Qin Feng waved his hand sympathetically. After all, he hadn't been back for a long time.

"It's good to be back."

Although it was a bit socially dead, he was happy from the bottom of his heart that Qin Feng could come back.

Deng Ling even thought that if he could let him die socially, it would save a few lives, so he thought it was okay.

But not everyone is like Qin Feng, who is lucky and has a long life.

"Qin Feng, tell me, what happened after you disappeared that day?"

Deng Ling asked hurriedly.

"Hehe, you guys don't know this, I'm going to do something big!"

Qin Fenglang laughed, and then said

"I told you, I accidentally entered the Dark Ancient City, fought a battle for a day and a night, then killed a War King zombie and left."


Dou Meiyu said in a low voice.

She was the one who cried the most just now, and Qin Feng saw it, which made her feel a little socially frustrated.

So when she heard Qin Feng say this, she did not hesitate to complain.

"I knew you wouldn't believe it, so I even showed you the evidence."

Qin Feng directly took out the War King Realm zombies and the War Waiter Realm zombies in the space.

Deng Ling instantly appeared in front of everyone and blocked them.

But when he saw that the zombie was completely dead, he was relieved.

He was shocked just now. If a War King Realm zombie suddenly appeared here, it would be able to kill all these students in just a moment.

Everyone was also surprised. Although the zombie was dead, the pressure on him still existed.

"Did you really kill him?"

Deng Ling asked in disbelief.

"Of course! Not only did I kill these zombies, I also blew up the ancient city of Hades!"

Qin Feng curled his lips. These guys didn't believe him.

Although these zombies were not killed by him, they died because of him. As the saying goes,

I didn't kill the zombies, but the zombies died because of me, so I am naturally the murderer, so there is nothing wrong with saying this.

【Host, you are flattering yourself! 】

Qin Feng saw the tonic Bilian emoticon package in front of him, saying that sprinkling water was nothing, and he had long been used to it.

Although Deng Ling was a little suspicious, he could not find any flaws.

At this time, a man pushed the door open.

When he saw Deng Ling, he immediately saluted.

"Lord Deng, General He invites you!"

""Okay, I'll be right there!"

Deng Ling nodded, indicating that he understood, and then looked at everyone.

"Go back and pack up, we are about to leave here."

After he said this, he came to the coffin again and pushed it open.

He took out a black shovel from it and handed it to Qin Feng.

"Now it's back to its original owner."

"It's a black steel bone shovel!"

Qin Feng was a little surprised. He thought it was gone, but it turned out to be picked up by Deng Ling and his friends.

"Thank you, Lord Deng!"


Deng Ling nodded, and then walked out.

This place was a bit boring for him, so it would be good to leave early.

"Qin Feng, tell us what happened to you outside."

When everyone saw Deng Ling leave, they surrounded Qin Feng and asked him to continue.

Qin Feng would not miss this opportunity to show off, so he exaggerated and said


Time passed quickly, and the next morning, everyone gathered together.

"I won't say anything extra. This gathering has only one purpose, and that is - to go home!"

As soon as Deng Ling finished speaking, there was a huge cheer.

Although it was only a few short days, they experienced a lot.

It also refreshed their worldview.

Although they had always heard about how cruel the tomb was, it was just hearsay after all.

This time they saw it with their own eyes and knew what cruelty was.

In this place, the least valuable thing is probably life.

Because people die every day, and there are wars of all sizes every day.

This makes them who have never experienced this more or less uncomfortable.

But they also know that they must adapt, because these will be the norm in the future.

They are warriors, the pride of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion, and protecting their family and friends behind them is what they must do.

Everyone began to set off to go back. When they arrived at the military restricted area, they obtained all the Respect from others.

Unlike when they first came, they were just rookies.

Now they have experienced the baptism of the tomb pit.

Ananda has been looking forward to the Imperial Capital Martial Mansion for a long time.

In the beginning, when he received the news that Qin Feng was dead, he didn't believe it at all.

But he also knew how dangerous the tomb pit was.

Qin Feng, a middle-level general, disappeared in the tomb pit for two days, and it was almost a bad omen.

But yesterday, he received another message, that is, Qin Feng is back.

At that moment, he felt happy from the sky.

So early this morning, he stood at the school gate waiting.

The other students saw the master of the mansion waiting here, and they also waited here spontaneously.

At noon, everyone finally came back.

Dou Meiyu and others sat in the car, looking at the Imperial Capital Martial Mansion, feeling as if they were in another world.

"Hahaha, my dear classmates, your president is back!"

Qin Feng was the first to rush out. He gained a lot this time, so he was naturally very happy.

""Why are you showing off!"

Ananda glared at Qin Feng. This guy was still so jumpy.

Qin Feng was stunned when he heard Ananda's voice.

He was too excited just now and didn't notice that Ananda was still here, so he shrank his neck and didn't say anything.

【Host, you look like a mouse seeing a cat, or a ghost seeing the King of Hell.】

"What do you know? That's my dear lord, I have to give him enough respect."

Qin Feng retorted. He didn't admit that he felt a little guilty about this guy.

Ananda glanced at everyone, then slowly said:

"Welcome home!"

This time, fortunately, no one was injured.

"Thank you, Lord!"

"Okay, thank you all for your hard work, go back and have a rest!"

"Qin Feng, come with me."

After Ananda finished speaking, he turned and left.

Qin Feng showed a bitter face, but since Ananda said so, he had to go.

When he arrived at Ananda's office, Qin Feng smiled at the door:

"Lord, what do you want from me?"

"Stop being cute and get in here!"

Ananda glared at Qin Feng and said without hesitation.


Qin Feng agreed and walked in.

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