"No matter what, you can't escape death today!"

Quan Ying looked at Qin Feng coldly.

As long as he killed Qin Feng, he would have done a great deed. Maybe he could break through to the War Emperor Realm only if he did this.

"In fact, I think we can sit down and have a good discussion. In peacetime, there is no need for fighting!"

"And it's not good to hurt the flowers and plants!"

Qin Feng smiled, then looked at Quan Ying and said

"Oh? Are you giving in?"

"But I still like your rebellious look just now!"

Quan Ying looked at Qin Feng and smiled coldly.

It is impossible to let Qin Feng go. They have spent so much effort today.

The purpose is to kill Qin Feng, how could they let him go.

Qin Feng couldn't help but reveal a helpless smile when he heard this.

If sacrifice can still be used, I will be as rebellious as you want me to be!


If you want to delay time here and wait for rescue, forget it.���He spoke in a calm voice.

Before he came, he had already sent another team.

He had them start making trouble far away from here, which must have attracted all the attention of the Zhan Mansion.

This is why Quan Ying was so calm.

He deliberately sent those people to die. You know, he also spent a lot of money. There is also a Zhan Hou Realm among them.

"Oh? Really?"

At this moment, Qin Feng suddenly heard a rough voice.

But his voice was full of teasing.

""Who is it? Come out!"

Unlike Qin Feng, who was confused, Quan Ying's face suddenly changed when he heard the voice, and then he began to roar.

But after he said this, he punched Qin Feng without hesitation.

He knew that no matter who came at this time, the purpose must be to save Qin Feng.

His shout just now was just to divert attention. In fact, he wanted to kill Qin Feng.

"You dare to fight in front of me, you really don't know your own limitations."

Just when Qin Feng thought that his life was over, a burly figure blocked his way.

He just punched out lightly, and Quan Ying flew backwards. He fell heavily on the ground beside him, and then stirred up a cloud of dust.

"Are you okay?"

The burly man turned around, looked at Qin Feng, and said

"I'm fine, thank you for your help!"

Qin Feng bowed hurriedly. If it weren't for the burly man in front of him, he would have died under that punch.

"It doesn't matter! I should save you!"

"Besides, you are still my junior student!"

The burly man smiled heartily, waved his hand and said.

Qin Feng was immediately moved when he heard this, and then said:

"Could it be that the senior is the Governor of Jiangnan - Li Yiren, Governor Li?"

Li Yiren was stunned when he heard Qin Feng's words, and then he said:

"I didn't expect you to know my name! It seems that I am doing well!"

Li Yiren smiled. He didn't expect Qin Feng to guess his identity so quickly.

Qin Feng was a little excited when he heard this.

He heard it when he just entered the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion.

There was a genius in the teaching class, that is, the current Jiangnan Governor-General Boxing King Li Yiren.

This person is even known as the invincible war king realm, and he even subdued a monster in the tomb pit that was also in the war king realm.

With such a person, he must be safe.

This made Qin Feng feel relieved.

"The senior's name is well-known, of course I know it!"

"Not only do I know, even our classmates know it!"

Qin Feng flattered him a little.

As the saying goes, flattery can never be worn out.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Li Yiren's smile became even brighter.

"Haha, Qin Feng, I am a few years older than you and I am also your senior."

"Don't call me senior anymore, just call me big brother!"

Li Yiren said proudly.

Qin Feng nodded immediately after hearing this. He was not a polite person, so he shouted without hesitation:

"Brother Li!"

"OK, OK! Brother, let's talk later. I'll take care of this guy for you first!"

"You dare to attack my brother, you really don't know how to live or die!"

After Li Yiren finished speaking, he once again set his eyes on Quan Ying.

At this time, Quan Ying had just climbed out of the pit. He looked at Li Yiren with an embarrassed face.

"Li Yiren! Why are you here?"

Quan Ying was shocked and angry. He knew Li Yiren.

The two had fought several times before, but he was no match for Li Yiren.

Moreover, he had clearly arranged someone to attract Li Yiren's attention, so how could Li Yiren still appear here? This puzzled him.

"Humph! Quan Ying, do you think your little tricks can deceive me?"

"What a joke! The riot at Jiangnan Military Hospital was arranged by you! Don't think I don't know, you are trying to divert my attention!"

Li Yiren snorted coldly and said without hesitation.

If he hadn't obtained the intelligence, he might have been deceived by Quan Ying.

When Qin Feng, who was standing next to him, heard this, his heart suddenly"skipped".

You know, Qin Xue is in Jiangnan Military Hospital. If there is a riot there, will it affect Qin Xue?

But now is not the time to ask this, so Qin Feng forced himself to suppress his doubts.

"Impossible! How did you know?"

Quan Ying's face showed a ferocious look. His plan was only one step away from success.

How could it go wrong here?

He looked fiercely at Qin Feng who was standing behind Li Yiren.

If eyes could kill at this time, I'm afraid Qin Feng would have been killed thousands of times.

"Then don't worry about it! You will know it naturally after you die!"

Li Yiren sneered and said without hesitation.

Qin Feng couldn't help but give a thumbs up when he heard this, and called Brother Li domineering!

As expected of the invincible War King Realm, he was so disdainful of Quan Ying, who was also in the high-level War King Realm.

"Humph! Li Yiren! I admit that you are very strong!"

"But if you want to kill me, it's not that easy! I want to leave, you can't stop me!"

Quan Ying said without hesitation.

You know, he is a member of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and disguise and escape are what he is best at.

Although the person in front of him is Li Yiren, who is known as the invincible war king, in Quan Ying's opinion, if he wants to escape, Li Yiren alone can't stop him.

""Oh? Really? Then you try it!"

Li Yiren heard this and immediately crossed his arms and spoke calmly.

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