On the other side, Qin Feng was taken away. He wanted to struggle, but found that he was motionless and couldn't move at all.

After a while, he came to a forest and was thrown down.

"It's you!"

At this time, Qin Feng saw the appearance of the person who caught him. This person was none other than He Guang

"Do you know me?"

After hearing this, He Guang smiled slightly and said

"How could you not know me?"

"The owner of the holiday villa, the leader of the Blood Cult - He Guang!"

Qin Feng smiled slightly, and then spoke without hesitation.

When he saw that he was captured by He Guang, he gave up resisting.

He knew that he would never be He Guang's opponent, and it was almost impossible to escape from him.

So he simply gave up struggling, which was why he exposed He Guang's identity without hesitation.

He didn't plan to go back alive.

"You are only half right.

He Guang was not angry, but just smiled.

""Hmm? What do you mean?"

Qin Feng looked at He Guang in confusion.

He could feel that He Guang didn't seem to be in a hurry to kill him at this moment.

Then he naturally wouldn't seek death, but chatted with He Guang.

He wanted to see what He Guang had to say.

According to his previous experience of watching TV dramas and animations, these villains all have their own reasons.

And those reasons seem righteous, but in fact they are bullshit.

Qin Feng just wanted to see it.

"I am the boss of the holiday villa, but I am not the leader of the Blood Cult!"

He Guang said without hesitation.

He had never joined the Blood Cult from the beginning to the end, so how could he be the leader of the Blood Cult.

Qin Feng was stunned for a while when he heard this, and then he said:

"What? Did you get promoted?"

Hearing this, He Guang was almost speechless.

He really wanted to open Qin Feng's head to see how this guy's brain circuit was.

"Tell me, is there a possibility that I have never joined the Blood Cult?"

He Guang was silent for a while, then slowly said


Qin Feng sneered, but didn't say anything.

He just had a look on his face that said,"Do you think I believe it?"

This made He Guang want to beat him up. This guy really deserved it!

"The person you just saw was not me at all, but my brother - He An."

However, He Guang still resisted the urge to beat Qin Feng up, and then he explained.


"Didn't your brother die in the grave?"

Qin Feng refuted without hesitation after hearing this.

Because he remembered that he had heard Qu Ning'er say that

He An had died in the grave a long time ago, which was a well-known fact.

And it was because of this incident that He Guang retired from the front line and opened this holiday villa.

However, Qin Feng suddenly felt that something was wrong...

Could it be that this matter was a conspiracy from beginning to end, and his brother was not dead at all?

���The two of them had colluded and staged this drama.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng's face suddenly became even uglier.

He could already feel that He Guang's strength was at the War King level.

If He An was added, there would probably be two War Kings.

Then I'm afraid that everyone in this holiday villa would die here today.

"Yes, I once thought he was in a grave."

"But one day, he suddenly appeared and became the leader of the Blood Cult."

"From then on, his temperament changed drastically and he became violent and cruel."

A trace of pain appeared on He Guang's face.

If he had been more decisive at the beginning, perhaps what happened now would not have happened.

Qin Feng did not speak after hearing this.

Because he did not believe what He Guang said at all.

He felt that this was all He Guang's conspiracy. Maybe He Guang was deliberately fooling him.

Maybe he wanted to get something out of him, or maybe he liked him...

After all, he was a genius after all, and worthy of being won over...

Even a cult needed geniuses, after all, the scope of their activities was still on Blue Star.

【tui! Host, you are really shameless, bragging about yourself like a Wang Po selling melons! 】

The system said that it couldn't bear to listen to Qin Feng's voice!

"System tyrant! It's great that you showed up. Is there any way you can save me?"

【Sorry, no! 】

The system rejected Qin Feng without hesitation, which made Qin Feng feel like crying but without tears.

"Other people's systems have all kinds of life-saving measures, why are there none on yours?"

"Did you deliberately want to change the host and not give me the means to save my life!"

Qin Feng has never hesitated to guess the worst of the system, because this damn system has always wanted to change the host of a long-legged girl.

【No, please do not doubt this system.】

【I still have some moral integrity!】

【At present, this system is still at the lowest level and has limited capabilities.】

【After the system is upgraded, there will be new functions~]

At this time, the system suddenly revealed a message.

Qin Feng couldn't help but widen his eyes after hearing the news.

"You...what did you say!? The system can be upgraded?"

Qin Feng asked in disbelief.

Why can the system be upgraded, but he, as the host, has no idea about it?

【Yes~ Of course you can! Host, wait and see! 】

Qin Feng heard this and his face suddenly turned bitter.

It was hard to say whether he would have a future or not. After all, his current situation was very dangerous.

【Host, don't cry, stand up and masturbate! 】

Qin Feng couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard this.

Then he didn't continue to pay attention to the system. Since the system couldn't be relied on, he could only rely on himself.

"In fact, I saw you all outside the blood pool just now."

At this time, He Guang spoke again.

Qin Feng was shocked when he heard this, and then looked at He Guang in confusion.

"In fact, I have been looking for what he is going to do, but what I never expected was"

"He was so crazy that he wanted to feed the bloodthirsty vines."

"Are you really not the leader of the Blood Cult? Is it really your brother?"

Qin Feng hesitated a little. He listened to He Guang's words and it didn't seem like he was lying.

"Do I need to lie to you?"

"What do you have that is worth my deceiving?"

He Guang heard Qin Feng's words and immediately said unhappily

"Besides, can’t the person from Guangming Martial Arts School who suddenly appeared reveal my identity?"

"If I were the leader of the Blood Cult, do you think I would send them to help you kill those evil cult members?"

"What good will this do me?"

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