At this moment, Qin Fengai didn't know that he had been targeted.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

Instead, he would shout loudly,"Welcome!"

At this time, Lu Chao brought the two to where he lived. This guy's treatment in Youzhou Wufu was really good.

He even had a single room.

The most important thing was that Qin Feng discovered that there were many glowing stones in this guy's room.

"What kind of stone is this?"

Qin Feng asked curiously.

"Oh, you're talking about this!"

"This is called a bright stone. It has no function except that it can emit light."

"It was a product of the 011 tomb. I thought it was interesting, so I brought some back."

"If you are interested, you can take it."

Lu Chao explained that this thing has almost no use, and the energy in it is pitifully small.

So it can't be used for anything other than decoration and lighting.

Qin Feng heard this and picked up a bright stone.

When he got the bright stone, he found that this thing could actually extract

【Extraction successful!】

【Obtained: Super bright shiny stone!】

【Warm reminder: Please use it carefully, otherwise it may blind your 24K titanium alloy dog eyes! 】

Qin Feng couldn't help but feel excited when he heard this.

He didn't expect that this useless bright stone could be extracted by the system.

Although he didn't know what super bright meant, Qin Feng felt that it would not be worse than a flash bomb.

After all, it was produced by the system!

【Host, please do not doubt it, the system's products must be top quality!】

【You can even doubt your gender! But please always trust the system! 】

Qin Feng:……

"You annoying guy, you finally disappeared for two chapters, how come you appear again!"

Qin Feng said with disdain

【Host, what you said really hurts the system!】

【Host, I have retired! This retirement may last forever! 】

Qin Feng was immediately furious when he heard the system's words.

"You are just playing around here, aren't you?"

Qin Feng couldn't stand the system's acting, it would always act out a scene.

"Hey, why are you in a daze?"

Lu Chao pushed Qin Feng. This guy was actually holding this bright stone and staring blankly. It was really speechless.

"Brother Lu, do you have any more bright stones?"

After Qin Feng came to his senses, he hurriedly asked Lu Chao.

This thing might be a waste in other people's hands.

But in his hands, it can be turned into treasure.

Maybe it can become one of his trump cards like the big yellow water.

"It's all there!"

"This thing is useless, so I don't collect too many"

"But if you want, I can help you ask other people if they have any."

Lu Chao pointed to the wall and said.

Others will have some collections, because the 011 tomb is also in Youzhou.

When they first went there, they would bring back one or two because of the novelty.

But these things are useless, and there won't be many.

""Then I'll trouble Brother Lu!"

Qin Feng didn't feel embarrassed at all.

As he spoke, he took off all the bright stones on Lu Chao's wall.

Lu Chao looked at the holes on the wall and rolled his eyes.

"So what do you want these shiny stones for? They are useless!"

Lu Chao looked at Qin Feng and asked.

Although he knew that Qin Feng would not speak without a purpose, he was still a little curious.

"Don't ask yet, you will know when the time comes."

Qin Feng said without hesitation.

In any case, he didn't know the power of this super bright stone yet.

Although the system promised him, he felt that the system was a little unreliable.

He still thought it was better to see it with his own eyes.

It would be fine to tell them after knowing the power.


Lu Chao saw that Qin Feng didn't want to say it, so he didn't force him.

He believed that Qin Feng would tell him when it was time.

"Let's go to the martial arts training ground."

Lu Chao called out, and then took the two to the martial arts training ground.

In the martial arts training ground, many students were practicing in pairs.

"How about it? Do you want to spar with our disciples from Youzhou Wufu?"

Lu Chao looked at Qin Feng and asked.

""Not interested!"

Qin Feng curled his lips and replied.

In his opinion, it would be better to have a good sleep if he had this time.

Who would fight a useless fight?

"I wonder if there are any masters here?"

At this time, Guan Changsheng slowly asked.

Unlike Qin Feng, who came here specifically for a visit, his purpose of coming here was to meet the masters of Youzhou Wufu and see how good they were.

So when he heard Lu Chao's words, he spoke without hesitation.


When Lu Chao heard this, he looked around and shook his head.

"I didn't see any experts."

"Most of the students here are freshmen and sophomores."

"The stronger ones basically go to the tombs, and rarely come here."

Lu Chao explained to the two of them.

He was just joking just now. He naturally knew that Qin Feng couldn't practice with others.

But when he said this, he paused, and then looked at Guan Changsheng.

"If Brother Guan is interested, I can practice with him."

""Oh? Are you serious?"

Guan Changsheng was a little disappointed when he first heard Lu Chao's words.

But after hearing the last sentence, he felt like he had eaten a Snickers bar and became excited!

"How could this be false?"

"After all, you are a guest here, so of course your needs must be met!"

Lu Chao said with a smile. In fact, he also wanted to compete with Guan Changsheng to see who was better.

"In that case, let's go!"

Guan Changsheng glanced at Lu Chao with his phoenix eyes, then walked into the martial arts training ground with a big horse and a golden sword.

"This guy is just short of calling me a traitor!"

Lu Chao touched his nose and followed him in.

The two of them entered the martial arts training ground one after the other, instantly attracting the attention of most people.

After all, Lu Chao was a famous figure in Youzhou Wufu, and who could compete with him in the martial arts training ground could not be much worse.

"You make your move!"

A faint light flashed, and Guan Changsheng summoned his dragon colt, and then sat on it.

He held his cold saw in his right hand, looking down at Lu Chao.

Lu Chao also directly summoned his Qilin Heaven Shaking Stick!

Both of them had SSS-level talents, and such a battle even aroused Qin Feng's interest.

"Hey, system, who do you think will win between these two people?"

Qin Feng asked in a bored tone.

【Guess, I'll tell you if you guess it! 】

After Qin Feng heard this, he suddenly had the urge to flip the table, but he still restrained himself.

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