In the isolated forest, Qin Feng quickly used the earth to turn around here.

And he also figured out that in the center of the forest, there was a fourth-level monster - the blue-feathered bird.

In addition, there were dozens of third-level monsters.

But they all had their own territories and did not gather together.

After figuring out these, Qin Feng felt relieved and bold to turn around.

After a while, he found a second-level monster - the mountain pig.

Qin Feng burrowed behind the mountain pig, then took out the fine steel thunder shovel and slapped it on its butt.

The mountain pig felt the pain from behind its butt, and was suddenly startled and looked back.

But he found that there was nothing behind him.

But at this moment, he felt a sharp pain in his butt again.

He looked back again, but found that there was still nothing.

After turning back this time, he immediately ran forward in fear. He felt that something was staring at his butt.

If he didn't run again, his butt might not be safe.

But he found that no matter how fast he ran, there was always something patting his butt rhythmically.

【the vast horizon is my love~】

【Flowers are blooming at the foot of the lingering love mountain~】

【What kind of rhythm is the most swinging?~】

【What kind of singing voice is the most cheerful?

The system sang again at an inappropriate time.

Qin Feng couldn't help but curl his lips after hearing it.

This system has no AC knowledge at all. With his broken voice, how can it sing well?

"Stop singing, stop singing, or I will forget how the original song was sung."

Qin Feng complained, and then he was not going to play tricks on the mountain pig.

He accelerated and appeared in front of the mountain pig.

But the stupid pig was only thinking about escaping and didn't even look ahead.

Qin Feng saw that the stupid pig was about to hit him, and without hesitation, he slapped the guy on the head with a shovel.

The mountain pig instantly felt stars in his eyes, and then staggered to the ground.

""Oi! Oi! Silly pig, wake up!"

Qin Feng shouted as he gently patted the mountain pig's head.

The mountain pig opened his eyes in confusion, and when he saw Qin Feng in front of him, he was immediately frightened.

Just as he stood up and wanted to run away, Qin Feng shoveled him down again.

The mountain pig immediately walked around on the spot, and then lay on the ground again.

"If you run away again, I will make you into braised pig's trotters, salt and pepper spareribs, and cold-mixed pig's ears.……"

"Do you understand? If you do, just blink your eyes!"

Qin Feng looked at the mountain pig and showed a devilish smile.

The mountain pig was at least a second-level monster and had a certain amount of wisdom.

After hearing what Qin Feng said, he blinked his eyes hurriedly.

He knew how much these humans coveted his body, and he didn't want to die in such an unclear way.

"In that case, I will give you a name! From now on, you will be called Paige!"

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he sat directly on Paige's back.

Then he patted Paige's butt with a shovel.

"Take me to find the second-level monsters nearby, especially the ones that bullied you."

"Don't say I'm mean to you, this is a chance for you to get revenge!"

After hearing this, Page rolled his eyes and started running.

After running, he painfully discovered that no matter how fast he accelerated, the human could sit on his back as steady as a rock.


At this moment, Qin Feng is a warrior riding a pig, with a mountain pig under his crotch, and his right hand holding high his fine steel thunder shovel

【You look like a boar rider! 】

Qin Feng was a little confused when he first heard this.

When the system showed a picture of a character in front of him, he realized that this was a character from a game he had played in his previous life.


Qin Feng couldn't help but raise his middle finger.

Under the leadership of Paige, Qin Feng quickly dealt with several second-level monsters.

With his strength, plus Paige, it was simply a crushing blow to deal with second-level monsters.


Soon, a sound of breaking through the air came over.

After Qin Feng found out, he quickly jumped off Peggy's back.

Then he rolled over and looked back.

"It turned out to be a third-level monster - the Wind-Splitting Leopard!"

Qin Feng recognized it at a glance. This monster was a Wind-Splitting Leopard.

Its strength was considered outstanding even among third-level monsters.

Qin Feng avoided the sneak attack of the Wind-Splitting Leopard, but Paige was not so lucky.

The wind arrow of the Wind-Splitting Leopard shot directly on Paige's buttocks, and he immediately let out a shrill scream.

At this time, he was already in tears. He was wondering what mistake he had made that made him suffer such inhuman treatment.

But at this time, Qin Feng was not in the mood to care about what Paige was thinking.

His focus was on the Wind-Splitting Leopard in front of him. This was a 100-point

"You dared to sneak attack me? You're courting death!"

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he rushed forward with a fine steel thunder shovel.

The blood and energy in his body began to surge, and he chopped down with a shovel.

But the Wind-Splitting Leopard was known for its speed, so it easily dodged Qin Feng's first attack.

He jumped lightly and dodged, then he jumped behind Qin Feng.

A pair of sharp claws attacked from behind.

Qin Feng felt a breath coming from behind him, but he didn't panic. He swung the shovel back.


A crisp sound came over, and the Wind-Splitting Leopard was directly slapped away by Qin Feng.

""Little guy, with your little strength, you want to sneak attack me?"

Qin Feng did not hesitate, and rushed forward again, slashing down fiercely with a shovel.

As the saying goes, take advantage of his weakness to kill him, and Qin Feng did it perfectly. The

Wind-Splitting Leopard could not defend at all. Although he was indeed good at speed, God was fair.

His fast speed also made his defense and attack relatively weak.

Qin Feng's shovel easily solved his life, and then Qin Feng collected the body of the Wind-Splitting Leopard.

After all, this is a third-level monster, so it is still worth a little money.

【Extraction successful!】

【Obtained: Qi and blood value 150]

However, Qin Feng naturally did not forget to extract the Qi and blood value

""Pa pa pa!"

Just as Qin Feng was dealing with all this, a round of applause sounded from behind him.

"As expected of a genius from the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy, he solved a level 3 monster so quickly."

Qin Feng heard this voice, turned his head and saw two people standing next to Paige.

At this time, Paige was trembling on the ground because one of them put a knife on his neck.

Paige really wanted to cry but had no tears. He originally wanted to escape while Qin Feng was fighting the Wind-Splitting Leopard.

But before he had gone far, he met these two people and was brought back.

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