But they all had their own ulterior motives, and they didn't want to suffer any casualties on their side, and they wanted to achieve better results.

Although the first place in the national general list was basically Magic City Wufu, they still wanted to fight for the second place.

So it was difficult for them to work together, which allowed Guan Changsheng and Lu Chao to escape repeatedly.

"Humph! Don't think I don't know what you're thinking."

Zhu Xin snorted coldly when he heard this, and then swept his cold eyes over everyone.

"If any of you eliminates Guan Changsheng, I will make sure he becomes the second place this time."

"If Lu Chao is eliminated, I will ensure that he will be the third place!"

Zhu Xin naturally understood their thoughts, but he had no other choice. After all, they came from different places.

It was normal for them to have different minds.

But he had his own way. Sure enough, when he said this, everyone's eyes lit up.

What was the ultimate purpose of retaining their strength? It was to get a good ranking.

Now that Zhu Xin said this, why were they still hesitating?

"Don't worry, Boss Zhu, I won't let them run away next time I meet them!"

At this time, everyone patted their chests and said.

Anyway, at most they will be eliminated early, and there will be no other losses, so what are they afraid of.

Besides, as long as the results of the Wufu are good, it will be fine. As the saying goes, success does not have to be mine.

And it can also make friends with the Magic City Wufu, the future No. 1 Wufu, so why not?

"I'll leave it to you all, and I hope you won't let me down."

Zhu Xin turned the ring in his hand, and then slowly spoke.

"Let's go, I think everyone is hungry, let's have a taste of this fourth-level monster."

Everyone's face changed slightly when they heard Zhu Xin's words. His words were actually a show of power.

There were only a few fourth-level monsters on this island. Zhu Xin was able to kill one, which naturally proved his strength.

His subconscious meaning was to tell everyone that if they followed them, they would have meat to eat.

If they went against him, they would be eaten as meat. When everyone thought of this, they couldn't help but squeeze out a smile on their faces.


At this moment, a loud noise was heard not far away, and everyone turned around and looked over.

Zhu Xin and the others were stunned.

Because they found that it was Zhou Haijun who rushed over.

"Wasn't this guy captured by Guo Tian? How did he get here?"

Yang Ming asked in confusion.

They had received information from Guo Tian, so when he counted the number of people just now, he didn't count Zhou Haijun at all.

"I guess Guo Tian must have had an accident."

When Zhu Xin said this, his face suddenly darkened.

After all, Guo Tian brought a group of people to capture Zhou Haijun.

Now that Zhou Haijun appeared here, it proved that Guo Tian must have had an accident.

"It doesn't matter. What kind of storm can Zhou Haijun cause?"

Yue Longpeng said disdainfully.

Although Zhou Haijun's strength is good, he is definitely not as abnormal as Lu Chao and Guan Changsheng.

So they didn't take Zhou Haijun seriously at all.

Moreover, there are so many people here, and everyone's spit can drown Zhou Haijun.

"Don't be careless, Zhou Haijun is not a fool. If he dares to come here alone, it proves that there is something fishy going on."

Zhu Xin turned the ring on his hand and spoke slowly.

He didn't think that Zhou Haijun was crazy and dared to challenge them alone.

"Humph, maybe Guan Changsheng and Lu Chao are lying in ambush there, waiting for us to come over."

Yue Longpeng smiled contemptuously.

He felt that these people had no other tricks, but this.

"In that case, I'll go with you."

"Let them know that in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy or trick is useless!"

Yang Ming also said coldly

"In that case, let's go and take a look!"

Zhu Xin stood up, then tiptoed and rushed towards the direction where Zhou Haijun was.

On the other side, after Zhou Haijun arrived at the gathering place, he took action without saying a word.

"Earth Piercing!"

Zhou Haijun pressed his hands on the ground, and a series of ground spikes suddenly appeared like small forwards.

S-level elemental awakening: Earth Piercing.

This Earth Piercing caught people off guard and knocked many people away at once.

"You bunch of bastards want to deal with our Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy, how funny!"

After Zhou Haijun finished saying this, he turned around and ran without hesitation.

His purpose was to delay time, not to die.

Everyone was stunned for a while, and then hurriedly chased after him.

They had seen arrogant people before, but this was the first time he had seen such an arrogant person.

So everyone stepped forward and chased after him.

However, Zhou Haijun ran ahead, and it was not so easy for these people to catch up in a short time.

Moreover, Zhou Haijun always caught everyone off guard and gave them a big earth piercing.

This also greatly slowed down their speed.

"Damn Zhou Haijun, if you have the guts, don’t run away!"

"I'm fucking sick, I won't run!"

Zhou Haijun mocked without hesitation.

He always felt that these people had some problems in their brains. Why did he stop now? Was he waiting to be beaten by them?

""Zhou Haijun! Where are you escaping to!"

At this time, Zhu Xin and others caught up.

They snorted coldly and shouted at Zhou Haijun's back.

Zhou Haijun narrowed his eyes when he saw Zhu Xin and others chasing him.

They all chased out, which was enough to prove that there was no one in the gathering place.

At this time, Qin Feng also noticed this.

He instantly used the ability of Tu Rong and ran directly to the gathering place.

At this time, in the center of the gathering place, there was a big pot on an earthen stove.

Bubbling inside, an attractive fragrance came out from it.

This made Qin Feng couldn't help but take two more breaths of the fragrance.

Then Qin Feng looked forward again and found that there was a fourth-level monster stewed in the pot.

"These guys really know how to enjoy themselves. They even stewed and ate the fourth-level monsters."

Qin Feng showed an expression of squandering. You know, the fourth-level monsters can be exchanged for hundreds of points.

With those hundreds of points, there are so many things to eat, but they have to eat monsters.

But this has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't care about it. After all, people have money and how they want to spend it is their business.

And what Zhu Xin did also gave him an opportunity.

Qin Feng came to the big pot, and then took out all his rhubarb water plus version and poured it all in.

Then he picked up the spoon next to him and shook it. After doing all this, she left here immediately.

Hiding aside, secretly observing.

He believed that it would definitely cause a shocking movement later, and there would be a good show to watch at that time.

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