Jiangnan Military Hospital.

In the middle of the night, a helicopter landed steadily on the helipad.

The doctors and nurses had been waiting for a long time and immediately rushed forward to put Qin Xue steadily on the medical cart.

Qin Feng followed behind with a forced smile on his face:"Xiaoxue, you will be fine, don't be afraid"

""I'm not afraid because I'm here." Qin Xue nodded firmly.

The elevator descended to the third floor.

The medical cart entered the operating room and the doctor began to diagnose.

Qin Feng stood outside, pacing back and forth anxiously.

Instructor Zhang patted his shoulder and motioned for him to sit down.

"Don't worry, Xiaoxue is in good spirits, and with the care of the doctors, there will be results soon."Teacher Zhang's tone was very calm.

It's not that he was cold-blooded.

If he was panicking, how could Qin Feng calm down ?

"Teacher Zhang, I am really sorry to bother you. I am sure you have a lot of questions when you come here early." Qin Feng said gratefully.

"The Imperial Capital Martial Arts House and the Jiangnan Military Hospital are old friends, and the relationship between the House Master and the Dean is not ordinary."

"Besides, as a student of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy, you should have some privileges."

Teacher Zhang replied with a smile.

Qin Feng nodded, secretly remembering Teacher Zhang's kindness in his heart, and he would definitely repay him in the future!

At this time, Teacher Zhang's cell phone rang.

He took a look, got up and walked to the window in the distance, and then answered:"How is it?"

"There was indeed a traitor in the Information Department, but he has committed suicide."The Governor of Yuancheng's tone was somewhat helpless.

Instructor Zhang narrowed his eyes, and a hint of murderous intent flashed across his eyes:"You did a good job, continue the search"


The Governor agreed immediately and hung up the phone.

But soon, another call came in.

Teacher Zhang wanted to hang up. But when he saw the other party's name, he had to bite the bullet and answer the call.

""Zhang Antong, why did you go to the Jiangnan Military Hospital?" An old voice sounded.

Teacher Zhang touched his nose and chuckled,"It's no big deal to pick up a pair of brothers and sisters. There's no need to alarm you, the Lord of the Mansion."

"I heard from the dean that you gave your retirement convalescence quota to a little girl named Qin Xue?"

The palace master blew his beard and glared:"You gave it to her for nothing, who are you to her?"

"At least, let me atone for my sins." A trace of pain appeared on Teacher Zhang's face.

The mansion owner opposite choked and said in a deep voice:"It was not your fault back then! The tomb pit is dangerous. Nian'er……"

At the end, the mansion master sighed deeply.

"Let's not talk about this."

Teacher Zhang calmed down, glanced at Qin Feng who was anxious, and smiled faintly:"Qin Feng and Qin Xue are really like me and her."

"It’s up to you. If you become disabled or useless in the future, the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion will support you! I have nothing but money!"The mansion master seemed to have come to his senses. Instructor

Zhang laughed and said heroically:"As warriors of our generation, we should go to the grave, kill foreigners, and die on the battlefield. That is the right death, rather than dying in depression."


The mansion master cursed:"As long as people are alive, there is hope! Although you are right, don't always think about death, it's unlucky!"

Teacher Zhang smiled and didn't answer.

The mansion master snorted coldly:"Come back quickly, I want to see what kind of genius you bring back this time!" and hung up the phone.

When Teacher Zhang put the phone back in his pocket and turned to walk towards Qin Feng, the doctor walked out of the operating room with a serious face

"You are the patient's family member, right?"

The doctor nodded to Professor Zhang, and then said to Qin Feng seriously:"The patient's current condition is very grim. Did he have violent heart rate fluctuations not long ago?"

Qin Feng's face changed in shock, and he nodded hurriedly:"Yes, he was frightened by... a group of people!"

"She took the lung-protecting and heart-strengthening pills, which were the right medicine for her condition, and her body is slowly recovering."

"But after this shock, the emotional fluctuations were too great, causing the cardiopulmonary function to decline rapidly."

"It's a miracle that I'm still alive now!"

"Although she is out of danger, I am worried that she may develop disease."The doctor spoke very clearly, word by word.


Qin Feng was like being struck by thunder, his mind went blank.

My sister almost died?

There may be more serious problems in the future?

In an instant, Qin Feng felt chest tightness and shortness of breath, and he felt weak all over. He fell down on a chair with panic in his eyes.


The pressure surged like a tide!

The powerless feeling of suffocation almost suffocated Qin Feng to death.

At this time, a pair of warm hands rested on his shoulders.

Instructor Zhang comforted softly:"The medical level of Jiangnan Military Hospital is the best in the country, Xiaoxue will surely recover slowly."

The doctor smiled bitterly:"That being said, you must stay in the hospital for observation, and the recovery period may be very long, and the medical expenses may be high.……"

He sighed.

Judging from Qin Feng's clothes, his family should not be rich.

Although Teacher Zhang gave the quota to Qin Xue, the medical expenses for additional treatment would be another expense.

"Is there still hope for my sister to recover?" Qin Feng stood up excitedly.

The doctor nodded:"Yes, but the chance is slim."

This rekindled hope in Qin Feng's heart.

As long as there is a chance, even if there is only a slight chance, he will hold on to it tightly!

The doctor left.

Instructor Zhang said calmly:"Qin Feng, if you want to completely cure your sister, you have to become stronger, strong enough to crush everyone!"

"It's a little early to tell, but I hope you can remember"

"The world inside the tomb is extremely huge, with natural treasures and endless uses."

"Her legs, heart and lungs, there are definitely treasures that can heal them!"

Qin Feng stared into the eyes of Teacher Zhang and nodded heavily:"Thank you for your guidance, Teacher!"

The grave pit!

An underground world full of mystery, danger, and killing.

That's where all hope lies!

I must go there in the future! Before that, he must make more money.

Only in this way can his sister get better treatment.

Qin Feng stood outside the ward, looking at his sister's sleeping cheek through the glass, his eyes as deep as stars.

It was already 4 o'clock in the morning.

The whole corridor was quiet, but not peaceful.

"Woo woo woo……"

Qin Feng could hear someone sobbing in the ward


Someone grabbed his throat and wailed.���The humble and weak insect is about to die.

No matter how good the hospital is, the sound in the middle of the night is not death, but worse than death.

Qin Feng silently clenched his fists.

He must cure his sister!

He must free her from the torment of the disease!

Teacher Zhang sat on the chair and looked at Qin Feng's back quietly.

In a trance, he seemed to see his former self.

Unwilling, determined, and unyielding……

"There are no identical flowers in the world. It's just my wishful thinking."He suddenly laughed at himself. It was around 7 o'clock in the morning.

Qin Feng got three breakfasts in the cafeteria.

One was for Teacher Zhang.

The remaining two were for his sister and himself.

Qin Xue was in good spirits after waking up.

When she saw the door of the ward open, she showed a sunny and lovely smile.

"" You must be hungry." Qin Feng said with a smile.

Qin Xue chuckled:"I'm hungry!"

The brother and sister had breakfast.

It was very quiet and no one spoke.

Finally, Qin Xue broke the deadlock and whispered:"Brother, can we go home now?"

"You and I are together, anywhere is home." Qin Feng said calmly.

Although Qin Xue is young, she is actually very sensible.

She hugged Qin Feng's neck and murmured:"Be careful when you are outside"

"Xiaoxue, I will become famous, and you will hear people talking about me all the time."

"I won’t let you worry, just receive treatment here!"

"I... am leaving!"

Qin Feng stroked Xiaoxue's hair, his eyes slightly red.

After saying that, he cruelly left the ward.

Qin Xue looked at her brother's back as he left, without crying or feeling helpless.���Curled up on the bed.

She was very thin, very frail, even very weak.

But her eyes were as firm as Qin Feng's, and she murmured,"Brother, Xiaoxue is waiting for you."

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