"Look at what time it is now!"

Dou Meiyu looked at Qin Feng speechlessly.

The agreed time was 8 o'clock, but now it was 9 o'clock.

They waited on the playground for more than an hour, but Qin Feng didn't show up.

The most annoying thing was that this guy's cell phone couldn't be reached.

This made them so angry that their teeth itched.

If they couldn't beat him, everyone wanted to punch him.

Let him reflect on his mistakes.

As a man, he has no sense of time at all!

Dou Meiyu clenched her fists. After all, she was a beauty and was named the school belle when she first entered the school.

Now she was treated like this by Qin Feng!

If this got out, Qin Feng would become the public enemy of all the men in the Imperial Capital Wu Mansion!

"Ah this……"

Qin Feng took out his newly bought iPhone from the space. He realized it was already nine o'clock.

For a moment, he scratched his head in embarrassment.

"In that case, let's go!"

Qin Feng changed the subject abruptly, and then, under the sharp gazes of everyone, he hurried out of the school gate.

There were no twists and turns along the way. Qin Feng and others met Lu Chao and others at the holiday villa.

What made Qin Feng a little strange was that the few people behind Lu Chao kept looking up at him.

But when he looked over, they immediately turned their eyes away.

This made Qin Feng touch his nose. He always felt that he was being treated like a monkey.

【Host, be more confident! Get rid of the feeling! 】

The system popped up again at an inopportune time, which made Qin Feng's forehead appear with several black lines.

"I advise you to learn from your mistakes!"

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he was too lazy to pay attention to the system.

He was afraid that if he continued to talk, he would become like this dog system and have some problems with his brain.

""Why are you late than the agreed time? Did something happen on the way?"

Lu Chao looked at Qin Feng and asked.

Dou Meiyu and others couldn't help but look at Qin Feng with resentment after hearing what Lu Chao said.

If it weren't for this old man, how could they be late?

Qin Feng smiled awkwardly when he heard this, and rolled his eyes at Lu Chao.

What a joke, how could a good person have such a big mouth!

"Let's not talk about this anymore, Brother Chao, let me introduce you."

Qin Feng quickly changed the subject. He felt that if he continued talking, he would be blamed to death by these people.

"These people are Xiao Ding, Li Yuntao, Dou Meiyu and Wan Qian!"

"They are all my classmates of the same grade, and they are also the backbone of the student union of our Imperial Capital Martial Academy."

Qin Feng briefly introduced Xiao Ding and others. Since he became the president of the student union, he asked Xiao Ding and others to join the student union.

After all, as a president, he must have his own team.

And obviously, Xiao Ding and others are naturally the most suitable candidates for him.


"These people are Liang Peipei, Huang Xin'ao, Zhang Qunying and Xiao Ya!"

"They all heard about your achievements, Qin Feng, and came to visit you specially!"

Lu Chao said with a smile.

Qin Feng's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he instantly felt that the four people were much more pleasing to the eye.

I didn't expect that I, Qin Feng, also have little fans. They really have a keen eye for heroes.

Qin Feng was almost moved to tears.

Along the way, he was either called the sixth or envied and hated by others.

Now someone finally saw his shining points and came to be his fan.

Qin Feng excitedly stepped forward and shook their hands. If it wasn't for the coercion of Lu Chao and others.

Qin Feng would at least have a good chat with them and tell them about his glorious deeds.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chao couldn't help but laugh and cry. He was wondering whether it was right or wrong for him to get Qin Feng here.

In the end, several people successfully entered the holiday villa. Lu Chao had booked the hotel yesterday.

The two There are exactly five rooms, one for each person, and Qin Feng and Lu Chao live together.

There is nothing special about this holiday villa, it is just located in a mountain.

In Qin Feng's view, this is an opportunity for people who are used to living in bustling big cities to return to nature.

But Qin Feng is not interested, unlike this world.

In the larger mountains and forests, there are basically monsters, so this holiday villa is so precious. In the world before Qin Feng traveled through time, there were no monster tombs or anything like that, so he had done all the things like traveling around the mountains and playing in the water.

The only thing that interested him was the hot spring hotel built on the mountainside.

This is also the hotel where Qin Feng and others live.

After Qin Feng had a meal of wild game at the hot spring hotel, he went to soak in the hot spring comfortably.


The entire top floor of this hot spring hotel is not open to the public.

Because this floor belongs to the owner of this holiday villa - He Guang.

At this time, there are two people sitting opposite each other in this luxurious room.

One of them is He Guang, the owner of this holiday villa, and as for the other person...

If there were someone on the scene at this time, they would definitely be stunned when they saw the other person.

Because that person looks almost exactly like He Guang, and if you don't look carefully, you can't tell them apart at all.

However, the biggest difference between the two people is their temperament.

He Guang's temperament gives people a feeling of being bathed in spring breeze, while the other person makes people feel like falling into an ice cave.

"Do we really have to do this?"

He Guang sighed, looked at the person opposite him, and said slowly

"I have no way out!"

"I can't stand this torture anymore. If it goes on like this, I'll go crazy!"

"He Guang, you have to help me! Only you can help me!"

The person opposite, hearing He Guang's words, his whole face began to twist.

He Guang heard this, and his face showed reluctance.

In fact, the person opposite He Guang was no one else, but his twin brother-He An.

The two were not only twins, but also geniuses who were famous far and wide.

He Guang was an SSS-level element awakening: light element control.

He An was an SSS-level element awakening: dark element control. He was once famous in Youzhou.

However, after an invasion of a tomb pit, He An died in the hands of the ancients.

After learning that his brother was dead, He Guang was disheartened, and then gave up martial arts and went into business.

Finally, he invested in this holiday villa.

It was because of such a powerful warrior like He Guang that this holiday villa could still remain safe in this deep mountain forest.

Because the core of this holiday villa is the Guangming Martial Arts Hall built by He Guang.

But what no one knows is that He An, who was always thought to have died in the tomb pit.

Not only did he not die, but he also appeared in He Guang's holiday villa.

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