[Host! This guy looks at you so strangely, hit him in the back quickly!]

Qin Feng was immediately furious when he heard this.

When this damn system said this, it didn't even consider his strength. The person on the other side was at least a powerful warrior in the War King realm.

How could a mere middle-level War General like him hit him in the back?

But one day, Qin Feng thought he could give it a try.

The referee naturally didn't know what Qin Feng was thinking, but he suddenly felt a chill on his back, as if he was being stared at.

Qin Feng didn't have to wait too long, and soon another person was brought over.

Unlike the muscular man before, this person's body shape was a little thin.

"It seems that this guy is a weapon cultivator!"

Qin Feng pinched his chin and thought

"Hello, my name is Yuan Bin!"

Yuan Bin walked to the ring and greeted Qin Feng.

Qin Feng just nodded lightly. In his opinion, the more mistakes he made, the more mistakes he made.

The way to avoid mistakes was to keep silent.

With the referee's order, Yuan Bin rushed over instantly.

Qin Feng's pupils shrank suddenly, because Yuan Bin's speed was too fast.

In the blink of an eye, he came in front of him, and then Qin Feng saw a fist suddenly grow bigger.


Qin Feng was hit and flew away. Fortunately, he reacted in time and blocked it. Otherwise, he would have been thrown out of the ring.

【I was careless and didn't dodge! Smile!】

【He attacked me suddenly, a sneak attack!】

【"Pah! A right whip kick, pah! A left kick!"

Qin Feng finally managed to stand firm, and suddenly Master Ma's passionate singing appeared in his mind.

He almost stumbled and fell to the ground again.

【Host, how is it? Does the BGM I found perfectly match your feelings?

Qin Feng almost bit his teeth to pieces when he heard this.

This dog system is useless in dangerous times, but at this time, the taunting comes at a very timely moment.

"It seems that you are just a silver-like wax spear head, and you are not my opponent at all."

Yuan Bin saw that he easily knocked Qin Feng away with one punch, so he did not take Qin Feng seriously.


Qin Feng snorted coldly, then stepped forward with a knife and rushed towards Yuan Bin.

He was indeed careless just now. He originally thought that Yuan Bin was a weapon cultivator because of his thin figure.

But what Qin Feng did not expect was that this guy was also a body cultivator.

Seeing that Qin Feng did not surrender and even rushed over, Yuan Bin sneered.

He stepped forward again and punched out.

Seeing this, Qin Feng dodged sideways and came behind Yuan Bin.

The horizontal knife in his hand stretched out and stabbed directly into Yuan Bin's waist.


Yuan Bin also screamed and lost his fighting ability

"There is not even one person who can fight!"

Qin Feng curled his lips in disdain.

Another big talker.

And this time, the referee looked at Qin Feng with an even stranger look.

Because he has been hosting this ring match for quite some time, but he has never seen such a strange person.

The rest of the people's methods are almost just bloody and violent, but unlike Qin Feng, he only hits people's kidneys.

Now the referee suspects that Qin Feng has some unspeakable secrets.

Otherwise, why is he targeting other people's kidneys so much?

The referee is puzzled.

Then several more people came to challenge Qin Feng one after another, but they were all defeated by Qin Feng easily.

And the way of defeating was the same, that is, to hit other people's kidneys.

When Qin Feng hit the tenth kidney, the voice of the system suddenly rang out.

【Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission: Ga Yao Novice】

【[Get reward: a bottle of Liuwei Dihuang Pills]

Qin Feng couldn't help but twitch his lips when he saw the hidden task reward.

What the hell is this Ga Yao Newbie!? What the hell is this Liuwei Dihuang Pill!?

Are you kidding me!?

Qin Feng really wanted to cry but had no tears. He didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this moment.

【Treat kidney deficiency, sugar-free!】

【One is stronger than the other, you deserve it!】

The system doesn't care what Qin Feng thinks now, and still brags about its rewards.

Qin Feng is too lazy to pay attention to this guy, he has defeated ten people.

Now it is dark, and no one continues to come to challenge

"Congratulations, you won today."

The referee looked at Lin Fan strangely, and then said,"Come again tomorrow."

Qin Feng heard this and looked at the referee in confusion.

"Every ten days, the champions will gather together to fight, and the winner will be summoned by the master."

Perhaps seeing Qin Feng's doubts, the referee explained lightly.

【That sir!? Did Shafulin also travel through time!?】

Qin Feng couldn't help but wipe the sweat off his forehead after hearing what the system said.

How could Captain Yantou's name be called out casually? He really didn't care about his life!

"Thank you, sir! I will come on time tomorrow."

Qin Feng saluted the referee and left.

After leaving the City Lord's Mansion, Qin Feng did not dare to act recklessly and honestly found an inn to stay in.

He is now worried that the people in the City Lord's Mansion will investigate him.

If his identity information cannot be found, Qin Feng feels that he will definitely be in danger.

After all, he does not think that with his own strength, he can slip into the City Lord's Mansion with the strength of the War Lord.

So Lin Fan felt that it would be safer for him.

The next day, at dawn, Qin Feng hurried to the City Lord's Mansion.

Since he won yesterday, he was soon taken to yesterday's arena.

At this time, yesterday's War King The referee of the realm was already waiting there.

He nodded at Qin Feng. Qin Feng's fighting style yesterday was really special.

Therefore, he had a deep impression of Qin Feng, but the look in his eyes when he looked at Qin Feng was still so weird.

Relatively speaking, the City Lord's Mansion has had many competitions.

Therefore, the quality of the daily champion is not as high as it was at the beginning.

This is why Qin Feng won so easily yesterday.

It is also the same. Now there is an opportunity for the champion to compete every ten days.

However, Lin Fan shrugged and said it didn't matter.

In his opinion, it was just a matter of a few more times.

Not long after, all ten people came.

""Master Zhao Di, what are the rules today?"

This is a man in black clothes. He stepped forward and asked.

The Master Zhao Di he was talking about was the referee.

"Today...then we will fight two by two, the winner will advance, and the loser will be eliminated."

Originally, Zhao Di was still thinking about a melee, but when he looked at Qin Feng next to him, he changed his mind immediately.

He always felt that this kid would make some big noise.

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