Even strong men above the War King Realm could die at any time, let alone him.

No one would have thought that Qin Feng would be mixed up in the zombie army, so he came to the Dark Ancient City easily.

Luo Ming arranged the zombie army in a camp.

In fact, in the Crazy Corpse Garden, every city has a place dedicated to zombies.

The Dark Ancient City is naturally no exception.

The zombie army was arranged here, and there was not even anyone watching around.

That's because Luo Ming believed in the zombie army more, and didn't believe in normal ancient people so much.

Qin Feng blinked, and he found that all the zombies fell into silence, and there was no one watching around.

"It's really a turtle's day job - I couldn't help laughing."

Qin Feng drilled into the ground without hesitation and left here.

It was not easy for Qin Feng to come to the Dark Ancient City, so he naturally couldn't leave so easily.

When he came in just now, he saw that there was a medicine garden in the Dark Ancient City.

There were many good things in it.

Qin Feng walked into the medicine garden relying on his memory.

The person guarding the medicine garden was only at the level of a general. Qin Feng was careful and avoided it perfectly.

Perhaps no one would believe that someone would be so bold as to steal things in the Dark Ancient City.

After Qin Feng entered the medicine garden, he began to rob crazily.

No matter what he saw, he stuffed it into the broken space without hesitation.

【Host, you are really like a locust passing through the land, leaving no grass to grow】

"Ugh! What do you know?"

"If I leave some for them, it would be irresponsible to us humans!"

Qin Feng ignored the system and continued to collect the spiritual medicines.

These things are good things if they are placed in the Imperial Capital Martial Mansion.

But unfortunately, the best things here are only Grade 3, and there are not many of them.

But it is normal to think about it. It is difficult to grow spiritual medicines that are really valuable in large quantities.

But the quantity is here, and for Qin Feng, it is also a windfall.

When Qin Feng was about to leave, he suddenly heard a"creak" and the gate of the medicine garden was opened.

The two Yuan Gu people who walked in stared at Qin Feng.

Then, they saw a bare patch in the medicine garden and couldn't help but open their mouths.

Qin Feng reacted quickly and stepped forward.

A knife suddenly appeared in his hand, and he swung it forward.

The blood surged into a knife light, and before the two men could react, their heads were chopped off.

"I was scared to death!"

Qin Feng patted his chest with lingering fear. He almost thought he was exposed just now.

Fortunately, he was quick-witted, otherwise, he would have been dead.

It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. Qin Feng escaped into the ground again. In this land, he just needs to pay attention to the spirits.

Qin Feng wandered around again, and he found that this ancient city of Hades also had its own civilization.

This place is more like the ancient times of Blue Star, and there are normal civilians living here.

Seeing this, Qin Feng found a secluded place, changed into the clothes of the primitive ancients, and walked out.

He decided to get to know the primitive ancients here in person.

Unlike other He only learned the basics of the original ancient language within three days.

Qin Feng might have traveled through time. He learned very quickly and basically mastered these languages.

Qin Feng felt that this was slightly similar to the ancient language before he traveled through time, at least they had similarities.

He strode into an inn and sat down with his horse and sword.

After listening to the discussion for a while, he left.

Qin Feng heard that there had been a martial arts competition in the city lord's mansion.

Qin Feng felt that this was an opportunity. As long as he could pass this martial arts competition, he would be able to enter the sight of the top leaders.

It is said that this ancient city of Hades The city lord is a war master, and this martial arts competition is held to select talents.

Even in the tomb, masters cannot be made overnight, they need to be cultivated.

Qin Feng came all the way to the registration office, and to his surprise, the people at the registration office did not embarrass him.

They did not ask too many questions, but only asked about his strength and his life weapon.

Regarding strength, Qin Feng naturally answered truthfully, and the weapon he mentioned was a sword.

Qin Feng has the space to break through the air, so he can summon his horizontal sword in an instant.

So it looks like he is very similar to the weapon cultivators among the ancients, and it is difficult for others to distinguish them for a while.

This is why Qin Feng dared to come.

Qin Feng did not have to wait long before the competition began.

Only then did Qin Feng realize that the competition was a ring system, with one ring per day.

Whoever persists to the end will be the champion.

This system is exactly what Qin Feng wants. If he delays here for too long, he estimates that Qin Xue will be worried. This is the main reason why Qin Feng took such a risk.

In fact, he wanted to see if there was any elixir that could restore Xiao Xue's health.

Qin Feng soon came to the ring. The champion at this time was a man with explosive muscles.

Obviously, this man was the body cultivator among the ancients.

"A bean sprout like this dares to challenge me?"

The muscular man saw Qin Feng's thin appearance and immediately showed a disdainful smile.

【Host, this guy said you are a little Karami! Gat his kidney! 】

The system's voice suddenly sounded in Qin Feng's mind, and Qin Feng nodded seriously.


The referee glanced at Qin Feng and signaled him to get on the stage quickly.

Qin Feng stepped on his toes and then stepped onto the stage. He extended his right index finger towards the muscular man.

"Come here!"

(Shen Teng's provocative expression!)

"Damn bean sprouts! I'm going to crush you to death!"

The muscular man rushed forward in a rage, bursting out with his momentum.

In an instant, all his clothes burst apart, revealing his angular tendon meat.

【This guy is so confident, could he be the Tomb Pit Strongman?】

【Host, you can't be weak!】

"Don’t worry, men can’t say no!"

"But it would be a pity if this guy didn't become a male model with his body!"

Qin Feng crossed his arms and waited for the muscular man to arrive.

When the muscular man was about to arrive, a black horizontal sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

Then he stabbed forward without hesitation.


The muscular man screamed, then stepped back and knelt on the ground.

【Wow! Host, your sword skills are fast, accurate and ruthless! You must have done this in Myanmar in your previous life!】

"Ugh! Am I that kind of person?"

"It's just a coincidence!"

The referee took a look at the muscular man and immediately determined that the guy had lost his fighting ability.

So the winner of this battle was undoubtedly Qin Feng.

However, when the referee announced the result, he looked at Qin Feng with a slightly strange look.

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