"Just try it!"

Quan Ying sneered, and then his body suddenly moved.

Then, his body turned into black mist and dispersed in all directions.

Qin Feng saw this scene and suddenly became a little anxious.

Because at this time, Li Yiren was still watching this scene with his arms crossed and a smile on his face.

Qin Feng felt that if he didn't stop Quan Ying, Quan Ying might really run away.

"Don't worry, he can't escape."

As if he noticed Qin Feng's anxiety, Li Yiren turned his head and comforted Qin Feng.

After hearing this, Qin Feng nodded, and then didn't say much.

After all, even if Quan Ying really ran away, he would have no way.

And Li Yiren's confident look also gave him some confidence.

At this moment, suddenly two purple lights descended from the sky.

The light shone on the black mist, and the black mist stopped moving.

After a while, the black mist turned into Quan Ying again.

However, at this time, he was pale and sweating profusely.

Qin Feng felt that the two purple lights were familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen them for a while.

"Why don't you keep running?"

At this time, Li Yiren stepped forward, looked at Quan Ying coldly, and then said

"Now you know! Try it and you will die!"

"I didn’t expect that there was a powerful warrior in the Demon War Realm hidden here!"

"It's not unfair for me to die in your hands, but don't worry, we in the Heavenly Demon Sect will never let you go!"

After Quan Ying finished speaking, a mad look suddenly appeared on his face.

Then a trace of black blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he lost his life.

The other three members of the Heavenly Demon Sect who were at the War Marquis level, seeing this scene, did not hesitate to shatter their heart meridians.

"Brother Li, they are……"

Qin Feng came to the side and asked

"He committed suicide!"

Li Yiren said nonchalantly, obviously he was used to seeing this kind of scene.


Qin Feng nodded and said nothing more.

However, his hand quietly touched Quan Ying's body.

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: 3000 HP】

【Obtained: S-level superhuman awakening ability: ever-changing!】


Qin Feng didn't expect that he would get such an unexpected surprise just by touching a corpse. It was really great.

Qin Feng immediately understood this ever-changing technique. It turned out to be something similar to the art of disguise. It's just more magical than the art of disguise, and there is no scientific basis.

If you want to say it, it's a bit similar to the 72 transformations of Monkey King in Journey to the West.

But it has much greater limitations than his. But no matter what, this ever-changing technique is of great use to Qin Feng at the moment.

In the future, when he goes to the tomb pit, he will no longer be afraid of being exposed.

"Brother Li, is everything okay at Jiangnan Military Hospital?

Qin Feng asked hurriedly.

He had been worried about this matter, but he didn't ask because the timing was not right.

Now that the battle was over, he couldn't wait to ask.

"It's okay!"

Li Yiren heard Qin Feng's words, waved his hand without hesitation, and then continued:

"Everything is under our control. We have controlled those people before they can even take any action."

"That's good!"

Qin Feng was relieved when he heard this.

"By the way, Brother Li, do we have another senior here?"

Qin Feng looked at Quan Ying and asked.

He just heard that there was another powerful warrior in the Battle Demon Realm here.

""Haha, you know this person too."

Quan Ying laughed and said.

Qin Feng's eyes lit up when he heard this.

He just looked at the two purple lights and felt that they were very familiar. Now Quan Ying said this again, he immediately had a guess in his mind.

"Qin Feng, you did a great job."

As if to confirm his guess, a voice appeared faintly behind Qin Feng.

Qin Feng hurriedly turned around and saw that it was Minister Ziyang!

"Minister Ziyang, why are you here?"

Qin Feng looked at Minister Ziyang and asked curiously.

He didn't expect that Minister Ziyang would come to Jiangnan Province.

"You are such a worrying guy, you made such a big fuss in Youzhou."

Minister Ziyang did not answer Qin Feng's words, but instead said something reproachful.

Qin Feng couldn't help but touch his nose when he heard this.

He didn't want to do that, he just wanted to have a good vacation, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen, which caught him off guard.

When Li Yiren heard what the two said, his eyes widened and he looked around. Seeing that

Li Yiren looked confused, Qin Feng told him all the causes and consequences of the matter.

"This He Guang is also a pitiful man!"

After listening to this, Li Yiren sighed.

Qin Feng also nodded.

"But I have to say that you are really lucky. If someone else had encountered this, they would have died long ago."

Li Yiren sighed and then said:

"Brother Qin, you should keep a low profile these days and don't run around everywhere."

"I understand!"

Qin Feng nodded helplessly.

He already knew that these evil cult members had already targeted him.

Just like today, it was clearly an ambush and killing aimed at him.

"Well, you should pay attention."

"If we hadn't gotten the news in advance, you would have died.

Minister Ziyang looked at Qin Feng and said

"Could it be that you two have been nearby all this time?"

Qin Feng asked with some confusion.

"Of course, otherwise how could I show up in time to save you?"

Li Yiren said as a matter of course.

Only Qin Feng, hearing this, silently covered his heart.

My power!

My C-level superhuman power!

If I had known you were right next to me, I would not have sacrificed a ghost!

At this time, Qin Feng was very glad that he did not sacrifice the control of the light element.

If he really sacrificed it, he would probably cry bitterly now.

"What happened to you? Are you injured internally?"

Li Yiren saw Qin Feng suddenly reveal his painful mask and asked with concern.

Because he knew that his junior was not simple. At such a young age, he had done so many earth-shaking things.

In time, when he grows up, he will definitely be more powerful.

This is the hope of mankind!

"I'm fine, I'm fine, don't worry."

Qin Feng wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said

"I am going back to Wu Mansion? Are you going back with me? Or?"

Minister Ziyang looked at Qin Feng and asked slowly.

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