It’s so easy!

【Mom doesn't have to worry about my studies anymore.……】

"Don't say that! You'll have to pay for advertising if you keep saying that!"

Qin Feng interrupted the system hastily. As a sixth-rank official, he couldn't let others take advantage of him.

Then, in front of Lu Chao and Guan Changsheng's surprised eyes, Qin Feng pulled up the star crystal fruit tree by its roots.

Then he stuffed it directly into his own space.

Lu Chao and Guan Changsheng stared at the star crystal fruit tree in amazement as it disappeared.

The two of them opened their mouths involuntarily, as if an egg was stuffed into their mouths.

""What are you doing here? Let's go!"

Qin Feng looked at the two of them in confusion, and when he saw their expressions, he reminded them.

After hearing what Qin Feng said, the two of them finally realized what was going on.

They really didn't expect Qin Feng to have such a trick.

"Qin Feng, what is your ability?"

Guan Changsheng hesitated for a moment, then asked.

"Oh, I have awakened the fusion ability, and there is a chance that I can fuse other people's talents"

"Last time when I participated in the National Warrior Ranking, I met a member of a cult"

"His talent is to break through the air, which I absorbed, so I can put away the star crystal fruit tree."

Qin Feng had already thought of an excuse, so he said it without hesitation.

After all, talent is a strange thing, so there is nothing to be surprised about.

"So that's how it is."

Guan Changsheng nodded, then looked at Qin Feng with a serious expression.

"Qin Feng, you are blessed with this talent, so it is inevitable that others will envy you."

"You should try not to expose yourself in the future."

Lu Chao nodded when he heard this.

"I think what Brother Guan said is right. Although we humans are united against the outside world, there are always some selfish people."

Qin Feng nodded. He would not say anything nonsense outside.

However, he still trusted Guan Changsheng and Lu Chao, so he revealed that he had the ability to break through the air space.

In fact, someone had been eyeing Qin Feng for a long time.

Before, because of the presence of Yang Guangxu and his wife, no one dared to attack Qin Feng.

But now that Yang Guangxu and his wife are missing, those people are ready to move.

This is also one of the reasons why Qin Feng is eager to improve his strength.

Moreover, Qin Feng's previous performances have put him in the sight of the cult.

Therefore, his situation is still very dangerous.

"Well, now that it's done, let's go back!"

"I didn’t expect it to be so smooth this time. I thought there would be some twists and turns!"


As soon as Qin Feng finished speaking, a rapid alarm sounded.

Guan Changsheng and Lu Chao's faces suddenly changed when they heard the alarm.

Qin Feng naturally noticed something was wrong with the two, so he had a guess in his heart.

"Could this be the bell that warns the tomb pit of alien invasion?"

This alarm bell was mentioned in the intensive class before.

But Qin Feng had never heard of it. However, looking at Guan Changsheng and Lu Chao, he also guessed it.

"Yes, that's right!"

Guan Changsheng nodded, then looked towards the direction of Dawn City.

"The demons have invaded Dawn City!"

Although they didn't see it with their own eyes, they had already imagined the scene in their minds.


Qin Feng was speechless for a moment. He had just said that there were no setbacks, but now such a thing happened.

【It was fine when I came here, and I can't go back!】

【Host, you are such a bad-mouthed person, comparable to Nuan Yangyang! 】

Qin Feng was so annoyed that he was even mocked by the dog system.

"It seems that we can't go back now."

Lu Chao looked at Qin Feng meaningfully, and Qin Feng touched his nose awkwardly.

At this time, the two sides were fighting, and they were behind the enemy.

If they ran out at this time, they would be courting death.

"I hope the noise just now didn't attract anyone's attention."The noise just now was quite loud, and this forest may be because of the presence of the rat demon in the war realm.

So there are no special demons, but if you are unlucky, you may still be discovered.

"Then let's leave here first!"

Guan Changsheng pondered for a while, then suggested

""Brothers, I have a bold idea, do you want to know?"

At this time, Qin Feng showed a strange smile and looked at the two.

After seeing this smile, the two could not help but look at each other.

They had a feeling that Qin Feng's plan should be crazy.

But Qin Feng's words, like a kind of magic, have always attracted their attention.

They were very curious about what Qin Feng wanted to say.

But reason told them that they could not listen, and they had to let Qin Feng shut up.

Because this guy is really good at making trouble.

"What is this idea?"

In the end, their curiosity took over and they asked.

"Since these demons are attacking our Dawn City"

"Then the defense of the city they are in now must be relatively empty"

"Why don't we blow up their city? What do you think?"

Guan Changsheng and Lu Chao looked at each other when they heard this.

They felt that Qin Feng's idea was not only bold, but also a little crazy.

Only a madman could think of such a crazy idea.

However, they were all a little restless in their hearts. What was going on?

Qin Feng didn't know that they would think so much. Since the last time he blew up the Ming Ancient City, he liked this feeling.

And he felt that this time was a very good opportunity.


""Tell me what you think."

Guan Changsheng exhaled, then looked at Qin Feng and asked.

It must be said that he couldn't help but be curious.

If a city in the 007 tomb could be blown up, at least the tomb would be quiet for a while.

What humans lack most now is time. Only with enough time can they continue to develop.

"In my space, there is still the flame gem I left last time."

"We can bury it under the Crazy Lion City, and then use the essence of fire to cause an explosion."

Qin Feng did this before, and he will do the same now.

"What you said is true, but the problem now is that we have no way to enter this Crazy Lion City."

Guan Changsheng showed a helpless smile, and then spread his hands.

"Why is this?"

Qin Feng was stunned for a moment after hearing Guan Changsheng's words, and then he asked his doubts.

He didn't know what was going on inside, and why he couldn't enter the Crazy Lion City.

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