"Then how did you get back?"

He Liangjun asked without hesitation.

In his opinion, Qin Feng was just a mid-level general, and it was impossible for him to survive in this tomb alone.

So he now suspected that Qin Feng had been instigated by the ancients.

【Wow! Host, this guy suspects you are a traitor, go up and give him a big fight! 】

The system's instigation never distinguishes between occasions and enemies.

Although Qin Feng also wanted to give this guy a big fight, it was obvious that he was no match for He Liangjun.

After all, He Liangjun fought She Ming to a standstill, and that was a strong man in the realm of war.

How could he, a small war general, mess with him?

"General He, do you think I betrayed humanity?"

Qin Feng put his hands in his pockets and looked at He Liangjun speechlessly.

"Sorry, no matter what, you are now a big suspect"

"I can't let go of any threat, I hope you can understand."

He Liangjun said lightly.

In fact, with his status, there is no need to explain so much to Qin Feng.

But he has heard of Qin Feng's deeds, so he still admires Qin Feng.

Naturally, he doesn't want Qin Feng to really take that step.

"Okay, I do understand."


""I was the one who set off the fireworks in the Ancient City of Ming, and I almost killed the young master of the Crazy Corpse Garden."

Qin Feng said, and took out the zombies of the War King Realm and the zombies of the War Waiter Realm.

He Liangjun looked a little strange when he heard what Qin Feng said.

He recalled everything that happened today. Although She Ming always thought that it was all arranged by him.

But he is a family member who knows his own business, and he didn't arrange these at all.

So what happened today... was all done by this kid in front of him?

He Liangjun thought of this and looked at Qin Feng with a strange look.

But he didn't completely believe it yet.

"How did you escape?"

Although he had restrained She Ming, there were still many masters in the ancient city of Ming.

Otherwise, the two sides would not have fought for so long, and it would have been difficult to determine the winner.


"Actually, I don't know what happened, but suddenly a group of people in black robes appeared."

"They rescued me from a primitive man in the War Demon Realm."

Qin Feng did not hide it and spoke directly.

He Liangjun couldn't help but narrow his eyes, and then asked:

"Your teacher is Mr. Yang? Yang Guangxu?"

"That's right!"

He Liangjun fell silent, but he now believed what Qin Feng said.

And he didn't think the ancient people in the tomb were willing to pay such a high price to plant such a spy.

It was easy for him to judge the truth of Qin Feng's words, because he knew the existence of the group of black-robed people.

"Well, go back quickly, your teachers and classmates are very worried about you."

He Liangjun cleared Qin Feng's suspicion and said lightly.

Qin Feng touched his nose. He didn't expect it to end so easily.

But he naturally wouldn't say much. This was a good thing for him, saving him trouble.

"Thank you, General He. I'll take my leave now!"

Qin Feng turned around and walked into Dawn City, leaving He Liangjun with his back.

He Liangjun looked at Qin Feng and couldn't help but smile.

In his opinion, this guy was really brave. He was just a general, but he had caused so many things.

He Liangjun said he was looking forward to it. He was looking forward to what Qin Feng would look like when he grew up.

Could he become a well-known and frightening existence for the strong men in the tomb pit?

However, when he thought of Deng Ling's current behavior, his face became a little strange again.

I hope that guy... won't die socially.

In Dawn City, in an auditorium.

At this time, the auditorium was solemn and solemn, and the walls were filled with elegiac couplets and flowers. In the center of the auditorium, there was a coffin.

Obviously, this was a funeral.

Deng Ling wore a bunch of white flowers on his chest and stood on the highest podium.

Below were the classmates who came with Qin Feng. At this moment, they all had tears in their eyes and looked sad.


"I hope you will remember today, your dear classmate Qin Feng"

"Among the primitive people fighting against the tomb pit, unfortunately, they died"

"He is not the first and he won't be the last!"

"But I hope you can be careful and careful again! Life is only once, I hope you can all survive!"

Although Deng Ling had thought that there would be casualties before, he never expected that the first sacrifice would be Qin Feng.

They all had high hopes for Qin Feng, so they were very sad when this happened.

When everyone heard Deng Ling's words, some people began to sob quietly.

Deng Ling was not talking, giving them time to release the sadness in their hearts.

But at this moment, a"creak" sounded.

The door of the auditorium was opened, and a head poked out.

Qin Feng was very puzzled. He asked along the way to know that Deng Ling and others were here.

It's just that the people he met on the road looked at him with strange faces, which made him a little confused.

Qin Feng was puzzled, but in the end he still knew that Deng Ling and others were in the auditorium at this time.

When he pushed open the door, he found that one by one turned back and looked at him.

But he found that everyone had tears in the corners of their eyes, as if something sad had happened.

Qin Feng was a little scared by being looked at, so he spoke carefully:

""Um... did I disturb you?"

Everyone burst into laughter when they heard this.

It was indeed the old six, so they rushed forward and rushed directly to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng was confused and didn't know what happened, and then he found himself being lifted up.

Then, he was thrown into the air and caught again.

After a while, everyone stopped when Deng Ling spoke.

"Qin Feng, how did you survive that day?"

Qin Feng heard this and looked around again, remembering the expressions of the others just now.

He suddenly realized something.


"Are you guys organizing a funeral for me?"

Qin Feng had a complicated expression, not knowing what to say.

He saved thirty years of work as a security guard, but you are directly arranging a one-stop funeral for me, letting me get everything done in one go.

【Host, how does it feel to attend your own funeral? 】

The system's ridicule arrived as expected, and Qin Feng opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer this question.


"It's not that you've been missing for so long and haven't come back, we thought……"

Deng Ling was a bit socially frustrated. He had no idea that things would turn out like this.

He wanted to find a hole to crawl into. This was so embarrassing that he didn't know what to say.

"Never mind, I understand, no need to say more."

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