Qin Feng pinched his chin. He thought that Zhao Di, a powerful warrior at the Battle King level, was worthy of such respect.

Moreover, he could decide the outcome of the match with just one word. Needless to say, Qin Feng knew that this person was the Lord of the Ancient City of Ming. The

Lord of the Ancient City of Ming was a master at the Battle Honor level. Qin Feng felt a little nervous when he thought about meeting him.

"You two, come with me, the city lord wants to see you."

Zhao Di took the lead and walked in front. Qin Feng was about to follow him, but he saw She Lie looking at him.

"You are pretty good."

A faint voice sounded, which made Qin Feng stunned for a moment.

Then Qin Feng curled his lips. If it weren't for the zombie in the War Waiting Realm, I would definitely beat the shit out of you.

Of course, he could only think about it, but he didn't dare to say it out loud. It didn't take long for the three of them to arrive at the back garden of the City Lord's Mansion.

There was a middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes standing there. When he saw the three of them coming, he smiled.

""Lord, Lord City!"

Zhao Di hurriedly bowed, and Qin Feng hurriedly followed.

This man was the Lord of this Ming Ancient City - She Ming

"Shelie, you broke the rules!"

"Uncle, I just want to see how strong you, the genius of Ming Ancient City, are."

"But now it seems that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers. If I hadn't taken out the zombies in the battle state, I'm afraid I would not be his opponent."

Shelie smiled slightly and spoke slowly.

Qin Feng, who was standing next to him, was stunned when he heard this and was petrified on the spot.

Zhao Di was better. When he saw this name at the beginning, he had some guesses in his mind.

Now it just proved that his guess was correct.

"You are very good. You can make Shelie use the zombies in the battle state, which is his trump card."

"He is a genius from the main city."

Qin Feng couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he heard this. He didn't know whether this was a compliment to himself or to Shelie.

"Thank you for your compliment, sir!"

However, Qin Feng still clasped his fists in thanks. After all, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

【Wow! Host, can you tolerate this?】

【If it were me, I would go up and give him a big fight!】

【Let them know what it means when a commoner gets angry, blood splatters five steps away!】


"Don't add fuel to the fire."

Qin Feng sneered when he heard this.

"I killed fish in RT-Mart for ten years in my previous life. My heart has become as cold as my knife."

"Your low-level provocation is useless to me."

Qin Feng's face was cold. This guy was really joking. He could make me fly on the spot with just a breath.

And I was going to fight him?

Isn't this just throwing meat buns at a dog?

"I think your fighting style is not very similar to our primitive people, but rather has some human feeling."

She Ming looked at Qin Feng and said lightly.

Qin Feng suddenly felt a chill on his back and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

After all, he was facing a strong man in the battle master realm, so maybe he could tell.

But soon he said something that made Qin Feng feel relieved.

"If you didn't have the special smell of humans, I might have thought you were a spy sent by humans.

Qin Feng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead without leaving a trace.

"Lord City Lord, I hate those humans to my core, how could it be them!"

When Qin Feng said this, a hateful expression appeared on his face.

【Host, stop acting! If you continue, you will win a prize! 】

Qin Feng didn’t have time to deal with the system at this time, and continued to speak:

"My father died in the war with humans!"

"These humans are so selfish. They own such rich land, why don’t they share some with us!"

"What you said makes sense!

She Ming and She Lie nodded seriously. They thought the same way.

"You are very good. Since you have such awareness, you should follow Shelie in the future!"

"He came here to gain experience."

Qin Feng's eyes lit up. She Ming's meaning was very clear.

That was to say, She Lie came here to gild his reputation.

It seemed that She Lie's status was not simple. Maybe he was the son of the owner of the Crazy Corpse Garden.

"Meet Lord Shelie!"

"Hahaha, okay!"

"By the way, I don't know your name yet!"

Shelie was very happy to receive Qin Feng's surrender.

After all, he was very clear about Qin Feng's strength.

And Qin Feng was the first one to surrender to him, so he was happy.

"My Lord, I am Gujia!"

"Well, you young people can chat, I'm leaving first.

She Ming was also very satisfied with the result, and then he took Zhao Di away.

"Don't worry, Gu Jia, follow me, I will definitely not let you suffer any loss.

She Lie patted Qin Feng's shoulder.

"Sir, do you want to make a contribution?"

At this time, Qin Feng said quietly


Shelie became interested when he heard this. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Qin Feng.

"What do you want to say?"

Shelie came here to gild himself, so he naturally wanted to make a contribution.

So he was naturally interested in what Qin Feng said.

"My Lord, I have been planning how to take revenge on humans."

"But I am alone and powerless, unable to carry it out"

"But now that you are here, everything can be done naturally."

Qin Feng said humbly.

"So that's the case, then tell me about your plan.

Shelie was very satisfied with Qin Feng's attitude.

"Is such that……"

"I know the Imperial Capital Wufu……"

Qin Feng came over and whispered to Shelie, who nodded repeatedly.

"Good! If you succeed, I will definitely reward you handsomely!"

【Oh my god! This guy has no brains at all.���have!】

【I guess the zombies would starve to death if they met him! 】

The system naturally heard the whispers of the two and complained without hesitation:

"What do you know? I just like people who are easy to fool!"

"He thinks he has the aura of a king, and if he shows off a little, I will bow down to him."

Qin Feng sneered in his heart.

Qin Feng certainly couldn't really join this hunting club, he just wanted to set a trap and then lure him into it.

"In that case, I will go down and prepare."

"Go ahead, come and find me if you need anything!"

Qin Feng agreed, and then left in a flash.

"This guy is a big fish. I wonder if She Ming will be furious if I kill him."

Qin Feng thought about the plan in his mind, and then pretended to walk out of the city lord's mansion.

After strolling around for a few times, he came back.

"Sir, I have already found out that the group of students from the Imperial Capital Martial Academy are still there and have not left."

"Is your information really reliable?

Shelie hesitated for a moment, then asked.

"Don't worry, sir, I'll use my life as a guarantee!"

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