On the other side, deep inside the resort,

He An panted and looked at the man in front of him.

At this time, he had been tied up and tied to a huge rock.

""He Guang! What on earth are you going to do!?"

He An's voice was a little hoarse, but it was obvious that he was very angry.

He never thought that his plan was obviously successful, but He Guang actually stabbed him in the back.

"He An, I can't just watch you make such mistakes!"

""I really didn't expect that you would actually think of cultivating blood-sucking vines! You are really crazy!"

He Guang looked at He An coldly. He originally thought that everything He An did was forced.

But all the facts show that He An is completely corrupt, and now he is still crazy enough to cultivate dangerous things like blood-sucking vines.

"Hahaha, He Guang, stop pretending to be an upright gentleman here!"

"Don't tell me that I killed someone before, and you didn't know? Aren't you the one who cleaned up the mess for me?"

After hearing what He Guang said, He An burst into laughter, revealing a crazy look.

Sure enough, after hearing this, He Guang couldn't help but twitched his face a few times.

He did it, and he had always pretended not to know about it.

But now He An has ruthlessly exposed his fig leaf.

He Guang finally sighed, and then looked at He An.

"Yes, I did."

"And I regret it now. If I hadn't indulged you at the beginning, would you not have come to this point?"

"So I’m here to stop you now. Don’t make any more mistakes. If you continue to make such mistakes, you will never be able to turn back!"

"We once fought for those ordinary humans, but now, you raise your butcher knife against them!"

"Are you still you?"

He Guang's face was full of disappointment. He had thought about it before.

If He An really died in the grave, how good it would be.

At least the result would not be worse than it is now.

He would not watch He An walk into the abyss.

"Hahahaha! What the hell are you talking about!"

"I was fighting for them in the grave, but they were enjoying their lives!"

"I am being tortured by those primitive people, and they are still living a life of drunkenness and dreams!"

"Why!? Why!?"

"Why do I have to bear all the sufferings, while they have to enjoy all the pleasures? I don’t accept it, do you understand? I don’t accept it!"

"I will kill them all! Kill them all!"

He An's face was full of madness!

The days when he was captured by the Yuan Gu people were like a nightmare to him.

Even now, every time he dreamed of that time, he would feel pain all over his body and cramp.

So every time he saw those ordinary people so happy, his heart was extremely unbalanced.

"I am sorry for you. I promised my parents that I would take good care of you, but I didn't do it."

"You wait here, and once I have dealt with those bloodthirsty vines, I will take you to plead guilty."

"No matter what happens, don't worry, I will stay with you, even if it means death."

He Guang made up his mind and wanted to turn around and leave.

"He Guang!"

At this moment, He An roared

"Do you think you have me figured out?"

""Hmm? What do you mean?"

He Guang turned his head and looked at He An with a puzzled look.

"What do I mean? Do you think I won't be on guard against you?"

He An showed a mocking smile on his face.

"Calculating the time, it should be about time."

As soon as He An finished speaking, He Guang suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

This pain was like a meat grinder installed in his stomach, constantly destroying his internal organs.

"You...you poisoned me?"

He Guang was incredulous. He never thought that He An would secretly poison him.

"Of course I know that if I really want to kill all these people, you will definitely not agree"

"So I had been on guard against you for a long time, but I didn't expect it to come in handy."

He An smiled and said:

"I think you must have heard of his name, his name is Blood God!"

"After being poisoned by this, if you do not take the poison in time within an hour, you will die from the festering of your internal organs!"

"If you let me go now and beg me, I will give you the antidote."

He An said confidently.

He had experienced the power of the Blood God Son and naturally knew that kind of pain was not something a normal person could endure.

""Ha, hahaha! Hahaha!"

He Guang suddenly burst into laughter after hearing what He An said.

"What are you laughing at! ?"

He An heard He Guang's laughter and suddenly became angry. He looked at He Guang angrily.

When He Guang heard this, he immediately stopped smiling and looked at He An.

"Maybe this is my fate. I don't blame you."

"I can die, but your plan must fail."

After saying this, He Guang turned and left.

"He Guang! You are crazy! You can't destroy the bloodthirsty vines like this!"

"Come back to me! Didn't you promise your parents to take good care of me? Why don't you keep your word?"

He An roared hurriedly, but He Guang ignored him. He An was right. He was seriously injured and could not deal with the bloodthirsty vines.

But it didn't matter. He had found an interesting person before.

Maybe that person could give him some surprises.

On the other hand, before the hot spring hotel, people from Guangming Martial Arts School joined.

Qin Feng and his people's burden was instantly reduced a lot

"Damn it!"

Gu Zai was very angry when he saw this scene.

But he was not strong enough to deal with Qu Ning'er and He Tian from Guangming Martial Arts Hall at the same time.

Qin Feng kept killing people and touching corpses. At this time, they had gradually gained the upper hand.

But at this moment, a ray of light emerged and rushed towards Qin Feng.

""Be careful!"

Qu Ning'er was the first to notice the light and shouted loudly.

Qin Feng tried to resist, but he had no power to resist and was taken away by the light.

""Qin Feng!"

Qu Ning'er shouted and tried to chase him, but he was too fast.

He Tian, who was standing by, saw the light and his eyes flashed.

"Don't worry, he should be fine."

He Tian looked at Qu Ning'er and said.

Such a powerful light ability seems to be only possessed by the owner of the hall.


When Qu Ning'er heard this, she looked at He Tian with a puzzled look.

"Let's solve the crisis first, and I'll tell you later!"

After He Tian finished speaking, he rushed towards Gu Zai again.

Qu Ning'er hesitated for a while and also rushed over.

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