The two men collided instantly.

However, Guan Changsheng, riding on a dragon colt, had an advantage over Lu Chao.

After all, this is the difference between a coded and an uncoded one.

As we all know, the quality of a coded one is a little higher.

Therefore, the strength of the cavalry is also a little stronger than that of the infantry.

After the two men collided with each other, they separated briefly.

Guan Changsheng rode on a dragon colt and rushed towards Lu Chao quickly, then raised the cold saw in his hand. He chopped it down from a high place. The cold blade light whistled with the sound of breaking wind and slashed directly at Lu Chao. Seeing this, Lu Chao was not afraid at all, and swung out with a stick.


The sound of metal collision instantly resounded throughout the martial arts training ground, and the strength of the two also conquered everyone present.

The two clashed again for a few rounds. Since this was just a competition, neither of them used their full strength.

In the end, it ended in a draw.

However, Qin Feng could see that Guan Changsheng was obviously at ease and should have a slight advantage.

But Qin Feng thought about it and felt that it was normal. After all, he had a horse...

Two against one always has an advantage.

"It's very lively here!"

When the two people just stopped, a faint voice came over.

After hearing this voice, everyone turned around and looked over.

They saw Li Liang and a few people coming over.

"It turned out to be Senior Li.

Lu Chao smiled and then said

"Senior Li, how come you have time to come to the martial arts training ground today?"

A junior like Li Liang, who is also a general, rarely comes to the martial arts training ground.

So when he came this time, Lu Chao was a little surprised.

"I heard that some friends from the Imperial Capital Martial Arts House came, so they just came to see me."

Li Liang glanced at Lu Chao, then looked away.

He glanced at Guan Changsheng and fixed his gaze on Qin Feng. He had seen Qin Feng's photos countless times.

In countless late nights, he looked at Qin Feng's photos and became jealous to the point of going crazy.

Qin Feng looked at Li Liang with curiosity. He was a little surprised. Why did this guy keep looking at him?

Could it be that this guy was actually a gay and wanted to fencing with him?

Qin Feng shuddered when he thought of this.

Sure enough, being handsome is also a mistake. Boys must protect themselves when they are outside.

【Host, you are so cute when you are shameless! I don’t know how to complain about you! 】

Qin Feng ignored the system.

How can a small system like you understand my handsomeness?

""I guess this is the recently popular Qin Feng, right?"

Li Liang looked at Qin Feng and asked slowly.

Qin Feng's heart tightened when he heard Li Liang's words, thinking to himself,"Sure enough!

This guy is attracted by my beauty!"

"Yes, I am Qin Feng, male, and my hobby is female!"

Qin Feng hurriedly emphasized his hobby, and emphasized the word female.

Qin Feng felt that he had taken great pains to save Li Liang's face.

He hoped that Li Liang could hear the implication of his words.

After all, it was impossible to fence, and it was impossible to fence in this life.

Everyone was confused when they heard Qin Feng's words.

Because Qin Feng's self-introduction was a bit too strange, normal people would not introduce what their hobbies were.……

"Senior Li, this is Guan Changsheng."

Lu Chao quickly reacted. After all, he had been with Qin Feng for a long time and was used to this old man.

So he introduced Guan Changsheng to Li Liang.

"I know that he is one of the most influential figures in the Imperial Capital's Wufu, and I have long heard of his name."

Li Liang bowed, and then the two of them exchanged a few words.

"To be honest, I came here this time because I wanted to have a discussion with you two."

Li Liang finally couldn't hold back and told his purpose.


Qin Feng felt something was wrong when he heard this.

Guan Changsheng's phoenix eyes also glanced over.

Lu Chao also felt it was a bit strange. After all, this time, Qin Feng and Guan Changsheng came here because he invited them personally.

Almost no one else should know about it.

Although he did not hide his whereabouts, how could Li Liang get the news and rush over after such a short time?

Although Lu Chao was straightforward, he was not a fool.

He understood instantly that someone must be watching him.

"Senior Li, this is inappropriate!"

Lu Chao looked at Li Liang and said slowly.

"What's inappropriate about this? As a warrior, isn't it normal to spar with each other?"

"Besides, it's just a competition, it won't hurt the relationship."

Li Liang said impatiently.

He was about to become famous, and he couldn't resist the temptation.

"Or let it go. Qin Feng is only at the middle level of the general realm, and Senior Li, you are already at the advanced level of the general realm."

"This kind of competition is unfair!"

Lu Chao still refused, and Qin Feng and Guan Changsheng didn't say anything after hearing this.

Guan Changsheng wanted to give it a try, after all, he was already a high-level general.

And this Li Liang was also a high-level general.

The two were at similar levels, and Li Liang took the initiative to challenge him, so he naturally had no reason to refuse.

But now he also found that this guy was a little weird, so he didn't say anything.

He also wanted to see what this guy was up to.

If he really wanted to harm himself and others, Guan Changsheng wouldn't mind taking action to deal with him.

"It doesn't matter, I know there is a teacher whose talent is sealing, I can ask him to come over……"

Li Liang hadn't finished speaking yet. He looked up and found that Lu Chao and the other two were looking at him with strange eyes.

His heart suddenly"skipped" and he thought to himself that it was not good.

At this time, he knew what these people had guessed.

He changed his mind and thought that things had come to this point and everything had been guessed.

If he didn't continue, it would be a big loss.

So he gritted his teeth and winked at Gao Changsen next to him.

Gao Changsen instantly understood Gao Changsen's eyes.

"Hey, you guys, are you scared?"

""Our Young Master Li has said this, and you still don't dare?"

Gao Changsen showed a sarcastic smile and looked at Lu Chao and others with disdain.

Lu Chao suddenly felt embarrassed, after all, he invited Qin Feng and others.

They had just arrived, and someone was looking for trouble with them.

"Senior Li, if you want to find someone to spar with, then I can accompany you!"

Lu Chao looked at Li Liang coldly. He was a little angry at this time.

If it was in the past, if Lu Chao wanted to challenge him, he would definitely accept.

But today is different. His target is Qin Feng, not Lu Chao.

If he missed today, he still had a chance to defeat Lu Chao.

But if he missed Qin Feng, he didn't know when he would have to wait.

So how could he allow himself to miss this opportunity.

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