This guy likes to bite people's kidneys so much. Zhao Di felt that if a melee really broke out, someone's kidney might be killed. In order to avoid seeing such a cruel scene, he chose the ring system.

Because in this way, even if Qin Feng won the championship, he would only meet four people at most.

Well, a one-third probability is better than a complete annihilation.

Zhao Di said that he was very satisfied with his decision.

Everyone had no objection to this, and then began to draw lots.

What a coincidence, Qin Feng was the first to go up in this round.

Qin Feng jumped up, stood on the edge of the ring, and then looked to the other side.

I saw a man slowly walking up, and Qin Feng immediately showed a serious expression.

Because Qin Feng felt a murderous aura from him, a kind of aura that could only be formed by crawling out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood.

【Wow! This person is so powerful, host, I feel like you are too cute! 】

After the system finished saying this, Qin Feng saw a black man appear in front of him.

He stretched out his hands forward, then squatted up and down, swaying left and right.

"Wow! Damn system, you actually taunted me with a phone call!"

"How presumptuous of you!"

Qin Feng was a little nervous at first, but after being interrupted by the system, he felt a lot more relaxed.

"You'd better surrender, or I'll kill you."

Zhao Di had just said that this man was called Taiya, and he had been on the battlefield alone.

He had killed many humans, and the most important thing was that he came back alive.

When he was defending the ring, a total of eight people came to challenge him, and six of them died.

"No, I want to win.

Qin Feng looked at Taiya seriously and said

"So... you want to die?"

"I don’t really want to."

Qin Feng pinched his chin and thought for a while, then said:

"How about this, you just admit defeat"

"This way, I don't have to die, and I don't have to lose."

Qin Feng suddenly had an idea, and then he clapped his hands and said

"You are quite good at fulfilling yourself!"

Taiya's face turned green with anger. He didn't expect this guy to be so stupid.

A blood-red long sword appeared in his hand, bursting with a kind of bewitching light.

Then, he chopped directly at Qin Feng with a sword.

Qin Feng directly raised the sword to resist. In an instant, he felt a huge force pressing down.

It made his wrist numb, but fortunately, he was not a weapon cultivator.

You know, he has silver armor and golden bones. His body defense is definitely not inferior to the original ancient body cultivator of the same level.

Therefore, he took the opportunity to slide down with the sword, creating dazzling sparks.

Seeing that Qin Feng was not repelled by his blow, Taiya showed a surprised expression on his face.

Although he is not a physical cultivator, he is naturally strong.

Therefore, every time he fights with others, he will rely on his powerful strength to suppress others.

It is difficult for weapon cultivators of the same level to be his opponent, and they will basically be suppressed by him.

Qin Feng slashed at Taiya's lower abdomen with a knife, and Taiya hurriedly bent down to avoid it.

Qin Feng's knife only cut his clothes and did not hurt him.

However, Qin Feng took advantage of inertia and kicked Taiya to the ground.

Then he stabbed Taiya's waist without hesitation.

The moment Taiya fell, Zhao Di covered his eyes with his hands, because he had guessed the outcome of the matter.

"This is not amazing, you just said so much, I thought you were so amazing."

Qin Feng took back his knife, then laughed and walked off the stage.

Qin Feng also watched the remaining matches, but although these people were all champions, their levels were uneven and it was hard to tell what they were like.

After the first round, Zhao Di let everyone rest for half an hour.

Then the second round began, but this time Qin Feng was lucky enough to get a bye.

This surprised Qin Feng a little, he always felt that this was Zhao Di's doing.

But he had no evidence

【I told you to take a break, but you still think so much, what a jerk! 】

The system's ridicule came instantly, and Qin Feng said that he just wanted to raise his middle finger.

What surprised Qin Feng even more was that he was also given a bye in the third round.

He now believed that the draw must have been rigged by Zhao Di, otherwise, with his luck, it would be impossible for him to have a bye twice in a row.

Finally, it was Qin Feng's turn to play.

Before, Qin Feng knew about this person, whose name was She Lie.

His life weapon turned out to be a bell, which surprised Qin Feng.

Moreover, this She Lie had been covering himself in thick clothes, and even wore a bamboo hat on his head.

""Go ahead!"

A hoarse voice came over, which made Qin Feng narrow his eyes.

Then, he rushed over with a knife in hand.

"Ding Dong——"

Shelie lightly shook the bell in his hand, and Qin Feng felt dizzy after hearing the sound.

However, he quickly expelled the negative influence and stepped forward again.

But the bell in Shelie's hand was still shaking.

This forced Qin Feng to temporarily seal his hearing with his blood.

Seeing that his bell had no effect on Qin Feng, Shelie felt a little surprised.

But he soon understood that it should be Qin Feng who sealed his hearing.

Although he didn't know how Qin Feng did it, he knew that his summoning bell should be useless to him.

So he took out a zombie from his space ring without hesitation.

Qin Feng was stunned when he saw this scene.

【Look at your earthen building appearance, it's just a space ring!】

"You're the one who yawns like a dung beetle - you have a stinky mouth!"

After Shelie took out the zombie, he gently rang his soul-calling bell again, and the zombie moved instantly.

Qin Feng saw that Zhao Di did not stop Shelie, so he knew that he had allowed this.

Qin Feng raised his knife and chopped it, but the zombie did not react.

Then he punched Qin Feng in the stomach.

Qin Feng felt a pain and couldn't help curling up.

""So strong!"

This was Qin Feng's first reaction after he recovered. He was sure that this guy was definitely not a zombie in the War General realm.

It was very likely a zombie in the War Candidate realm. This She Lie was so terrifying that he could control zombies in the War Candidate realm.

Qin Feng was in a dilemma. If he wanted to deal with this zombie in the War Candidate realm, he had to go all out.

But if he went all out, his identity would definitely be exposed.

Qin Feng thought about it for a while and decided to give in.


But before Qin Feng finished speaking, he heard a voice

"Okay, this game is over, Zhao Di, bring both of them to see me!"

""Yes! Lord City Lord!"

Zhao Di said respectfully.

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