Faced with He Guang's barrage of questions, even Qin Feng had to think it made sense.

Because he really didn't need to do that.

"Since you already know that there are blood-sucking vines in the blood pool, why don't you go and destroy them?"

Qin Feng asked the last question in his mind.

If this question was also solved by He Guang, then he would naturally believe what He Guang said.

Hearing this, He Guang immediately showed a bitter smile.

"That's why I came to you."


Qin Feng looked at him with some confusion when he heard this.

What kind of problem do you need to find him for?

You should know that you are only a general, while the other party is a king.

Is it really appropriate for you to find me, a general, to solve a problem that you, a king, can't solve?

Although Qin Feng didn't say this, his expression had already shown it clearly.

"I was poisoned by He An, Blood God Son."

He Guang saw Qin Feng's look, how could he not know what he was thinking.

So he was silent for a while, and slowly spoke.

The moment Qin Feng heard the Blood God Son, he was stunned for a moment.

He naturally knew what the Blood God Son represented, that was a highly poisonous existence that could not be cured by medicine.

After He Guang finished saying this, his whole aura began to wilted.

It seemed that his appearance just now was all pretended


Qin Feng hesitated for a while. He didn't know what to say at this time.

His expression was complicated.

If He Guang was really poisoned by the Blood God, then everything He Guang said was true.

How painful it would be to be betrayed by your own brother.

"It doesn't matter. I'm telling you that I want to deal with the bloodthirsty vines now, but I'm not strong enough."

He Guang waved his hand to stop Qin Feng from continuing.

"What should I do now? Is the signal blocked here?"

"Is there any way to restore the signal and request support?"

Qin Feng asked. If he could request support, solving the problem here would only take a few minutes.

Whether it is the War Palace or the Martial Palace, they can send out strong warriors at the War King level.

"In order to gain their trust, the signal base station was destroyed by them."

He Guang smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He was too arrogant. He originally thought that everything was under his control.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Qin Feng also sighed when he heard this.

He didn't expect things to turn out like this. It seems that it is difficult to deal with it now.

"Where is He An now?"

Qin Feng asked hurriedly.

At this time, he was a little worried about Qu Ning'er and the others. You know, He An is a strong man in the War King Realm.

It is not something that Qu Ning'er and the others can deal with.

"Don't worry, He An is under my control now, and he won't be able to break free for a while."

"The most urgent task now is to get rid of the bloodthirsty vines."

He Guang saw Qin Feng's worry and said

"But how do we get rid of the bloodthirsty vines?"

Qin Feng frowned.

Although the bloodthirsty vines were only in their infancy and their destructive power had not yet reached the level of War King, his vitality was very strong. Without reaching the level of War King, it was impossible to get rid of the bloodthirsty vines.

"That's why I'm looking for you."

"I have a skill called Eternal Light, which can transfer my strength to you."

"But he can only last for an hour. I need you to get rid of the bloodthirsty vines in this hour!"

He Guang obviously had an idea, so he spoke without hesitation.

Qin Feng did not agree immediately after hearing this, because he felt that there must be some price to pay for doing so.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such a good thing.

If everyone could do this, wouldn't it be a mess?

"Don't worry, this will not harm you at all, and you will even gain the power of the Light System."

"As for what I said, it doesn't matter what price I pay, because I'm going to die soon."

Qin Feng was silent when he heard this, because he knew that He Guang was poisoned by the Blood God.

If he couldn't find the antidote, then there was only one way to go.

"Don't hesitate, we don't have much time."

Seeing Qin Feng still hesitating, He Guang immediately urged


Qin Feng finally nodded.

No matter what, he should put the overall situation first.

Now it is not only about the life and death of a few of them, but also about the people of the entire holiday villa.

From the brief exchange, he can see that He Guang is an upright and kind person.

If because of him, the people in the entire holiday villa were killed, or even more people died.

Even if He Guang is still alive, he will be full of guilt.

In this case, this is the only way.

When He Guang saw Qin Feng agreed, he also showed a satisfied smile on his face.

""Light... Eternal!"

He Guang shouted, and then a dazzling white light burst out from his body.

Finally, this white light turned into the size of a bowl and poured into Qin Feng's body.

Qin Feng immediately felt his whole body warm.

【Extractables detected, do you want to extract? 】

At this moment, the system's voice sounded in Qin Feng's mind.


Qin Feng didn't expect there would be such a good thing, and said without hesitation

【Extraction successful!】

【Obtained: SSS-level elemental system, control of light element! 】

Qin Feng was shocked when he heard the system's words.

Isn't this He Guang's ability? How did he extract it?

He looked back hurriedly and found that although He Guang's breath was a little weak, he was still alive.

This made Qin Feng feel relieved.

He was afraid that He Guang had died, and he accidentally extracted He Guang's ability.

This made him feel guilty, because although he had the ability to extract talents.

But he never attacked his companions.

"System, what's going on?"

Qin Feng asked silently in his heart.

Although he didn't know what was going on, he believed that the system would know.

【Very simple, because he used the ability of sacrifice, and sacrificed all the light elements in his body to the host. The rich light elements themselves will give the host the ability of light.】

【It's just that because of the existence of the system, this process is purified without causing any waste, so the host has gained complete control of the light element! 】

The system's explanation made Qin Feng suddenly realize and nod.

At this time, Qin Feng looked at He Guang again. At this moment, he completely believed what He Guang said.

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