"Yes, I awakened a fusion ability, which has a chance to fuse other people's abilities."

Qin Feng said without hesitation.

Qu Ning'er nodded when she heard this. If she had the ability to fuse with the earth, it would indeed be easier to find out some information.

"Well, I can allow you to act with me, but you must be able to obey orders, can you do it?"

Qu Ning'er hesitated for a while, and finally agreed to Qin Feng's request.

"Of course! Don't worry!"

Qin Feng patted his chest and assured that he could do such a simple thing.

【Haha, I can only say that this girl is too young and too simple! 】

The system has long seen through Qin Feng's true face, so he doesn't think Qin Feng will be so honest and obedient.

"You are the only one who can speak, you are the only one who opened your mouth! It’s amazing that you can speak a few words of bird language!"

Qin Feng couldn't bear the system today, and retorted without hesitation

【Host, I advise you to apologize to me, otherwise, you will be in big trouble! 】

After the system said this, an emoticon of looking for someone with his hands on his hips appeared in front of Qin Feng's eyes.

""Even if I, Qin Feng, starve to death, die outside, or jump off here today, I will not apologize to you!"

Qin Feng said firmly.

After all, he is a man of seven feet tall and has his own dignity, okay?

This dog system asked him to apologize, and he apologized.

Wouldn't he be very embarrassed? The audience saw it and still thought he was not good enough!

【The system is disengaging……】

"I'm sorry, System Overlord, I was wrong!"

Qin Feng panicked when he saw that the system was about to leave him, and said without hesitation

【Haha, not crazy anymore?】

The system sneered and said.

But he also stopped running away.

"I was young, ignorant and a little frivolous just now!"

"But it's different now, I've grown up!"

Qin Feng smiled shyly, and then spoke.

The system ignored Qin Feng.

He knew that it was so shameless that no matter how much he said, it would be useless.

"In that case, let's go!"

Qu Ning'er said to Qin Feng. As they walked along, Qu Ning'er also explained to Qin Feng why she came here.

It turned out that people were always missing within a radius of fifty miles with this holiday villa as the center.

Although disappearance is a very normal thing in this era.

But it has been getting worse recently, and the intelligence team has discovered that there are cult members nearby.

So this matter was targeted by Qu Ning'er.

Originally, this matter was not her responsibility, but among the people who disappeared over the years, one of them was her best friend.

So she came to investigate in person, wanting to see if there was any problem here.

Qin Feng was speechless when he heard this.

It turned out that this guy said that she was targeted by her, but in essence she was acting on her own.

Qin Feng suddenly felt like he was on a pirate ship.

"So what...is it too late for me to quit now?"

"What do you think?"

Qu Ning'er glanced at Qin Feng.

I asked you to leave just now, but you didn't.

Now that you know my secret, you want to leave?

It's too late!

I have welded the door shut, you can't get out!


Qin Feng spread his hands helplessly. In fact, he didn't really want to leave, he just said it.

After all, he wanted to make friends with Qu Ning'er, not for any other reason.

"Then I will explore the way ahead, and you follow behind."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he went underground and walked forward.

The further Qin Feng walked, the more he felt something was wrong.

Because he smelled a faint smell of blood from the land.

Walking further, he found that there were many skeletons buried under the ground.

There were ordinary beasts, there were also monsters, and Qin Feng even found human skeletons.

"It seems that this holiday villa is not simple!"

Qin Feng showed a serious expression. Without much hesitation, he immediately turned back and found Qu Ning'er.

He told Qu Ning'er all his findings.

Qu Ning'er frowned and said faintly:

"It seems that He Guang must have something to do with those evil cults, otherwise, how could this happen in this holiday villa."

She had investigated He Guang's background. It can be said that He Guang is a hero.

He fought for mankind in the grave pit for so many years, and even his own brother died at the hands of the grave pit race.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never have believed it.

"What should I do now?"

Qin Feng asked

"We must find more detailed evidence, otherwise, we won't be able to bring down He Guang with just these."

Qu Ning'er said in a deep voice.

After all, if this is true, it will be big news for the entire Youzhou.

""Okay, let's go!"

The two continued to move forward. Along the way, the forest was completely silent.

It didn't look like a normal forest at all.

Even in Qin Feng's previous life, there would be insects and birds singing in the forest. It couldn't be so quiet.

No one had investigated it before, and once suspicion arose, there were doubts everywhere.

The two were more and more frightened as they walked, because this place was usually not open to the public.

The reason given by the holiday villa was that it was still under development, but there was a strong smell of blood inside.

It was as if they had just experienced a massacre.

Qin Feng and Qu Ning'er looked at each other. Although they didn't speak, they sped up at the same time.

Deep in the holiday villa, He An led a group of people to surround a pool.

If anyone saw it, they would find that each of them had a special symbol of the Blood Cult tattooed on their bodies.

And in the pool they were surrounding, there was a pool of blood.

In the center of the blood pool, there was a seedling floating in it.

He An looked at the seedling in the blood pool, and madness appeared in his eyes.

"After so many years of hard work, we are finally about to succeed!"

After saying this, He An showed a cruel smile.

"Congratulations, sir! Congratulations, sir!"

The others immediately knelt on one knee and said to He An loudly

"Gu Zai! Send a message to He Guang later and ask him to block the signal from this place for me!"

"There are more than 2,000 people in this holiday villa, just kill them all!"

"Sacrifice all their flesh and blood to the bloodthirsty vines!"

"In that case, the bloodthirsty vines will grow from infancy to maturity! Hahaha!"

He An laughed crazily, as if he had seen a bright future.

""Yes! Sir!"

A man in a black robe next to He An nodded immediately, then took out his mobile phone and sent a message.

At this time, Qin Feng and Qu Ning'er also came here quietly.

They were hiding in the dark, watching all this.

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