"Because we humans have a special aura that we humans cannot sense."

"But in the perception of those grave races, it is also very obvious"

"So even if you can melt the earth and pass through underground, people will still sense you."

"Don't you know all this?"

Lu Chao looked at Qin Feng in surprise.

Logically speaking, these are the most normal basic knowledge, why doesn't Qin Feng know it?

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes when he heard Lu Chao's words.

He didn't know these things yet. Although he heard She Ming say it last time, he didn't take it seriously at that time.

But this time Lu Chao also said so, so this must be the case.

But he didn't know anything about it. He felt that he was being targeted and someone wanted him to die in this grave pit.

"I don't know."

Qin Feng shook his head calmly. Although he knew someone wanted to harm him, he didn't know who that person was.



Lu Chao looked over in confusion.

"I don't seem to have the kind of aura you are talking about."

Qin Feng hesitated for a while, and finally said what was in his mind.

""Hmm? What do you mean?"

Guan Changsheng looked over in confusion.

This was almost a well-known fact. As a genuine human being, how could Qin Feng not have it?

"I don't know what the situation is."

"But before I loved you I didn't know what you were talking about"

"So last time I just pretended to be an ancient person and went to the Hades Ancient City"

"And I also met the Lord of Ming Ancient City, She Ming, and he said in person that I don’t have the unique smell of humans."

Qin Feng directly told them what happened last time.

This made the two speechless. Qin Feng was really brave to do such a thing.

But his luck was really good, and nothing happened.

"You are really brave!"

Lu Chao couldn't help but give Qin Feng a thumbs up.

【The bolder the man, the more fertile the land!】

【Host, don't panic, come on, Ole Ge! 】

Before Qin Feng could speak, the system began to brainwash him.

Qin Feng couldn't help but roll his eyes. Other people's systems all hope that their hosts are as powerful as possible.

But his own system is rebellious and wishes his host would die.

Then he would go find a beautiful host.

Little did he know that these readers only like his type, and don't like beauties with long legs and black stockings.

Moreover, the author doesn't know how to write for female fans. If he did, he would have taken the system to the female fans and killed them all.

"Although I don't know why, I don't have that kind of aura on me."

Although Qin Feng didn't know what was going on, it seemed like a good thing now.

Without that kind of aura, he could move freely in the tomb.

"Do you want to give it a try?"

Guan Changsheng looked at Qin Feng and asked.

"No! This matter is not very sure. If it fails, it will be a suicide!"

Lu Chao stopped him without hesitation. In his opinion, there is no need to risk his life.

If Qin Feng died here, he would feel bad.

"Don't worry, Brother Lu, this matter is still very likely to succeed."

Qin Feng naturally knew what was going on, he would never do something that would kill him.

"Last time, I discovered in Hades Ancient City that these cities seem to look down upon us humans."

"Their defenses are not very strict, especially underground, which is almost unguarded, so it is easy to sneak in."

Last time, Qin Feng went to the Ancient City of Hades, where the ancients lived.

You know, the ancients are known as the most intelligent race among the three major races in the tomb pit.

They are similar to humans in all aspects, so they are a very nagging opponent.

But even such an opponent is very arrogant and does not take humans seriously. The defense of the Ancient City of Hades is quite poor, so Qin Feng thinks that the Crazy Lion City will only get worse.

If She Ming heard what Qin Feng said, he would definitely cry out for injustice. The reason why they don't defend much is that they have been in an offensive state all the time and don't need to defend at all.

And if humans really come, their breath will be easily discovered by them.

Besides, he has been sitting in the Ancient City of Hades, what can go wrong?

But he never thought that there would be such a weirdo like Qin Feng.

If Qin Feng made trouble under his nose, he naturally wouldn't mind slapping him to death.

Even many strong people can find it in time.

But Qin Feng, the sixth brother, made a"time bomb", and it was underground, which made it hard to guard against.

"If you want to try, that's fine, but if you encounter danger, remember to retreat in time."

Guan Changsheng reminded Qin Feng.

Seeing Guan Changsheng said so, Lu Chao didn't say anything.

"Don't worry, just wait for my good news!"

Qin Feng was about to leave after saying this, but was stopped by Guan Changsheng.

Qin Feng turned his head with some doubts and looked at Guan Changsheng.

"Take this, maybe it can save your life at a critical moment."

Guan Changsheng handed over a knife-shaped jade stone. When Lu Chao saw it, his eyes widened.

"Could this be the origin jade stone of the Lord of Daozun Mansion?"

Guan Changsheng nodded when he heard this.

"That’s right, this is what the Lord of Dao gave me after I went down to the tomb for the first time."

"This jade, as long as you input blood and energy into it, it will be activated, and then it will launch the full force attack of the Lord of Sword Palace."

Guan Changsheng said, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

Lord of Sword Palace is so caring for his students. If it were other Lords of Martial Palace, they would not be able to do this.

Qin Feng couldn't help but marvel when he heard this. You know, Lord of Sword Palace is a strong man in the realm of War Lord.

His full force attack may not be able to be taken by ordinary War Demon Realm.

So this origin jade is a good thing.

Qin Feng had heard of this origin jade before. It is not so easy to carve this kind of jade.

First, it must be processed by various modern technologies, and then the strong will spend a lot of time and blood and energy to carve it.

Technology and ruthlessness!

And this thing is instant, it is most suitable for sneak attacks.

"I'll take it first, thank you!"

Qin Feng didn't hesitate to take the origin jade stone, and then used the earth to melt and leave here.

Seeing Qin Feng leaving, Lu Chao looked at Guan Changsheng.

"I didn’t expect you would be willing to do that!"

"I feel like this guy needs this more than I do. I thought we were pretty cool."

"I didn't expect this guy to be more extravagant than us!"

Guan Changsheng smiled and said

"As the saying goes, the waves behind push the waves ahead, and the waves ahead die on the beach!"

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