If what He Guang said was not true, then there was no need for him to do this.

At this time, He Guang was already dying, and there was not much difference between him and death.

He had already been poisoned by the Blood God, and now he had sacrificed all his supernatural powers to him. I am afraid that He Guang has no chance of survival.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't help but shouted with some sadness:

"Senior He……"

"I'm fine. I'm not going to live long anyway. If I can do something with my little strength, then that's my best destination."

Seeing Qin Feng hesitated to speak, He Guang waved his hand without hesitation, indicating that he was fine.

"Go quickly, the eternal light only lasts for one hour"

"He will disappear in an hour, so you must destroy the bloodthirsty vines within this hour!"

He Guang hurriedly urged. If Qin Feng wastes more time here, he will have less time to deal with the bloodthirsty vines later.


Qin Feng nodded immediately, and then left without hesitation.

He Guang has paid a huge price for this, and he must try his best to live up to He Guang.

Qin Feng chose earth escape without hesitation, and then went to the direction of the blood pool.

Although he now has the strength of the War King Realm and can fly in the air, he is not very skilled after all and has never flown.

So he still chose the earth escape that he is most proficient in.

He Guang saw Qin Feng leaving, and immediately looked up at the sky.

He has done what he should do, and whether he can succeed depends on God's will.

He lay on a big tree, and suddenly remembered his childhood.

At that time, He An was taciturn and didn't like to communicate with others, which caused his parents to prefer him a little more.

But only he knew that his silent brother had always had a heart that longed for love.

Maybe if he had cared about him a little more, things would not have turned out like this.

"He An……"


Qin Feng was very fast and soon arrived at the blood pool.

After arriving at the blood pool, Qin Feng soon saw the seedling of the blood-sucking vine, and then he jumped up without hesitation and pounced on the seedling.


But at this moment, a sharp knife energy rushed towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng summoned a fine steel thunder shovel without hesitation to resist the knife energy.

He landed in a hurry and took a closer look.

The person in front of him looked exactly like He Guang, except that he was wearing the black robe of the Blood Cult.

Then the aura emanating from his whole body was that kind of dark and cold aura, which was completely opposite to He Guang.

At this time, Qin Feng knew that the person he and Qu Ling'er had seen before was the person in front of him, and it was He Guang.

So the identity of the person in front of him was also obvious, that is, the leader of the Blood Cult, He Guang's younger brother - He An

"You are He An?"

Qin Feng looked at He An coldly, and then said without hesitation

"As you can see, I am He An."

After hearing Qin Feng's words, He An grinned and said

"It seems that my dead brother has transferred all his strength to you. It seems that he is very optimistic about you!"

He An looked at Qin Feng and spoke slowly.

As He Guang's twin brother, he naturally knew He Guang's ability.

And the light energy that was about to overflow from Qin Feng's body obviously verified his guess.

"You are not worthy of mentioning him at all!"

Qin Feng said coldly.

No matter what, although He Guang had made mistakes, he was still very upright and kind in his heart.

But He An was different. If he hadn't fallen, how could such a mess happen?

"I do not deserve?"

"Hahaha! Are you worthy of that?"

He An laughed up to the sky, then suddenly stopped smiling and revealed a gloomy expression.

"Who do you think you are? I am his brother from the same mother!"

"Don't think that you can show off in front of me just because you got a little bit of his power!"

After He An finished speaking, he rushed towards Qin Feng.

He slashed with his sword, and suddenly a huge blade light swept over.

He destroyed everything along the way, leaving huge gullies on the ground.

""A mere trifle!"

Qin Feng sneered. At this moment, he felt that his whole body was full of strength.


He held the fine steel thunder shovel in his right hand and chopped it lightly, splitting the huge light in half, and then dissipated in the air.

But at this time, He An actually hid behind the blade and killed him directly.


Qin Feng hurriedly raised the fine steel thunder shovel. After the tip of the knife hit the fine steel thunder shovel, it made a crisp sound.

Qin Feng hurriedly stepped back a few steps before he regained his balance.

"If you only have this much strength, it's impossible to defeat me!"

He An looked at Qin Feng with disdain, and then spoke without hesitation.

In his opinion, Qin Feng was just an upstart who got a power and didn't know how to use it.

Qin Feng looked at He An with a gloomy face.

He also found that he was indeed much worse than He An in the use of power.

At this time, he felt that the light element in his body was constantly beating.

As if he was unwilling to accept this.

"This is……"

Qin Feng felt the golden light flashing on his right hand.

"The thought left by Senior He Guang?"

Qin Feng felt the information coming from the golden light, and he knew it immediately.

It turned out that He Guang had already considered this situation and left a thought in his body to teach him how to control this power.

"In that case, come on!"

Qin Feng put away the fine steel thunder shovel without hesitation, and then looked at He An with fighting spirit.


He An didn't know why Qin Feng was suddenly full of fighting spirit.

This puzzled him.

But he didn't care much. In his opinion, Qin Feng was not his opponent at all.

And Qin Feng didn't care about He An's thoughts. He just stepped on his toes.

In an instant, he came in front of He An, and then punched He An in the face.

What are the characteristics of light?

Bright! Hot!

But he has another characteristic, that is fast!

The speed of light is the fastest speed!

Qin Feng's punch directly broke He An's nose, causing his nose to bleed.

"This is impossible!"

He An couldn't believe what was happening. He was just a weakling just now, how could he suddenly become so powerful? It was incredible.

"Why not?"

Qin Feng sneered, and then punched He An in the stomach again.

At this moment, Qin Feng's fist shone with golden light, and a beam of energy sprayed out.

In an instant, He An flew away like a cannonball and hit the side heavily.

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