Zhou Haijun said this with a serious look on his face.

After all, if those people really wanted to deal with them together, the five people from the Imperial Capital Martial Arts House would not be their opponents at all.

The disparity in numbers between the enemy and us was too great, and he could hardly see any chance of winning.

This made him suddenly worried.

""I already know what happened, but now we can only fight back when the enemy comes and block the water with earth."

Qin Feng shrugged and said.

He didn't have any good solution for this matter, and now he could only take it one step at a time.

However, in this limited time, Qin Feng would definitely make them pay the price.

"This is not your fault or mine!"

Qin Feng shook his head and said

"But we can launch a sneak attack, just like this to eliminate them one by one."

Qin Feng immediately suggested that as long as Zhou Haijun draws firepower in the front, and then he launches a sneak attack in the back.

In this way, a small group like Guo Tian can be completely solved.

"I'm afraid not!"

After hearing what Qin Feng said, Zhou Haijun immediately shook his head.


Qin Feng looked at Zhou Haijun in confusion, wondering why he said that.

"Because I heard them say that in 24 hours, they will be together"

"It has been almost that long now."

Zhou Haijun was caught by them before, so they said these things in front of Zhou Haijun without any concealment.

So this is why Zhou Haijun knew all this.

"So that's it, I understand."

Qin Feng squinted his eyes and nodded, then he looked at Zhou Haijun again and showed a mysterious smile.

"Senior Zhou, I do have a bold idea, but it may require you to make some sacrifices."


When Zhou Haijun heard this, he raised his head in confusion.

""Qin Feng, what's your idea?"

Zhou Haijun looked at Qin Feng nervously.

Although he didn't know Qin Feng before, he knew that Qin Feng was a first-rate troublemaker.

If he was allowed to let go, he didn't know what he would do.

Thinking of this, he was a little nervous.

"Don't be nervous, it's like this……"

Qin Feng came to Zhou Haijun and spoke softly.

Zhou Haijun hesitated for a while after hearing this, but finally nodded.

"Qin Feng, your plan is still a bit risky. It doesn't matter if I'm eliminated, but you must not get caught."

Zhou Haijun said with some worry.

He didn't have many points to begin with, so he was eliminated.

But if Qin Feng was also eliminated, then the results of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy this time would definitely be at the bottom.

In that case, Zhou Haijun felt that he and others would have no face to go back.

"Don't worry, Senior Zhou, I know what's going on."

Qin Feng hurriedly comforted Zhou Haijun, and then said

"That's good!"

Zhou Haijun finally nodded. After all, he didn't want to be tricked by those guys.

"In that case, I will explore the way ahead, and you follow closely behind."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he used his earth-melting talent to move forward.

Zhou Haijun followed Qin Feng after keeping a distance.

In any case, Qin Feng was much safer and more hidden under the earth.

Now their most important goal was to find the gathering place of that group of people.

After finding the gathering place, they could start to implement their plan.

Not long after, Qin Feng saw a puff of green smoke rising in front of him.

"If I'm not mistaken, they should be there."

Qin Feng pointed at the wisps of green smoke and said to Zhou Haijun.

After all, there are more than a hundred of them, and they definitely need to eat.

Their realm has not yet reached the level of fasting, and their appetite is even greater than that of normal people.

Moreover, not everyone has a space ring, so if they want to eat, they can only cook it on the spot.

"I think so. Then I will go?"

Zhou Haijun nodded, then looked at Qin Feng and said.

Qin Feng nodded, then said:

"Go ahead, I'll follow you."

Zhou Haijun nodded and rushed over there.

No matter what, they had to fight.

Otherwise, this group of people would definitely think that they, the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy, were easy to bully.

Zhou Haijun ran all the way, while Qin Feng kept a distance and followed them.

On the other side, in the gathering place, the leader at this time was Zhu Xin, the leader of the Magic Capital Martial Arts Academy.

And beside him were the leaders of various martial arts academies.

"Isn't it inappropriate for us to make such a big fuss?"

Li Minjie, the leader of Lunan Wufu, hesitated and said

"What's inappropriate? That's the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy, the number one Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy!"

The leader of Jinnan Martial Arts Academy, Yue Longpeng, sneered and said

"That was only in the past. Now the No. 1 is the Magic Capital Martial Arts School, right? Master Zhu!"

Yang Ming, the leader of the Lingnan Martial Arts School, immediately said flatteringly.

"Haha, although this is true, it is better to be low-key"

"After this year's Wufu ranking competition, the Imperial Capital Wufu will give up the first place."

Zhu Xin smiled contemptuously, and then spoke slowly.

He turned the ring on his ring finger, and then slowly spoke:

"No matter what, we can't take it lightly"

"And now that everything has been done, there is no room for maneuver."

After Zhu Xin finished speaking, he cast his eyes on the team leaders.

""Don't worry, Boss Zhu, we know what to do."

Yang Ming said hurriedly, and the other leaders of the martial arts schools also echoed. The current Magic City Martial Arts School is powerful, and they are unwilling to offend Zhu Xin.

Because they all know that Zhu Xin is a small-minded person, if they offend him, they will definitely not end well.

In comparison, the Imperial Capital Martial Arts School is much better.

After all, their strength has been declining in recent years, so they are not very worried about them.

"Now the rest of the people have been eliminated by us, only Lu Chao and Guan Changsheng have joined together"

"I don't know where Qin Feng is hiding. As long as we find all three of them, this matter will be perfectly resolved."

Zhu Xin turned the ring on his finger and spoke slowly.

In his opinion, although there were only three people, he was cautious by nature and had to get rid of them all.

"Guan Changsheng and Lu Chao are together, it's a bit difficult to deal with them!"

Yue Longpeng narrowed his eyes and said.

The strength of these two people is indeed very strong, and it is not so easy for them to deal with them.

If they force them, they will definitely suffer casualties.

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