"Sure enough, there is a cult!"

Qin Feng's eyes narrowed when he saw the group of black-robed people.

If what he had just said was just speculation, then now, all his speculations have come true.

""Look, what is that!"

Qin Feng quickly noticed the blood pool, and then saw the seedling in the blood pool.

He didn't know what it was, so he hurriedly looked at Qu Ning'er.

After seeing the blood pool and the seedling, Qu Ning'er's face suddenly changed.

"This is a bloodthirsty vine!"

Qu Ning'er was born in the Zhan Mansion after all, so she was well-informed and immediately recognized what it was.

"Bloodthirsty vines! ?"

"What is that?"

Qin Feng thought in his mind. He was sure that he had never heard of this thing.

"It is something that comes from a grave and is very evil!"

Qu Ning'er said solemnly.

"They were created by the Eldar. At first they were just a small seed."

"The appearance looks very ordinary, no different from ordinary seeds"

"But the nutrients they need to germinate are not sunlight and water."

"It's flesh and blood!"

Qin Feng's face changed slightly when he heard this.

He didn't expect that there would be such a weird thing that could sprout from flesh and blood.

"Whether it is human flesh and blood or the flesh and blood of monsters, it can make them sprout."

"If they want to grow, they must constantly devour flesh and blood to provide the nutrients and energy they need."

"Among them, what they like most is the flesh and blood of us humans!"

""I am sure that the bloodthirsty vines in the pool have definitely devoured human flesh and blood! And a lot of it!"

Qu Ning'er said in a heavy voice.

After hearing this, Qin Feng also revealed a hint of murderous intent.

He now remembered that the white bones he saw underground should have been devoured by the bloodthirsty vines.

"It seems that this thing cannot be kept, otherwise, I don’t know how many people will be killed by it!"

Qin Feng said coldly.

It is obvious that these cult members captured so many ordinary people just to feed this bloodthirsty vine.

"He must be eliminated! He is still a child and poses no threat."

"Once he grows to maturity, even if a warrior king comes, he will be able to fight!"

Qu Ning'er said hurriedly.

Although she had never really seen this bloodthirsty vine, she had heard her predecessors mention it.

She even went through the archives and looked up this matter specifically.

A mature bloodthirsty vine once appeared in Lunan Province. After it devoured tens of thousands of people, at least one-tenth of them were warriors, and there were also warrior kings.

After devouring all of them, it finally evolved into a complete form. In the end, it was the Lord of Lunan Wufu who personally took action to kill the bloodthirsty vine!

That battle can be said to be one of the battles with the greatest losses for Dragon Country on Blue Star.

"Is it so powerful?"

Qin Feng couldn't help but take a closer look at the bloodthirsty vine when he heard this.

He didn't expect that this tiny seedling would become so powerful in the end. It was really terrifying.

"So what should we do now?"

After Qu Ning'er's explanation, Qin Feng now fully understands the horror of the bloodthirsty vines.

So the first thing he has to do is to get rid of it.

But the bloody vines are surrounded by these cult members.

Qin Feng feels that it is almost impossible for the two of them to deal with these cult members.

"Don't worry, they can't stay here forever. Let's wait until they leave before we act!"

Qu Ning'er said slowly.

Qin Feng nodded when he heard her say that.

He had wanted to notify Lu Chao and the others, but when he took out his cell phone, he found that there was no signal.

So he couldn't make a call, and couldn't notify Lu Chao.

"So, don't you have a way to notify your teammates when there is no signal in the Zhanfu Guard?"

Qin Feng looked at Qu Ning'er and asked.

You know, before he crossed over, he had a regular mobile phone equipped with a satellite phone function.

As the squadron leader of the Zhanfu Guard, how could Qu Ning'er not have one?

This made Qin Feng a little puzzled.

"Normally when we go on a mission, we are equipped with one, but……"

Qu Ning'er didn't finish her words, but Qin Feng already understood what she meant.

She came out without permission this time, so she didn't have any equipment.

Qin Feng couldn't help but curl his lips, but didn't say much.

At this time, He An spoke again:

"The wind is blowing, let’s get started!"

""Today, this holiday villa will be destroyed!"

He An's voice came out, and the other black-robed people bowed and saluted, and then retreated.

Qin Feng and Qu Ning'er also heard this, and their faces suddenly showed shock.

"This guy... wants to attack the people in the holiday villa!"

Qin Feng felt that this guy must be crazy. He actually dared to do this. Isn't he afraid of attracting the strong men from the Zhan Mansion or even the Divine Palace?

"I know him, he is the owner of this holiday villa - He Guang!"

Qu Ning'er's face showed a solemn expression. He remembered that He Guang was also a strong man in the high-level War Marquis Realm.

He didn't know if he had broken through to the War King Realm in all these years.

If he didn't break through, it would be fine. If he did, it would be a big trouble.

"He is He Guang? You can never know a person's heart by his appearance!"

Lu Chao had told him privately before that the owner of this holiday villa was a hero.

But what Lu Chao didn't know was that some people were heroes only on the surface.

But in private, they were executioners stained with the blood of their compatriots.

Qin Feng didn't know what Lu Chao's reaction would be after he knew about this.

"You are good at Tu Rong, so go back and inform the others and ask them to deal with those cult members together!"

"Then, when we get to a place with a signal, notify the outside world and ask them to send rescue immediately!"

At this time, Qu Ning'er said to Qin Feng

"What about you?"

Qin Feng frowned and looked at Qu Ning'er.

"Of course I have to stay. I have to get rid of this bloodthirsty vine before I can leave."

Qin Feng heard this and immediately looked at Qu Ning'er with a look of idiot.

"What's that look in your eyes?"

Qu Ning'er was a little scared by Qin Feng's stare. She snorted angrily and said

"Let's not talk about whether you are a match for He Guang."

"If you stay here and attack these bloodthirsty vines, wouldn't that be exposing yourself?"

"Then these evil cults will know that we have discovered them, and then do you know how much new trouble this will cause?"

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