"Who are you?"

Qin Feng looked at the two and asked slowly.

He could confirm that he did not know these two people.

After all, there were 32 martial arts schools participating in this event, totaling 160 people.

How could he know all of them?

So he only knew some of the more powerful ones, or the more powerful martial arts schools.

"Haha, Junior Brother Qin is a genius from the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy, so it's normal that he doesn't know us."

"Then let me introduce myself. I am Zhao Yu from Fengzhou Wufu, and that is my younger brother Zhao Xuan."

Zhao Yu pointed at Zhao Xuan who had a knife on his neck, and then said

"So you are the seniors from Fengzhou Wufu. I wonder what you can do for me?"

Qin Feng looked at Zhao Yu and spoke slowly.

He didn't believe that these two people came to him casually. There must be something.

Qin Feng's fine steel thunder shovel was also tightly held in his hand. If these two people had any bad intentions.

Qin Feng didn't mind giving them a profound lesson, so that they knew that they couldn't be unkind.

As for Fengzhou Academy, he only remembered that it was a second-rate academy with a low reputation.

So he didn't pay too much attention to it before.

"Actually, it's nothing serious. I just heard that the Imperial Capital Wu Mansion is in deep trouble, so I came here to help."

Zhao Yu smiled slightly, and then said softly

"What did you say!?"

Qin Feng's face changed immediately when he heard this, and then he asked

"Ah! It seems that Junior Qin doesn't know yet?"

Zhao Yu looked at Qin Feng with a surprised expression, which was as fake as it could be.

However, Qin Feng knew that this was not the time to worry about this.

"If you know anything, please tell me."

"No problem, since Qin Xuedi doesn't know, then we will tell him honestly."

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that now all the major martial arts schools have united to eliminate your Imperial Capital Martial Arts School first."

"I'm afraid that the people from your Imperial Capital Martial Arts House are being hunted down by people from the various major Martial Arts Houses."

Zhao Yu said this lightly, but at this moment Qin Feng's face was getting darker and darker.

"Thank you for the information, seniors. In that case, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

"But that mountain pig is my mount, can you let him go?"

Qin Feng pointed at Paige and asked.

"Junior Qin, I know you are anxious, but don’t be anxious!"

"If you go there now, you will only seek your own death. I know you are strong, but you can't be a match for more than a hundred people."

"So I still advise you to be patient and calm down for a while"

"Why don't you go with us two brothers? We can protect you."

Zhao Yu looked at Qin Feng with a smile, and then said

"Yes, after all, more people means more strength."

Zhao Xuan also echoed

"Thank you both for your kindness, but this matter is our Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion’s business, so it’s better not to drag others down!"

"Please give me back Paige, and then I will leave.

Qin Feng looked at the two people and said slowly.

"Brother, it seems that this guy doesn't want to drink the wine, so we shouldn't hide it."

After hearing Qin Feng's words, Zhao Xuan's face darkened.

Then he looked at Zhao Yu next to him and said slowly.

"If that's the case, there's no other way."

"I'm sorry, Qin Xuedi, since you are so ungrateful, we two brothers will have to resort to violence today."

As soon as Zhao Yu finished speaking, the two men burst out with a powerful aura.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng couldn't help but smile crookedly, just like a crooked-mouthed dragon king.

"You can't pretend anymore? I thought you were so capable!"

Qin Feng didn't believe they could be so kind from the beginning.

Although he told him this information, Qin Feng also felt that they had ulterior motives.

Sure enough, as soon as they tested him, the two of them showed their true colors.

"so what?"

"Do you think we two brothers are afraid of you? You are just a mid-level general!"

"We are high-level warriors!"

Zhao Xuan said disdainfully.

He originally advocated taking action directly, but Zhao Yu disagreed, so the previous scene happened.

In his opinion, two high-level warriors against a middle-level warrior.

There is no need to be so cautious, it is a matter of hand-holding.

"Qin Feng, I advise you to hand over all your points to avoid physical pain."

Although this is a test for the National General Ranking, casualties are not allowed.

Those who intentionally cause death will be eliminated directly and must bear the corresponding responsibilities.

When everyone comes in, they have a bracelet on their wrist, which is where they record their points.

But what they don't know is that their points are calculated by the electronic eyes behind them.

And then transmitted to their bracelets.

And their bracelets have an important function, that is, at a critical moment, they will hold up a protective shield to protect them from a fatal blow.

Of course, as long as this protective shield is activated, it proves that they have been eliminated.

"You guys are really daydreaming!"

Qin Feng sneered. Are these two pieces of trash worthy of him handing over his points?

""Looking for death!"

Zhao Xuan had a bad temper. After hearing this, he couldn't hold back his anger.

A ray of flame instantly appeared on his fist, and then he kicked his legs and rushed towards Qin Feng.

Zhao Yu saw Zhao Yu rushing out, and hurriedly followed him.

Qin Feng noticed that Zhao Yu's hands began to become dark, as if there was a layer of frost on them.

A-level elemental awakening: fire fist!

A-level elemental awakening: ice palm!

Qin Feng quickly recognized the talents of the two people.

Zhao Xuan came to Qin Feng first, and then punched directly.

I saw a ball of fire flying out of Zhao Yu's fist, like a long dragon, roaring and rushing towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng chopped it out with a shovel, and this long dragon of fire, after touching the fine steel thunder shovel.

It directly separated to both sides, and did not hurt Qin Feng at all.

But at this moment, Zhao Xuan rushed over and slapped Qin Feng on the chest with one palm.


Qin Feng spat out a mouthful of blood and took several steps back.

At that moment, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar in the coldest days of winter.

The bone-chilling cold made his movements a little stiff.

However, he quickly circulated his Qi and blood, and his body quickly recovered.

"Brother, look, this guy is so amazing, but in fact he is not that strong at all!"

At this time, Zhao Xuan showed a disdainful expression, and then said to Zhao Yu

"It’s better to be careful!"

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