Ananda was still very relieved in his heart. It was great that this guy could come back alive.

"Now that you are the president of the Student Union, what are your plans for the future?"

Ananda looked at Qin Feng and asked slowly.

"Everything is under the command of the mansion master!"

Qin Feng said without hesitation.

If possible, he didn't want to take over this mess.

If he wanted to reform, the student union must be in his own hands.

So he had to stand up at that time.

Ananda heard Qin Feng's words, and his head was black.

How could he not hear that this guy just wanted to shirk responsibility.

But he still suppressed his anger in his heart. No matter what, this guy's talent is here.

He can't let too many mundane things delay his practice.

"The student union can no longer be the same as before, with nepotism, bullying the weak and fearing the strong."

"In the end, it became a tool for personal gain. Do you understand this?"

Qin Feng nodded without hesitation, indicating that he understood

"In that case, then you go back."

"You've been working hard these past few days."

Qin Feng was relieved when he heard this, and then he ran away.

Ananda was left standing there, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"This kid……"

After Qin Feng went back to tidy up, he immediately came to the Student Union.

When Cheng Ying heard that Qin Feng had come to the Student Union, she quickly ran out.

Her face changed and she shouted:

"Qin Feng, what are you doing in my student union?"

Qin Feng smiled disdainfully when he heard this, and then dug his ear with his right little finger.

"I think you are a very forgetful person."

"Have you forgotten? Your President Duan has already lost the position of Student Union President to me."

"You won't deny it, will you?"

【The north wind blows and the snowflakes float~】

【Host, you look exactly like Huang Ren now!】

""Ah! I am obviously the one who is on the side of justice!"

Qin Feng retorted without hesitation.

After hearing this, Cheng Ying showed an angry expression.

"Qin Feng! You won the victory by using despicable and shameless means!"

"How dare you say that! How dare you come here!"

Cheng Ying was a die-hard supporter of Duan Nian, so when she heard Qin Feng mention this, she was furious for a moment.

"What a joke! He has a bad stomach and diarrhea, what does it have to do with me?"

"Don't slander my innocence out of thin air, or I'll sue you for defamation!"

"Call Duan Nian out quickly, I want to see what he has to say."

Qin Feng curled his lips. He naturally knew that Cheng Ying was just sent by Duan Nian to argue with him.

But how could he, Qin, be so easy to talk to?


Cheng Ying's eyes widened. She had never expected that this guy would be so difficult to talk to.

"Let me tell you, the previous duel between me and Duan Nian was witnessed by Palace Master Deng himself."

"You don't want me to invite him over, do you?"

Qin Feng's face turned cold. Since this guy didn't want to listen to me, he couldn't blame him.

""Qin Feng! You are too arrogant!"

At this moment, a voice rang out.

Qin Feng turned around and saw that it was Duan Nian who came out.

"What? President Duan finally came out?"

Qin Feng smiled and looked at Duan Nian.

"Qin Feng, as the saying goes, leave a way out for yourself so that we can meet again in the future"

"Why are you so aggressive?"

Qin Feng suddenly found that Duan Nian was much calmer than before.

It was obvious that the previous incident had made him grow a lot.

"Chairman Duan, you didn't come out just to tell me this kind of nonsense, did you?"

"Why didn't I see you leave a way out before?"

Qin Feng sneered, now he knew what it meant to leave a way out.

The Student Union's actions before did not leave any chance for others.

Otherwise, the Student Union would not have such a bad reputation among many students.

"So, you are looking for trouble today?"

Duan Nian's voice suddenly turned cold, and his eyes became sharp.

""You should accept defeat if you are willing to bet. This is what you should do."

Qin Feng said without hesitation.

Before that, Qin Feng didn't care about Duan Nian, not to mention that he had now broken through to the middle-level general realm.

"In this case, Qin Feng, I have a challenge, do you dare to accept it?"

Duan Nian looked at Qin Feng and said coldly

"Oh? Then tell me about it."

"Let’s fight again!"

"If you lose, you give me the position of student union president."

"If I lose, then Cheng Ying and others will also give up their positions as vice presidents!"

Duan Nian was very smart, because he knew that if he lost his position as vice president, it would be difficult for Cheng Ying and others to keep their positions, so he simply used this as a bet.

After hearing this, Qin Feng hesitated for a moment and agreed.

After all, he was a person who was afraid of trouble. If it could be solved once and for all, he would not want to come a second time. If he wanted to exclude the rest of the people, he had to have a legitimate reason.

Now that this reason was delivered to his door, Qin Feng could not refuse it.

"In that case, see you at the martial arts training ground!"

Qin Feng said this and turned around and left.

""Hurry! Follow him, don't give him any room."

Duan Nian said hurriedly.

He was afraid that Qin Feng would do something like that again. He was already embarrassed enough and didn't want to be embarrassed again.

And he felt that if Qin Feng hadn't used this despicable method, he would have won last time.

After the two came to the arena, Qin Feng looked at Duan Nian coldly.

"You know what? The reason you are in this situation today is because you committed the sin of arrogance!"

【Wow! Host, you are so stupid!】

"Who hasn't dreamed of conquering the world? You're the only one who talks too much.��"

Qin Feng regrets not traveling to the Ultra World, otherwise, he would have turned into light and saved the world.

【Don't think too much, Yuangu will never agree. 】

Qin Dong heard this and looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, trying not to let his sad tears flow down.

"What are you talking about? If you hadn't appeared, how could I be like this today!"

"But I also want to thank you. If it weren't for the humiliation you brought to me, I wouldn't have broken through so quickly." After Duan Nian finished speaking, the aura of his whole body began to burst out. The strength of the high-level general realm was immediately revealed.

"I was wondering why you dared to challenge me again. It turns out that you have broken through to the high-level general realm. You are so confident."

Qin Feng clapped his hands in amazement.

He was able to break through in just a few days. It must be said that this guy is a genius.

"Come on! Qin Feng, let me see your true strength!"

"This time, you won't have the chance to be sneaky!"

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