Qin Feng was so angry that he laughed.

This guy really didn't know anything and just wanted to be a hero.

But he didn't know that this seemingly great behavior would actually cause a lot of trouble.


Qu Ning'er was ready to die heroically, but after hearing what Qin Feng said, she didn't know what to say.

"So what do you think we should do?"

Qu Ning'er looked at Qin Feng. Although she didn't want to admit it, she had to admit that what Qin Feng just said made sense.

"You just heard that what they want is to sacrifice the people in the resort."

"In order to make the blood-thirsty vine grow to maturity"

"So our top priority now is to stop the cult members from slaughtering ordinary humans!"

Qin Feng said without hesitation.

"You're right!"

Qu Ning'er nodded. Normally, she could make a calm judgment.

But just now, she was frightened by the bloodthirsty vines and was a little confused for a moment.

Because she knew the horror of the bloodthirsty vines, she was thinking about how to solve it.

"Let's go quickly!"

After Qu Ning'er finished saying this, she began to run wildly towards the holiday villa.

What they didn't know was that everything they did and every word they said fell into the eyes of another person. Only then did Qin Feng know what Qu Ning'er's talent was.

S-level superhuman awakening: enhancement!

This is a very common, but very practical talent.

And this enhancement can be enhanced in all aspects of Qu Ning'er.

Speed, strength, endurance and other aspects.

It's like adding a buff in all directions.

So she ran very fast in the mountains and forests, and Qin Feng burrowed all the way, ignoring all kinds of obstacles.

So the two of them returned to the hot spring hotel before the cult members arrived.

It was already midnight, and even in the hot spring hotel, there were not many people wandering around outside.

Qin Feng took Qu Ning'er directly and knocked on everyone's door.

When everyone saw that there was an extra girl beside Qin Feng in the middle of the night, they all showed strange looks.

Qin Feng didn't know what they were thinking, and hurriedly said:

"Go to my room, something happened!"

Everyone felt a little confused. What could go wrong during a vacation?

However, out of trust in Qin Feng, they all followed Qin Feng in.

"I won't hide it from you guys. I just found traces of a cult deep in the mountains of this resort."

"Their goal is to sacrifice the entire resort villa with blood."

Qin Feng's words were like a bolt from the blue, shocking everyone.

"Are you kidding me, Qin Feng?……"

Xiao Ding was stunned for a while, then he slowly spoke

"I won't joke with you about this kind of thing."

Qin Feng glanced at Xiao Ding. He knew that Xiao Ding couldn't accept it for a while.

"This is Captain Qu of the Zhanfu Guard. I found it with her."

When everyone heard Qin Feng's words, they immediately turned their eyes to Qu Ning'er.

You know, they have heard the reputation of Zhanfu since they were young.

And Qu Ning'er also nodded, confirming what Qin Feng said.

Xiao Ding and others were in a trance. Although they are gradually going down to the tomb pit.

But in the tomb pit, if it is not a time for war to break out, as long as they are careful, they can still guarantee safety.

But now, when they heard Qin Feng's words, they always felt that they were dead.

"So what should we do now?"

Lu Chao looked at Qin Feng and asked.

He knew that Qin Feng always had a lot of tricks, and Qin Feng was relatively stable.

He should have thought of a solution.

When everyone heard Lu Chao's words, they all looked at Qin Feng, just like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw.

"I saw it when I just came in. There is no signal on my phone."

"It seems that it has been blocked, so we are now isolated and helpless."

Qin Feng said in a deep voice.

As soon as he arrived at the resort, he turned on his mobile phone to check.

But there was no signal, which proved that the signal here was blocked by the cult.

Now there is no way to notify the outside world, so there is no way to get rescue, they can only rely on themselves.

"Then can we escape?"

Huang Xin'ao asked weakly.

"We can escape, but there are so many ordinary people here, can we escape?"

Lu Chao glanced at Huang Xin'ao and said

"But we are no match for them.……"

"If we go like this, what's the difference between that and committing suicide?"

Huang Xin'ao said with a gloomy face.

When Lu Chao heard this, he was silent and didn't say anything.

"Anyone who wants to leave can leave."

"Because you don't have to stay."

At this time, Qu Ning'er suddenly spoke up.

Huang Xin'ao was right. If they went now, they would most likely die.

Forcing them to go would be moral kidnapping.

"I'm going to leave, who wants to go with me?"

At this time, Huang Xin'ao spoke.

But the others did not move when they heard his words.

"Since you don't leave, then I'll leave!"

"Don't regret it later!"

After Huang Xin'ao said this, he left without looking back.

Liang Peipei wanted to hold Huang Xin'ao back, but was stopped by Lu Chao.

"Forget it, let him be, everyone has his own aspirations."

Liang Peipei was silent for a while after hearing this, and finally did not speak again.

"It won't be long before the cult members come over, so let's discuss what to do."

Qin Feng said hurriedly.

Even if he and Qu Ning'er were faster than the cult members, they were still limited.

"At this point, we can only gather all the warriors together to fight against these evil cult members."

Lu Chao immediately proposed that ordinary people have no power to fight back against these evil cult members.

So going there would only lead to death, but warriors are different.

At least they have the power to fight back, so Lu Chao proposed this.

"Well, that's all there is to it now.……"

"In that case, you guys go to each floor and inform the others."

"Captain Qu, Brother Lu and I will go down and take a look first."

Qin Feng said slowly.

In addition to the hot spring hotel where Qin Feng and others were staying, there were two ordinary hotels nearby.

Qin Feng thought that he and Lu Chao would go to one, and then let Qu Ning'er go to the other alone.


Just as the three of them arrived at the hall, Qin Feng heard a scream.

""Not good!"

The three of them ran out in a hurry and saw Huang Xin'ao being stepped on by the cult members.

He was still twitching, and it was obvious that the scream just now came from his mouth.

""Xiao Huang!"

Lu Chao shouted when he saw this scene and wanted to rush over.

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