"I am seeking death today, what can you do to me?"

"I'm right here, come if you can."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he stretched out his right index finger, and then placed his left hand on his right arm.

"Come here!"

(Same emoticon as Shen Teng!)

【Host, you look so cheap like this! 】

The system made an inappropriate joke, which made Qin Feng roll his eyes.

""Okay, okay! You are so arrogant, right?"

Guo Tian laughed in anger. He really didn't expect that Qin Feng would be so bold and dare to provoke him like this.

Although he succeeded in the sneak attack and eliminated one person just now, there are still seven people on their side.

In any case, he can't deal with it alone.

"I tell you, Zhou Haijun is in my hands now. If you don't want him to be eliminated, then you better behave yourself!"

Guo Tian looked at Qin Feng sharply.

He looked like he would eliminate Zhou Haijun directly if Qin Feng disagreed.

But Qin Feng remained unmoved when he heard this.

"What? You don't care about your schoolmates?"

Guo Tian looked at Qin Feng and was stunned.

You know, there's something wrong with the development of this script.

Normally, Qin Feng shouldn't sacrifice himself for others.

"Do you think I'm stupid? Or am I awesome?"

"If I surrender in front of you guys, will we both still have a chance to continue?"

"If you have the ability, just eliminate him. This way, he won’t have to suffer any grievances."

Qin Feng spoke without hesitation. He was not a saint.

He knew that even if he did what Guo Tian said, he might not be able to save Zhou Haijun.

And even if Zhou Haijun was saved, the role he could play here would definitely not be as good as his own.

Why bother to do such a losing business?

Zhou Haijun was not angry when he heard this, and he even breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, he was afraid that he would implicate others and cause the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy to rank last.

He knew the importance of the National General Ranking to the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy this time.

The reputation of the entire Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy finally improved under the pull of Qin Feng's own strength.

He didn't want to cause any irreversible losses because of him.

In recent years, it has not been as easy for the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy to recruit students as before. More talented geniuses have been recruited by the Magic Capital Martial Arts Academy and the Jinnan Martial Arts Academy. If this continues, I am afraid that the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy will be reduced to an ordinary first-class martial arts academy.

This is something that all the students of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy cannot easily accept.


When Guo Tian heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Qin Feng with a puzzled look on his face.

He was thinking, could it be that Qin Feng had a grudge against the guy they caught?

Otherwise, why would he not only watch him die but also ask them to act quickly.

However, Guo Tian felt that this must be Qin Feng pretending.

So he took out Zhou Haijun's bracelet and held it in his hand.

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude."

"Zhou Haijun, if you want to blame someone, blame Qin Feng. He was the one who didn't want to save you. It has nothing to do with us.

Guo Tian had a sinister expression on his face. Although he spoke very forcefully, in fact, he didn't show any sign of wanting to do anything.

This was just to sow discord.

"Guo Tian, I really overestimated you. I didn't expect you to be able to use such a low-level trick to sow discord!"

Qin Feng curled his lips in disdain, and then a fine steel thunder shovel appeared in his hand.

"Come on, let me see how powerful you are."

Qin Feng said this, then he stepped on his toes and rushed out with the fine steel thunder shovel.

Immediately, two people came to stop him, but Qin Feng chopped them with a shovel, and the two people were knocked away on the spot.

"How is it possible! ? How are you so strong!"

Guo Tian's face changed immediately when he saw this scene.

He didn't expect Qin Feng's strength to be so powerful, it was simply abnormal.

What he didn't know was that when Qin Feng was at the middle level of the general, he was able to defeat the demons at the level of the marquis.

What's more, he made a special breakthrough to deal with these people.

If he didn't have the strength, how could he stand out alone? He was not stupid.

Qin Feng did not answer this question. At this time, he was using the C-level superhuman system to charge.

At this time, another person came and he swung the shovel again. The protective shield on the man's bracelet was directly activated, and then the whole person was stunned.

"Damn it! Let's go together!"

Seeing this, Guo Tian knew that if they continued like this, they would be eliminated by Qin Feng sooner or later.

This guy is not a human being at all, but a beast!

"Just waiting for you guys to get together!"

""Close your eyes!"

Qin Feng shouted and directly sacrificed the bright stone.

In an instant, the sky seemed to explode as if the sun had exploded, and a dazzling white light burst out directly.

Guo Tian and the other six people did not react at all, and their eyes turned black in an instant.

Qin Feng also took this opportunity to step forward without hesitation, and directly activated the protective shields in their bracelets one by one with a shovel.

Then Qin Feng picked up Zhou Haijun's bracelet and returned it to Zhou Haijun.

"Qin Feng, you are despicable! You actually used such a despicable method!"

At this time, Guo Tian's vision finally recovered.

He also found that the protective shield on his bracelet had been activated. He stretched out his finger and pointed at Qin Feng tremblingly.

He never thought that it would be such a result.

"Despicable? Can I be more despicable than you?"

Qin Feng almost laughed out loud when he heard this.

"You're not despicable if you threaten me with someone?"

"You are really interesting to play this death game with me."

After Qin Feng untied Zhou Haijun, he took him away directly.

And no matter how helpless Guo Tian was, there was nothing he could do.

He didn't dare to fight Qin Feng again. If he fought after being eliminated, even the Magic City Martial Arts Academy would not be able to save him.

"Senior Zhou, how did you get caught?

Qin Feng looked at Zhou Haijun and asked.

"I don't know, I was suddenly surrounded by them."

"I was very surprised at first. They didn't want to eliminate me, they just wanted to capture me alive."

"Later I realized that they were trying to threaten you with me. Fortunately, you didn't fall for it, otherwise I would feel guilty."

Zhou Haijun said that even if he was eliminated, he would not blame Qin Feng.

What's more, the current result is very good.

"I hope Senior Zhou doesn't blame me."

Qin Feng smiled when he heard Zhou Haijun's words.

"By the way, Qin Feng, I heard from them that all of them have united together."

"It seems like they are planning to attack our Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy!"

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