After leaving school, Qin Feng ran home frantically, his face full of excitement and excitement.

He couldn't wait to share the good news with his sister!

Especially the treatment quota of Jiangnan Military Hospital.

This is much more important than his joining the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion!

Back home, standing in front of the door.

Qin Feng did not push the door open directly, but took a breath.

His sister's emotions should not fluctuate too drastically.

Although Qin Feng was happy, he was not overwhelmed.

Yay—— the door opened.

Qin Xue was sitting on the small balcony. Unlike usual smiles to greet Qin Feng, her eyes were slightly red and swollen, as if she had cried.

Qin Feng walked over quickly:"Xiaoxue, why are you crying?"

"Brother, I just saw the news."

Xiaoxue pouted, her voice a little choked.

Qin Feng smiled bitterly:"I wanted to tell you this good news in person, but I didn't expect the news to beat me to it."

He squatted in front of his sister and stroked her hair.

The rough palm did not make Qin Xue feel uncomfortable, but she held it with both hands and rubbed her cheek gently.

"Brother, it's because of me that you have to go to the barren mountains to make money."

"You are suffering too much, too tired"

"If...if not……"

Xiaoxue began to sob softly.

Before she could finish her words, Qin Feng held her in his arms, his voice more firm and powerful than before:

"In my eyes, no school or recognition is more important than your health."

"From now on, never assume that my brother would be better off without me."

"Without you, I have no motivation to live."

"Xiaoxue, do you believe me?"

Qin Feng grabbed Qin Xue's shoulders and looked at her firmly.

Qin Xue rubbed her eyes, her cheeks were like little buns, and she nodded cutely and seriously:"Believe it!"

"Okay, I promise you that you can definitely recover." Qin Feng smiled.

Seeing her brother smile, Qin Xue couldn't help but smile.

With each other, the brothers and sisters are no longer afraid of difficulties.

Maybe they are weak.

Maybe they are not worth mentioning.

But, they are fearless!

"By the way, I got a place in Jiangnan Military Hospital, you will receive the best treatment environment in the future."Qin Feng finally told the good news while he was happy.

Qin Xue exclaimed and hugged her brother happily.

The brother and sister looked at each other and laughed. A beam of sunlight fell from the small balcony, like a path of light, illuminating the darkness of this broken home.

Qin Feng hugged his sister, feeling warm in his heart.

The feeling of being thought of by family members all the time is so wonderful.

This is happiness.

"I can go to the Jiangnan Military Hospital for treatment, and my brother has been admitted to the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy, so we must celebrate."

Qin Xue laughed and said,"I will pay for a big dinner out of my own pocket!"

""Show off, show off!"

Qin Feng nodded and laughed.

Since dinner was confirmed, the brother and sister began to clean up the house.

When it was evening, the weather gradually turned cooler.

Qin Feng pushed the wheelchair and took his sister to the food street.


Yuancheng is a third-tier city, but it has a large permanent population.

At night, the entire food street is crowded with people and bustling with noise.

The boiling stew pots, the magic kitchen of water and fire, the sweaty chefs, and the guests toasting each other, interweave into the most lively scene in the city.

Qin Feng and Qin Xue have eaten and drunk their fill.

The brother and sister burped, their faces full of happiness and satisfaction.

Barbecue freedom is comfortable!

Three words: make it hard!

""I'll take you to the zoo tomorrow." Qin Feng said with a smile.

Qin Xue was surprised and said,"Really? Wow!"

The girl's heart always yearns for the colorful world outside.

But she doesn't want to trouble her brother who comes home tired every day.

Now that life is better,

Qin Xue gradually reveals her sunny and cheerful side.

At the same time, at a snack stand 30 meters away from Qin Feng,

Ke Zhen in a black robe locked onto Qin Feng.

There was a slight bulging sound in his body, a bit like compressed air, ready to go.

"There are a lot of people around, should we just take action?"

"Take action, as long as Qin Feng is killed, everything will be worth it!"

"Kill his sister first, and then while Qin Feng is distracted, surround and kill him with all your strength!"

"Check the watch, and proceed as planned in 10 seconds!"

Listening to the communication between the members of the Blood Cult, Ke Zhen kept showing a cold smile, and clenched his hand, and a silver-white sword emerged from his robe. The fatal crisis came quietly.

It silently enveloped Qin Feng and Qin Xue.

Suddenly, Qin Feng paused.

His heartbeat accelerated inexplicably, and his nerves were involuntarily tense.

This feeling is so familiar.

It's like facing a beast of the middle warrior level.

Sense of crisis!

In just a moment, Qin Feng's face changed suddenly, and he subconsciously picked up Qin Xue in the wheelchair and quickly rushed back!


The next second.

The wheelchair was smashed into a discus by a huge stone hammer!

One step later!

Just one step later, Qin Xue would turn into a pool of meat paste!


The howling sound tore apart the peaceful atmosphere of the food street.

Pedestrians fled in all directions, not daring to get close.

Look at Qin Feng again.

As soon as he retreated and landed, Ke Zhen came to kill him.


Gripping the knife, drawing the knife.

In one go!

The blade light was as cold as frost, containing terrifying explosive power, and it slashed Qin Feng's waist!

With a clang!

The sword did not cut Qin Feng in half, but chopped on the blue steel alloy shovel, which made Ke Zhen's sneer freeze.

However, this force still blasted Qin Feng and Qin Xue away, smashing the barbecue stall and causing screams.

Fortunately, Qin Feng had been using his body to protect Qin Xue, and she did not suffer much impact.

But in contrast, Qin Feng bore all the recoil force, and rolled more than a dozen times before barely standing up, with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth


Qin Xue called out anxiously.

Qin Feng's eyes turned blood red, violent and fierce, but his voice was surprisingly gentle:"Don't look up, leave everything to me."

"Well, I'm Brother Xin."

Qin Xue curled up in Qin Feng's arms like a kitten.

Qin Feng glared at Ke Zhen and others with a ferocious expression.

No need to guess, it must be the Blood Cult!

This group of people have the same tattoos!

"There are too many people, it's hard to perform well."

Qin Feng suppressed his anger, glanced around, pulled out the blue steel alloy shovel from his waist, turned around and fled into the alley.


Ke Zhen and the others shouted.

When they left, the food street was in complete chaos.

"Quick, contact Zhanfu!" someone screamed


Zhan Mansion.

The Governor was toasting with Instructor Zhang.

The former's city had a genius.

The latter had picked a good seedling.

Both of them were happy from the bottom of their hearts.

Bang, bang, bang!

There was a hurried knock on the door outside.

The Governor frowned and said,"Come in.""

"Governor, Instructor Zhang, something happened!"

Zhao Jun had just rushed back to Yuancheng from the resort when he received a call and rushed over immediately:"The Blood Cult has attacked Qin Feng!"

The Governor and Instructor Zhang's expressions changed drastically.

"They are looking for death!"

Teacher Zhang shouted like thunder.

He opened the window and jumped down from the 9th floor, soaring like an eagle!

"Damn it, it's lawless!"

The Governor was even more furious.

The Blood Cult even dared to hunt down Qin Feng.

This was a slap in the face of Master Zhang!

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