Qin Feng was puzzled as to what the system meant by this sentence.

But no matter how much he asked, the system refused to tell him.

This made him a little depressed.

However, he did not care much, because the strength of Lu Chao and Guan Changsheng was a good thing for the entire human race.

If they became stronger, they would have a greater chance of dealing with the tomb pit in the future.

""Qin Feng, why are you looking at me like that?"

Lu Chao suddenly felt a chill and turned around.

Only then did he realize that Qin Feng was looking at him with resentment.

"Brother Lu, why did your strength improve so quickly?"

Qin Feng still asked the question in his heart.

If he could figure it out, he would feel better.

But when Lu Chao and Guan Changsheng heard this, they suddenly laughed.

"You! Is this Versailles?"

"You are the youngest among the three of us, and you are a freshman this year."

"But your strength is almost the same as ours, and you actually said that our strength is improving fast!"

Lu Chao laughed and scolded. When he first met this guy, he was only at the warrior level.

It has only been a few months, and he has reached the same level as him. How can he go to reason with him?

Qin Feng touched his nose when he heard this.

He is a family member who knows his own business.

If it weren't for the system, he might not even be a warrior, so how could he be compared with the two people in front of him?

"Forget it, let's not talk about this."

Qin Feng waved his hand hastily, it's better not to talk about this kind of thing.

"Well, you finally came to Youzhou Wufu, so as the host, I naturally have to welcome you."

Lu Chao took Qin Feng and Guan Changsheng to experience the customs and habits of Youzhou.

Then he took them to the tomb pit.

Since Qin Feng had been to the tomb pit once, he had some experience.

The three of them soon arrived in Shuguang City.

"Qin Feng, I heard that you blew up someone's city when you were in Tomb No. 3!"

"Can you blow us up this time?"

Lu Chao asked.

Qin Feng's actions have gradually fermented over time.

Qin Feng didn't know that this matter would spread so quickly.

"Last time it was a coincidence! This time it might be possible."

Last time it was because the Flame Gem was discovered, and She Ming was not there.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy for Qin Feng to blow up the Ancient City of Ming.

Don't you see, after She Ming came back, he quickly stopped the explosion.

Their strength is too strong, and they can do some amazing things.

""Haha, I'm kidding, don't be nervous."

Lu Chao smiled. Although he felt that with Qin Feng's character, it was indeed possible to blow up the ancient city of Ming, but it was luck to do it once.

How could you blow up a city every day?

If Qin Feng could cause such great harm to these alien races every time he went down to the tomb,

I'm afraid Qin Feng would have been worshipped by the human high-level officials.

Because Qin Feng's importance to humans is really too great.

In most cases, when facing these monsters, humans are still at a disadvantage.

Although humans have completely destroyed several tombs, they have paid a huge price.

So Qin Feng's bombing of the Hades Ancient City can be regarded as a great victory.

Moreover, the 003 Tomb Pit will definitely be quiet for a while recently, because they need to repair the Hades Ancient City.

Originally, the higher-ups were going to reward Qin Feng well this time, but he was stopped by Ananda.

He felt that the reward was too generous, and it would only force the issue.

Most importantly, he felt that Qin Feng's realm was improving a bit too fast, so he was worried that Qin Feng's strength was a bit superficial.

This was also why Qin Feng didn't know about this, otherwise, Qin Feng would definitely let Ananda know.

What is a macho man!

How could a macho man be superficial! ? This is simply the biggest insult to him.

"Okay, let me introduce you……"

Lu Chao began to introduce the tomb.

The code name of this tomb is 007. As the name suggests, it is the seventh tomb.

Unlike the 003 tomb, the 007 tomb is mainly inhabited by demons.

Unlike the original ancients who cultivated weapons and bodies, the demons are stronger in some aspects.

Qin Feng pinched his chin. He had not encountered the demons in the tomb, as long as he was in the 003 tomb.

He did encounter a spirit in the battle state, and he almost fell to him.

"But don't worry, we are not going to their city, but to the mountains nearby."

"There are only a few monsters there, so don't worry."

Lu Chao continued.

Unlike the desolate 003, 007 is lush and green, with large forests.

There are many rolling mountains ahead.

However, in such an environment, these monsters actually built a city.

This made Qin Feng a little confused. After all, the monsters are different from the ancients.

They prefer to live in the mountains and forests because they are beasts.

But such a race actually built a city here.

Regarding Qin Feng's doubts, Lu Chao spread his hands and said that he didn't know.

"But in each tomb, there is a city."

"Some people have speculated that these tombs are connected to each other."

Qin Feng felt that this speculation was possible, after all, each tomb was not a single race.

But the three races could actually coexist peacefully, which was incredible.

After all, those who are not of my race must have different hearts, and it is impossible to be so assured.

So there must be something fishy here.

【Hey! Host, you are like a blind man who discovered a bright spot!】

"System, do you know something?"

Qin Feng asked hurriedly.

Although the system always complained about him, it would also reveal some useful information unintentionally.

【How would people know?】

【It's just a garbage system that only knows how to taunt the host!】

【qaq! 】

Qin Feng was very upset about the system's cuteness.

But he did not continue to ask.

After such a long time, he already knew the system very well. If this guy didn't want to talk, it would be useless to ask him.

After all, he was the one who couldn't live without him. Losing the system would definitely be a loss for Qin Feng.

""Let's go, let's go in and take a look together!"

Lu Chao glanced at the two of them, then slowly spoke.

Qin Feng and Guan Changsheng naturally had no objection to this proposal.

So the three of them did not stay any longer, walked out of Shuguang City, and disappeared into the vast sea of forests.

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