When Qin Feng heard Guan Changsheng's words, he was stunned for a moment, then spread his hands.

"I don't know either! It's very confusing."

Qin Feng also looked aggrieved. He obviously won the first place.

But he didn't get the treatment that the first place should have. Where can he go to complain?

Guan Changsheng was silent when he heard this. He didn't know what to say.

Qin Feng saw that Guan Changsheng ignored him, so he quietly came to Minister Ziyang.

"Hey, Minister, I led everyone to win the championship this time, so you promised me……"

Minister Ziyang heard what Qin Feng said, opened his eyes, rolled his eyes at Qin Feng, and then slowly said:

"Don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised you."

After saying that, he closed his eyes and ignored Qin Feng.

Qin Feng couldn't help but touch his nose, not understanding what was going on.

After returning to the Imperial Capital Wu Mansion, Ananda heard Minister Ziyang talk about the cause and effect.

He looked at Qin Feng expressionlessly, then turned and left.

Qin Feng immediately had a black question mark face. He didn't know what was going on, but fortunately, all the things he changed were given to him.

Qin Feng didn't say much.

Everyone found that the national general list this time was very strange, and no martial arts house spread the news.

Everyone chose to remain silent, which made everyone very curious, but they couldn't find out any news.

Half a month later, Qin Feng was bored in the small courtyard.

At this time, he received a call from Lu Chao.

"Hello? Brother Lu, what good news do you have for me?"

"Go down to the tomb, or go somewhere else?"

Qin Feng was very excited. You know, he was bored during this period.

And he found that Ananda and the others didn't like him very much recently, so he had nothing to do.

Now Lu Chao called him, he thought Lu Chao must have something to ask him.

""Haha, you kid, you just can't sit still!"

Lu Chao was speechless when he heard this.

This guy, just came back to rest for a few days, and he's thinking about going here and there.

The donkey in the production team can't do this!

The reason why martial arts schools are set up all over the world is to let people learn to combine work and rest.

If you keep fighting on the battlefield, you will become a cold and ruthless killing machine.

This is not what everyone wants to see, so the existence of martial arts schools is not simply to teach these students how to fight.

It is also to teach them a spirit, and let them combine work and rest, and not overdraw themselves.

They can also feel the campus life so that they won't be so stressed.

It also prevents them from being too pessimistic about the future.

If a person has these negative emotions, then he is very likely to fall into a cult.

The Demon Cult was born for this reason.

"Isn't this too boring!"

After hearing Lu Chao's words, Qin Feng spoke without hesitation.

After all, he just couldn't sit still. And he didn't find the medicine to treat his sister in the tombs he went to several times.

This made him a little anxious.

Some time ago, he heard someone say that if it was in a tomb where there were more spirits, the probability of this medicine appearing was relatively high, because the spirits were born to cultivate this kind of medicine.

So Qin Feng always wanted to go to other tombs to have a look.

"Don't be so arrogant, you are only a freshman!"

Lu Chao complained speechlessly, and then continued:

"By the way, I came to see you this time for another matter."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Now it was Qin Feng's turn to be confused, because he didn't know what Lu Chao wanted to talk to him about.

"It's like this, we have a holiday villa here, we are going to go there to have some fun, do you want to join us?"

Lu Chao said slowly.

Lu Chao was also helpless, at this time there were several people around him.

They all heard of Qin Feng's name and became Qin Feng's little fans.

This time, they were supposed to go, but they strongly asked Lu Chao to ask Qin Feng to come.

That's why there was such a call now.

"Holiday villa?"

Qin Feng asked with some doubt.

"Yes, a holiday resort, recently opened."

"I heard it's pretty good, so some of my juniors asked me to go over there."

"I'll ask you by the way, let's go relax together."

Lu Chao then said

"Oh, so, can I bring a few people with me?"

Qin Feng thought about it. Anyway, he was quite bored these days. There was nothing else to do, so he might as well go and have some fun.

Indeed, he had not relaxed since he came here.

Before he got the system, he had been worrying about his survival and Qin Xue's illness.

After getting the system, he became a warrior and was always fighting.

So there was nothing wrong with relaxing.

【Men must fight! Men must fight!]

Just as Qin Feng was daydreaming, another BGM appeared in his head!

"That's enough!"

Qin Feng was speechless. This dog system really knows how to take advantage of loopholes.

Lu Chao glanced at everyone and saw that they were nodding frantically. Naturally, he understood what they meant.

"Of course, I'll send you the location later and you can come over tomorrow."


After the two of them ended the call, Lu Chao quickly sent the location.

Qin Feng looked at the distance and found that it was some distance away from Youzhou Wufu.

It was between their Imperial Capital Wufu and Youzhou Wufu.

After Qin Feng finished reading it, he picked up his phone without hesitation and started sending a group message.

"The Student Union's annual major benefit! In view of your hard work, the president has decided to take you to a holiday resort in Youzhou."

"We will depart at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. If you want to go, please contact the president as soon as possible."

"PS: You are responsible for your own expenses for this trip!"

After Qin Feng sent all this, he happily packed up his things.

But he didn't have much to pack, after all, he had a space where he could break through the air, and put most of his things in it.

When Qin Feng got his phone again, he found that Xiao Ding, Dou Meiyu and others wanted to go with him.

Guan Changsheng and Baili Jian both refused.

Xia Huan, on the other hand, sent a long paragraph of complaints, saying that it would be fine if Qin Feng didn't help with the student union's affairs. But now he was taking people away, which was simply irresponsible.

Qin Feng simply ignored Xia Huan's complaints.

After all, if he didn't ignore them, he would be the one who was tired.

After Qin Feng sent a message to the people who went there, he agreed with them on a meeting place and put away his phone.

The next morning, Qin Feng had just packed up and was ready to go out when he saw Xiao Ding and others standing at the gate of his yard.

"Didn't we agree to gather at the playground? Why are you all here at my house?"

Qin Feng looked at them and asked.

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