Qin Feng hugged Qin Xue and rushed into the alley.

There were rats everywhere and the smell of the stinking ditch was disgusting.

The alley only had a beginning but no end.

Ke Zhen and others blocked Qin Feng inside.

Qin Feng turned around, his five fingers had already tightly grasped the shovel, and his other hand protected Qin Xue, and whispered:"Xiaoxue, don't look, don't listen."

Qin Xue nodded obediently, holding her face, and blocked her ears with her fingers.

"You can kill me, but you should never attack Xiaoxue!"

"You deserve to die!"

"Don't even think about escaping!"

Qin Feng was filled with rage, and his face became extremely ferocious.

Just as he said.

The Blood Cult can come to kill him, but they must not attack Qin Xue!

A dragon has a reverse scale, and touching it means death!

My sister Qin Xue is Qin Feng's reverse scale!

Suddenly, Qin Feng felt something on his head, and the muscles in his right arm swelled. He immediately swung the shovel and slapped it into the air!


A member of the Blood Cult wanted to sneak attack Qin Feng, but the other party was so agile that the dagger in his hand was instantly broken.

This scene happened suddenly.

Not only did the Blood Cult members fail to react, but Ke Zhen and others were also stunned.

When they came to their senses, the blue steel alloy shovel had already slapped the Blood Cult member.


The head exploded like a watermelon.

A headless corpse fell quietly to the ground.

"Come on!"

Ke Zhen was instantly furious.

A sturdy man rushed forward, his hands turned into earthy yellow stones, forming a huge hammer, and swung it at Qin Feng's head with all his strength.

The blow was powerful and heavy. The whistling wind scared the rats in the alley.

However, Qin Feng did not dodge.

The front end of the shovel was as sharp as a knife, and he faced the battle head-on!

Puff - the stone hammer was ruthlessly cut off.

Along with the broken body, there was also a burly body.

The sturdy man widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

It seemed that before he died, he couldn't believe that Qin Feng's strength was so terrifying!

"This is the result of attacking my sister!"

Qin Feng kicked the body of the strong man away.

He raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot.

He was like a devil descending to the world.

Holding his sister in his arms was tenderness to his family.

The bloody shovel was ruthless to the enemy!

This scene was brutal!

However, Qin Feng was never affected by anger.

The reason why he chose this alley was that it was narrow enough and only two people could attack at the same time.

There were many members of the Blood Cult.

But they could not besiege Qin Feng.

Qin Feng killed one step at a time, like a harvester, ruthlessly harvesting the lives of the Blood Cult members.

He was not bloodthirsty, let alone cruel.

But these people must die!

"Qin Feng, you are going to die!"

Ke Zhen couldn't help it.

The blood in his body finally completed compression.

A touch of scarlet blossomed on the sword.

C-level Superman System: Charge!

The scarlet blade light was like a blood-red half-moon, which looked particularly gloomy in the dark alley.

Qin Feng still didn't retreat.

He mobilized his blood to the extreme, swung the shovel, and met Ke Zhen's strongest knife!


As soon as he made contact, Qin Feng felt a strong pressure.

Then, Ke Zhen's blood-red sword... shattered!

Yes, it exploded directly!

The difference in weapons is not at the same level at all!


Qin Feng took advantage of the situation and slashed.

The blue steel alloy shovel embedded into Ke Zhen's shoulder, pressing him from mid-air to the ground, until he lay on the ground!


Every inch of flesh and blood was ruthlessly cut off.

Ke Zhen fell to the ground, his whole body twitching because of the pain!

However... he was actually laughing!


The laughter became more and more piercing.

Ke Zhen stared at Qin Feng. That face was as weird as it could be!

"Qin Feng, I have a question for you!"

"If the crown of a big tree is rotten, can the part below it still be clean?"

"You don't have to worry when you die."

"You are still alive now, but you will suffer forever in the future!"

"The Blood Cult... will never let you go!"

These words were very strange.

After saying that, Ke Zhen's head tilted and his life was cut off.

Qin Feng looked down at him coldly and mocked:"You are still talking so much nonsense after you die."

Mockery is mockery.

If he guessed correctly, Ke Zhen should have just stepped into the middle-level warrior not long ago, but relying on the awakening ability, he can actually burst out nearly 400 blood and qi points, which is really amazing.

Qin Feng stretched out his hand towards their corpses and said in his heart:"Extract"

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: 5 HP points】

【Gain: 5 HP points】

【Gain: 10 HP points】

【Gain: 10 HP points】


【Obtained: C-rank superhuman system, power up】


Qin Feng's expression was quite interesting.

He really extracted this guy's awakening ability!

At the same time, his blood value soared to 415.

Successfully broke through the 400 mark!

Qin Feng looked around the alley without saying a word.

From the beginning to the end, the whole process took no more than 30 seconds.

Too fast!

In addition to Qin Feng's rich combat experience, the Qinggang alloy shovel also played an indispensable role.

The combination of the two major advantages made it easy to kill them.

At this time, a figure fell from the night sky.

Qin Feng took a closer look, and his hanging heart slowly fell to the ground.

Instructor Zhang looked at the corpses all over the ground, some of which were not even human, and his eyes couldn't help but show shock.

There are at least eight or nine people here.

Qin Feng wiped out the other side alone?

"Are you and your sister okay?"He asked with concern.

Qin Feng shook his head:"Don't worry, everything is fine."

After that, he put away the shovel, wiped his bloody hands on his body, and poked his sister's chubby cheeks.

The latter raised her head and blinked innocently.

Seeing that his sister was fine, Qin Feng was completely relieved.

"Tell me about the whole process."Teacher Zhang's expression was serious.

Qin Feng walked out with his sister in his arms while describing the situation.

Teacher Zhang's face became colder.

At this time, the governor arrived.

Teacher Zhang immediately said:"This is a premeditated siege. Qin Feng's information has been leaked. There is a traitor in the Zhan Mansion!"

The governor was already angry.

Hearing this, he was even more angry.

The Blood Cult members actually infiltrated the Yuancheng Zhan Mansion!

This is not as simple as a slap in the face!

"Block the information department immediately!"

"Only they know Qin Feng's address!"

The governor turned to look at Zhao Jun and quickly made arrangements.

"" Yes!"

Zhao Jun nodded and turned to leave.

Seeing the swift and decisive action of the Zhan Mansion, Qin Feng gradually felt relieved.

He was about to speak when he suddenly felt that his sister in his arms seemed to have a little fever, and asked with concern:"Xiaoxue, are you feeling unwell?"

"It's okay, just a little dizzy."

Qin Xue shook her head obediently.

However, her breathing became more and more rapid, and her face was very pale.

Qin Feng quickly took out the lung-protecting and heart-strengthening pills and asked Qin Xue to take them.

But even so, Qin Xue's face was still as pale as paper, and her body was getting hotter and hotter.

Instructor Zhang put his hand on Qin Xue's forehead and said in a deep voice:"We can't wait any longer, Governor, arrange a plane immediately!"

"Where are we going?" the Governor asked.

Instructor Zhang stared at Qin Feng and said in a deep voice:"Jiangnan Military Hospital!"

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