I have to say, this guy said this with a sense of heroism.

It's a pity that he doesn't know the rogue step, otherwise it would be even more impressive.

Duan Nian didn't waste any words. Eight black tentacles appeared directly behind him, rushing towards Qin Feng with fangs and claws.

The black steel bone shovel appeared in Qin Feng's hand in an instant. He didn't hesitate and swung it forward.

The powerful destructive force directly cut off Duan Nian's black tentacles.

However, because Duan Nian's black tentacles were not solid, they quickly grew out again.

He took the opportunity to wrap one of Qin Feng's legs with a tentacle.

"I didn't expect you to be a control type."

Qin Feng was a little surprised, and Duan Nian's move reminded him of a character in a novel in his previous life.

【Resurrection, my love!】

""System, don't understand me too well!"

Qin Feng took the time to reply to the system, and then he rushed the blood and energy to his legs.

With a little force, he directly broke Duan Nian's tentacles.

"How is this possible!?"

Duan Nian looked incredulous, as if he had seen something out of this world.

"How is that impossible?"

"With your strength, it's still 20,000 years too early for you to deal with me!"

Qin Feng said as he made a"yeah" gesture with his hand.

【Damn it! You tricked me! 】

Qin Feng stopped talking and walked forward with a shovel in hand.

"Duan Nian, do you really think I am not your opponent?"

"Then you are too naive!"

Qin Feng just finished speaking and hit Duan Nian on the chest with a shovel.


Duan Nian spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body fell into the distance like a kite with a broken string.

"Don't think you're the only one who's improved. I've also made a breakthrough."

Qin Feng looked down at Duan Nian lying on the ground.

If it was a life-and-death battle, Qin Feng would have definitely stabbed Duan Nian in the chest with a shovel.

It would not have been as simple as just slapping him away.

"This is impossible!"

Duan Nian roared angrily and was about to stand up and fight Qin Feng.

""Enough! Duan Nian!"

A faint voice came over. Duan Nian was petrified when he heard the voice. He froze in his place.

"Brother Tian... Brother Tian!"

Duan Nian turned his head with difficulty and looked to the other side.

He saw a man in a black suit, sunglasses and a cold face standing there, looking at Qin Feng and Duan Nian.

"Isn't it embarrassing enough?"

The cold man appeared again, and Duan Nian immediately lowered his head in shame.

Qin Feng saw this scene and showed a surprised expression on his face.

He knew that Qin Feng was an arrogant person who didn't take anyone seriously.

But it was obviously different for the cold man in front of him, which surprised Qin Feng.

"This person is called Fang Tian, he was the previous president of the Student Union, and it was he who gave Duan Nian the position."

At this time, Guan Changsheng came over and explained to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng nodded in sudden realization. It turned out to be the old leader. No wonder Duan Nian had this attitude.

"Qin Feng, right? You are very good."

At this time, Fang Tian looked at Qin Feng and said lightly

"Thank you for your compliment, senior!"

Qin Feng bowed and said nothing more.

"The position of the student union president is a good one. I hope you can make the decision. Sit tight.

Fang Tian spoke again, but his voice was a little cold.

"You don’t have to worry about this, senior. As the saying goes, the emperor takes turns, and this year it’s my turn!"

"If someone is better than me, then I will be replaced."

"Vice versa!"

Qin Feng smiled confidently. He had only been in school for a short time, but he had already achieved his current achievements.

Qin Feng felt that as long as he was given time, he could surpass anyone.

"Good! Good one and vice versa!"

"I admire you very much, but I don't have time this time, so see you next time!"

After Fang Tian finished speaking, he turned around and left, and Duan Nian hurriedly followed him.

But before he left, he turned his head and glared at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng naturally didn't take this little action to heart.

"His name is Fang Tian, he is our senior in the fourth year, his strength is unfathomable, you should be careful."

Guan Changsheng warned Qin Feng, and Qin Feng smiled and nodded.

"No matter what, the Student Union is now in our hands and the reform can continue to be implemented!"

"Ah That's good"

"By the way, I came to see you this time because Lu Chao asked you to go to the tomb with me, and I came to see if you are willing."When

Qin Feng heard this, he remembered that Lu Chao had mentioned it to him before.

"That's no problem, but I have to finish my work here first."

Qin Feng agreed without hesitation. How could he not do something that was beneficial?

The last time Lu Chao took him, he made a lot of money.

"Of course, if you need any help, just let me know!"

"Emmmm... That's it, Brother Guan"

"We are short of a few vice presidents now, how about you come over and help us?"

Guan Changsheng: Manual black question mark face!

Guan Changsheng: I was just being polite, but you are actually trying to take advantage of the situation! The most important thing is that you actually want me to be your subordinate!

Guan Changsheng said that he had never been so speechless.

But in the end Guan Changsheng still agreed, because Qin Feng agreed to him, just a name was needed.

Guan Changsheng thought about it, felt that there was no problem, and agreed.

Qin Feng went to find Baili Jian again and made him a vice president.

Then, with the recommendation of everyone, Qin Feng found a sophomore sister named Xia Huan.

This sister was smart and capable, and Qin Feng handed all the things to her.

So far, Qin Feng's team has been established.

President: Qin Feng.

Vice presidents: Guan Changsheng, Baili Jian, Xia Huan.

After doing all this, Qin Feng became a hands-off boss and ran to Youzhou Wufu with Guan Changsheng.

"You two are finally here!"

Lu Chao was overjoyed when he saw Guan Changsheng and Qin Feng.

But when Qin Feng saw Lu Chao, he curled his lips bitterly.

Because at this time, Lu Chao's realm was the middle-level general realm.

Qin Feng thought about how he worked so hard in the tomb and finally reached the middle-level general realm.

But Lu Chao could catch up with him just by practicing normally.

You know, he is a man with a system and can cheat.

Now Qin Feng wondered who was the real cheater.

"System, could it be that you are too rubbish to detect that they have the system?"

【Ugh! Host, please watch your words!】

【This system is the best in the universe, as for the two of them……】

【You can think that they are both cheaters! 】

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