused and didn't know what was going on.

Didn't they come to protect the students of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy to gain experience?

Why did they come out to fight with these ancient people?

If Deng Ling and others knew what Qin Feng was thinking at this time, they would definitely be fierce Qin Feng looked shocked.

What else could they have come out for? It was just to find Qin Feng.

You know, after the shadow earthquake yesterday, the rest of the people were found.

Only Qin Feng disappeared, which made Deng Ling and others very anxious.

Therefore, after sending those students back to Dawn City yesterday, he brought the other instructors out to look for Qin Feng.

They have been looking for a whole night, but still have no gains. At this time, Deng Ling encountered the zombie army brought by Luo Ming.

When Deng Ling saw this zombie army, his eyes turned red.

Because he felt that Qin Feng must be in danger.

When Luo Ming saw Deng Ling, he was also very angry.

In his opinion, Deng Ling, a master of the War Demon Realm, must have come out to carry out a decapitation operation with such a group of people.

So he felt that his younger brother Luo Lie was killed by Deng Ling and others.

The two sides immediately fought hard, but Luo Ming brought a zombie army, and the number of people still had the advantage.

"Bullying my mentor is an unforgivable crime!"

Qin Feng would not rush forward foolishly, because he was only a middle-level general.

If he really rushed out, the aftermath of their battle would probably beat him to ashes.

But he was an old man, so he naturally had his own methods.

He quickly used the ability of Tu Rong to come to the battlefield, and then he kept finding some lone zombies.

Pull them into the soil and then deal with them.

Since these zombies were brainless, Qin Feng's method was still effective.

But there were too many zombies on the field, and his method was just a drop in the bucket.

"Lord Deng! This won't work!"

"There are too many zombies here. If we continue to fight, we will be exhausted to death.

Huang Zhong said hurriedly.

As the saying goes, two fists cannot beat four hands. Although their strength is not weak, their number is still too small.

Even if this group of zombies stand here for them to kill, they will need a lot of time.


Deng Ling gritted his teeth and spoke.

As the deputy lord of the Imperial Capital Martial Palace, he naturally had to put the overall situation first.

If Qin Feng was still alive, he would definitely save Qin Feng at all costs.

But if Qin Feng died, then it would not be worth it to pay such a price.

After all, they can do more things if they are alive. If they die here, it will be a loss for the Imperial Capital Martial Palace.

With Deng Ling's order, everyone began to get rid of their opponents in front of them.

Deng Ling also burst out with strength and directly forced Luo Ming to retreat.

Since Luo Ming brought a large army of zombies, his mobility was definitely not as good as Deng Ling and others.

He didn't dare to chase him alone, let alone a group fight.

Deng Ling alone could send him to reincarnation.

Qin Feng was originally very happy to be the sixth on the battlefield.

But soon he found that these zombies were not moving. He secretly poked his head out to take a look at the situation, and then saw Deng Ling and others leaving.

"Damn it! These idiots!"

"I was helping them kill the enemy in the rear, but they just left. This is unbelievable!"

Qin Feng immediately covered his face and cried. Now he was surrounded by zombies, which made him panic.

【Host, don't panic!】

【As the saying goes, a disaster will last for thousands of years!】

【A scourge like you will definitely live well! 】

Qin Feng:……

"Thank you! You are such a nice person!"

Qin Feng naturally couldn't just sit there and wait for death. He thought for a moment and then stripped off the clothes of one of the zombies.

Resisting his nausea, Qin Feng put on the clothes and then smeared some blood and dust on his body.

After doing all this, Qin Feng secretly ran out of the ground.

【Wow! You are going to Busan knowing that there is a bus in the mountain!】

The system continued to tease.

Qin Feng had no time to pay attention to him, because he was observing the actions of these zombies.

No matter what, he must imitate them well, otherwise if he was discovered by Luo Ming, he would definitely die.

【I have to say, host, you have learned the essence】

【You can't learn the walking posture like this without a cerebral thrombosis for ten years! 】

In order to imitate more like, Qin Feng also walked with a limp.

When Luo Ming saw Deng Ling and others leave, he snorted angrily.

He knew that it was not realistic to catch up with them, so he had to give up.

Luo Ming controlled the army and returned to the ancient city of Ming. He just came out for a walk.

Unexpectedly, he really ran into Deng Ling and others.

Qin Feng followed the zombie army all the way back to the ancient city of Ming. Among the many zombies, he was not conspicuous.

Because Qin Feng discovered that there were zombies in the War King realm.

If this person was alive, his strength would definitely be even more terrifying.

At this time, Qin Feng understood the horror of the tomb pit even more!

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